Re: Article : About Hinduism and Buddhism
Giri (gmadras@pinto.engr.ucdavis.edu) wrote:
>If the Dalai lama says that the "I" (Atman) and the phenomenal
>world disappears in th experience of shunyata, this indeed is a *Denying*
>the ultimate reality of Brahman. Maybe he is speaking from his own
>experience, and in which case, you can only doubt his experience and say
>it is in contradiction to say, Shankara. Does not mean it is wrong either.
I am sure that he is equating I=ego=Atman. Also he defines a
trancendental reality called "Dharmakaya" . Dharmakaya is the ultimate and
essential nature of the Buddha, which is one with transcendental reality,
the essence of the universe. Radhakrishnan equates Dharmakaya with Brahman.
The Tibetan system also has "Sambhogkaya" which is a body of subtle form
in which a Buddha resides in a Buddha-paradise. This is equated to Ishwar
by Radhakrishnan. There is also nirmankaya which is the earthly manifestation
of a Buddha to free beings from Samsara. Finally, I have read a book by a Lama
from Sikkim who states explicitly that the only difference between the
Tibetan system and the Advaita System is the concept of Atman. Unfortunately,
I do not recall the name of the book.
I will give you two more pieces of evidence. Dalai Lama writes
explicitly that they do not accept the concept of a creator God. No such
explicit statement is made denying the concept of a Transcendent Reality.
Infact as I have stated he defines Dharmakaya as the Transcendent Reality.
I, personally, saw Dalai Lama give an interview in the PBS program of
William Buckley. The person introducing him (probably Michael Kinseley)
mentioned that Buddhists do not believe in God. Dalai Lama smiled and said
"That is not exactly true."
>Kartik asked whether Buddhists quote from upanisads. In fact, I have seen
>references to the mandukya upanishad and the karika by them. I can look
>them up for you, in case you are interested.
Thanks. Yes, I will like it if you post this in the net.