Re: Re : ARTICLE : About Hinduism and Buddhism
I have read with great interest the articles of Pradip Gangopadhyay
<pradip@lism.usc.edu> regarding the differences between Buddhism and
Hinduism. Because Buddhist and psuedo-Buddhist (new-age?) literature
is more common in the U.S. than Hindu, I think it is useful to
understand the differences.
Perhaps I am wrong in this, so I would be happy to hear from those who
have studied these religions, but one apparent difference between Hinduism
and Buddhism -- actually the reason that I became attracted to Hinduism --
is the relative emphasis on suffering and joy. Buddhism seems to me to
emphasize suffering and the avoidance of it, while Hinduism seems to have
a greater celebration of the joy in life as well. Hinduism teaches, as I
understand it that life should be fully enjoyed and then willingly
renounced, while Buddhism seems to me to encourage a greater degree of
Am I understanding this correctly? To me this is an essential difference
that affects day to day life. I want joy and I want to work through
suffering in life -- I don't want to avoid it all.
Thanks for you attention to this question.