
Re: ADMINISTRIVIA : Matrimonials

In article <ghenDwqLwL.BLG@netcom.com>,
Dhruba Chakravarti <dchakrav@netserv.unmc.edu> wrote:
>Perhaps you would consider explaining why one could consider casteism
>as paramount.

Seems like you've tried to make it a reduction to an absurd argument.
I haven't seen anyone suggest that casteism should be supported, but I
imagine that the matrimonials might look something like:

"Parents seek a match for their tall, fair, Punjabi Hindu daughter,
 22, from professional Punjabi Brahmin boys (25-30) settled in the
 US. Send photo with biodata"

If we take the above example, we see the following:

a) implicit measures of beauty 
   - tall being a desirable characteristic
   - fair skin being notable
b) regional preference - only Punjabis are invited to correspond
c) "caste" preference - only Brahmins are invited to respond
d) gender preference - only males are invited to respond
e) ageism - there is both an upper and lower limit on applicants
f) educational/economic segregation - note "professional" and "settled"
g) physical beauty - note request for photo

I made up this matrimonial in less than a minute, but it's no
different qualitatively from the hundreds of matrimonials found in
various Indian newspapers in the US.

Are any of a-g objectionable to the readers of this group, and if
matrimonials are to be allowed on this group, which of those selection
criteria are to be banned, if any?


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