

Anyone have any familiar stories dealing with a balanced mind, devotion, 
kindness, or non-possesiveness?


| Manan Atit                    The Johns Hopkins    NBA WORLD CHAMPIONS  | 
| manan@hops.cs.jhu.edu             University         HOUSTON ROCKETS    |
| manan@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu        Department of          CHAMP CITY       |
| manan@jhu.edu               Biomedical Engineering      1993-94         |
| karna@welchlink					  1994-95	  |	
|Sandalwood perfumes even the axe that hurls it down! The more we rub the |
|sandalwood against a stone, the more its fragrance spreads. Burn it, and |
|it wafts its glory through the entire neighborhood. Such is the          |
|enchanting beauty of forgiveness in life.                                |
|								          |
|				-----Swami Chinmayananda		  |

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