Re: ARTICLE : Just say no to "Hinduism" (was Re: ARTICLE : On attempting to define Hinduism)
To: ghen@netcom.com
Subject: Re: ARTICLE : Just say no to "Hinduism" (was Re: ARTICLE : On attempting to define Hinduism)
From: Pradip Gangopadhyay <pradip@lism.usc.edu>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1996 11:02:25 -0700 (PDT)
Dhruba Chakravarti (dchakrav@netserv.unmc.edu) wrote:
>Dear Sri Jaldhar H. Vyas:
>Thank you for your comments, they are very interesting reading. I must
>however say that I was not particularly happy to read your observations
>on Swamiji's scholarship. I was wondering how else would you
>translate 'ekam sadviprA vahudhA vadanti agniM yamaM mAtarishvAnmAhuH.
>RigVeda 1.164.46).
>Perhaps a case may be made for the view that purva-mimAMsA suggests
>shruti and smR^iti to be binding, but I am not so certain about
>As far as I know, Religion is not about eating preferences, in fact, as
>you surely must know, the word 'religion' means re-connect, re-connect
>with God, that is yoga. I am optimistic that you do not want to say that
>yoga squarely consists of eating fish or eating vegetables. Eating habits
>have their place in the life of the sAdhaka, but as I understand, do not
>define religion. For evidence, I will say for now that, Swami Vivekanada
>(who you seem to disagree with) characterized this attitude as 'my God is
>in my kitchen' (or something like that). Many Gurus ask their disciples
>to not eat non-vegetarian because a particular yogic method is not
>compatible with non-vegetarian eating practices. Your observation that
>eating preferences define different Hindu religions, is curious, but I am
>not convinced that you are correct.
>The teachings of Hinduism, whichever way you look at it, are expressly
>against intellectual interpretations of Scriptures. The whole thing about
>parA-vidyA is thus said to be yogic, that is, revealed knowledge. In
>fact, we should be happy that intellectuals do not dominate our religion.
Dear Dhrubababu
That is an excellent piece of writing.