
Re: INFO : Artificial Justification for Info Group

vivek@cs.rice.edu (Vivek Sadananda Pai) writes:

>I've never suggested that such a policy be implemented. In fact, my
>views lean toward the opposite end. Right now, we _don't_ have a clear
>policy on what gets banned for being "sexually explicit," and we have
>a loophole where the same information which gets banned can appear on
>web sites and be advertised on the group that way.

	That's a good point. I think you mean a situation like this
(correct me if I am wrong).

1. X posts some material considered offensive which is rejected by
the moderator.

2. X then takes the material and puts it up on a webpage (especially
with so many organizations offering it free of cost).

3. Advertises this site on SRH. Will this be approved by the moderator ?

	Maybe the moderator can clarify what he does in such a situation.
This is a kinda of dilemma. What if the site contains lots of useful
material but just one page of rejected material ? 



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