
Announcement : book mysticism

Announcement book 'Mysticism, the mystical student'
- author: Ruud Muschter -

The author, himself a student on the mystical path, takes you
with him on his quest for the characteristics of being an appren-
tice. He pictures the numberless situations that the mystical
student runs into: the strugglings, the counterpressure of the
outside world, the inspiration, or the difficulty to establish
what is 'true'. Of course he also treats a number of subsections
of the mystical work, including consciousness, ideals, karma and
reincarnation, and he expounds the function of the esoteric
schools. His approach is, that every mystic always remains a
pupil, a neophyte, for in the field of the psychical and mystical
development no final destination can be determined, no perfect
completion, no point of stagnancy as it were. Everything is in
motion; not in the least the mystical student. Because the author
advocates a universal approach of the mystical sphere of activity
this book can be of interest to you, no matter if you are or are
not associated with a philosophical or religious grouping, and
regardless of your political preferences, your inclination, skin
colour, or race.


The shareware-book 'Mysticism, the mystical student' (original:
'Mystiek, de leerling op het pad'), has been presented by the
author to a great many Bulletin Board Systems in the Netherlands,
Belgium, the United States of America, and Canada. Beneath you
find a few of their names. Further distribution in Europe fol-
lows. Should you not succeed in downloading the book, please ask
the sysop of the BBS concerned to assist you, and to localize the
file for you.

Filename English-language edition: mys'eng.zip
Filename Dutch-language edition: mys'ned.zip


The Netherlands:
(for the Dutch-language or English-language edition)
Amersfoort: Elion/Astro, tel. (031)-033-4560839

(Dutch-language edition)
Diepenbeek: Limburg Centraal, tel. (0032)-11-331161

United States of America:
(English-language edition)
Delaware: Mentor, tel. (001)-302-475-3213
Florida: Quarter Mile, tel. (001)-407-992-9781
Iowa: Buffalo Creek's, tel. (001)-515-225-8496
Kentucky: The Shareware Node, tel. (001)-502-542-6117
Louisiana: Genesis One, tel. (001)-318-982-7668
Maryland: Running Board, tel. (001)-301-229-5342
Nevada: Public Access, tel. (001)-702-383-9939
Ohio: Rolling Stone, tel. (001)-513-761-2084
Rhode Island: Edge, tel. (001)-401-421-2218
Southern California: Mysteria, tel. (001)-818-353-8891
Texas: Diplomat, tel. (001)-214-416-2162
Washington State: Wood Creek, tel. (001)-206-536-8480

(English-language edition)
Ontario: The Desert, tel. (001)-519-623-2017

The size of the compressed files is 204 Kb for the English-
language version, and 229 Kb for the Dutch-language version.
Uncompressed respectively 550 Kb and 598 Kb.

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