Re: Beliefs are needed
N. Tiwari (ntiwari@rs3.esm.vt.edu) wrote:
: Mike Junior (mikedsjr@flash.net) wrote:
: : What would be the beliefs of a Hindu? The basics would suffice.
: Ahimsa
: Truthfullness
: Flexibility
: Karma
: Reincarnation
: God is neither male, nor female, neither good, nor bad.
: Justice (Dharma)
: Taking from nature, only what you actually need
: Respect for nature, and harmony in the universe
: Belief that even animals and plant need compassion
: --
: Nachiketa Tiwari
Dear Freind:
Nachiketaji has listed some of the important ones, and I would like to
add another to it.
karma and prakR^iti.
With best regards,