ARTICLE : Shiva and Reuters
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In a recent article depecting the difficulties and deaths of pilgrims
visiting the cave to view an ice lingam, a Reuters' reporter
described the object as being Siva's sexual organ.
That is as if you had reported the sacremental wine in a Catholic Mass
were the menstrual blood of Mary.
The false notion that a lingam is always only a penis, is based on faulty
research, and poor understanding of religious terms. In scriptural
parlance, the lingam due worship is an oval object, and symbolizes the
mysterious nature of hiranayagarbha, not a penis.
Thanks for your attention
I am the true vine, and my Father is the husband-man. Every
branch in me that bears no fruit is taken away, and every
branch that bears fruit, He purges, that it may bring forth
more. _Jesus of Nazareth