
Re: ARTICLE : Just say no to "Hinduism" (was Re: ARTICLE : On

Vijay Sadananda Pai (vijaypai@mridangam.rice.edu) wrote:

: What, may I ask, does this segment of the Bhagavad Gita have to do
: with "An Attempt to Define Hinduism" or the "Just Say No to Hinduism"
: series, or for that matter, HKS's points about colonialism and
: stuff like that (which you snipped)?

Dear Vijayji:

Thank you for asking.  I tried to answer the first part of your questions
in my response to Hariji's post.  I did not really have anything to
say about his points about colonialism, perhaps you might want to
enlighten us about your views on this.

With best regards,


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