FW: Response to Halaal Meat by Mani
To: srh@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu (srh)
Subject: FW: Response to Halaal Meat by Mani
From: sabberwa@NCSMSG02TR.ntc.nokia.com (Sabberwal Suraj)
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1996 17:43:08 +0300
Organization: Nokia Telecommunications
ReSent-Date: Tue, 2 Jul 1996 15:06:49 -0400 (EDT)
ReSent-From: SRH Editor <srh@rbhatnagar.ececs.uc.edu>
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Suraj Sabberwal wrote::
If a Hindu or Sikh kills the animal and offers it to a Muslim as meat, it
is not considered to be "HALAAAL" but "HARAAAM".
4. To me the above came as a "revelation." It smacks of RACISTovertones.
Mani wrote::
I am intrigued as to why you find this so surprising.
This is no different from the traditional food taboos
observed by Hindus.
For example, traditional brahmins will only eat food
that has been prepared by other brahmins, preferably
of their own subcaste. I am sure other castes have
similar rules. This persists to this day. In Madras,
you can still find papads which have a stamp on the
label declaring, ``Prepared by brahmins.''
Note that this says, ``Prepared *by* brahmins'', meaning
that food prepared by non-brahmins is not acceptable.
Perhaps we should worry about cleaning out the Hindu
closet before we cry foul at Muslims? Hindus have as
many discriminatory tendencies as any other group.
My response::
The number of Hindus in the country following these traditional food taboos
IS MINISCULE. It is the exception NOT THE NORM. In the case of the
Mohammadans, IT IS THE NORM, not the exception!!
On top of that, a majority of the Hindus of today, shall CONDEMN THIS FOOD
TABOO, if it exists.
SHOW ME ONE MOHAMMADAN in the world who would condemn the concept of Halaal
meat ??
The CRUX of my reasoning is that why should Hindus as a community ACCEPT the
Concept of Halaal Meat. The least they should do is NOT TO OFFER Halaal meat
to Muslims !!
Offering Halaaal meat to the Mohammadan is like acknowleding that meat
prepared by YOURSELF and Hindus is impure whilst meat prepared by any
Mohammadan is pure!! I object to their term of labelling meat prepared by
Hindus as *haraaam* or impure.
Suraj Parkash Sabberwal