Re: Multiple Brahman?
Santhosh Kumar (santhosh@iss.nus.sg) wrote:
: Then, how do we explain, Balarama and Sri Krishna, both are
: avatars of Vishnu and lived at the same time.
: Parasuraman and Sri Raman, are also avatars, but lived at the
: same time. I wonder, these are only a few examples that we
: know of from the purana, but could be many more that we are
: not aware. Often, avatars are not known unless they reveal
: themselves. As the God is almighty, I would think that He
: could manifest as avatars in many places, in many bodies at
: the same time.
: Does it mean that there is no Moksha in the absolute sense? Is
: the moksha only for a kalpa? Does it mean that the cycle by itself
: repeats again and again in a pre-ordained manner?
Dear Santhoshji:
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I wrote what I have heard about
the presence of avatAras. Here is what I understand about avatAras.
Sri Krishna says in the SBG that the fools ignore the humanly body (of
the avatara), but also says that the avatAra is the parama-bhAva. Therefore,
the body is not the avatAra. The rAmAyana describes how, if I may say so,
the protfolio of avatarahood was passed onto Sri Ramachandra by Sri
ParashurAma. I do not know if a similar relationship existed between Sri
BalarAma and Sri Krishna. The avatAra is mysterious. It has been said that
sAdhakas ask God to come down as avatAras, if you ask such sAdhakas, you
might get a more useful answer.
There is moksha but not till a person becomes liberated, that is, becomes
brahma-bhuta or as has been said 'sa yogI mayi vartate'. At the end of a
kalpa, not all jivas are liberated, and they are reborn in a new kalpa.
With best regards,