Re: INFO : Artificial Justification for Info Group
On Wed, 31 Jul 1996 04:45:18 GMT, gmadras@pinto.engr.ucdavis.edu
(Giri) wrote in soc.religion.hindu:
>kstuart@mail.telis.org (Ken Stuart) writes:
>>It seems clear from this post and the ones entitled:
>>and the ones that were approved by the moderator with the titles:
>>INFO : Vajrasuchi upanishhad
> This was my post.
>>INFO : Bow to the Sun! (suuryaashhTaka)
>>that the moderator does not understand the purpose of an "Info" newsgroup, or
>>in this case an "INFO:" posting.
> And I am glad that you informed the moderator and the group about
>the definition of the INFO poster.
> It is my turn to confess that I was ignorant of the above, just
>like I was ignorant of the fact that Hanuman is NOT a hindu God. Godspeed,
>I will call my family who don't have access to the group and inform of this
>since they call themselves Hindus and worship Hanuman.
Try keeping your personalities straight.
I was not involved in any way in the Vaishnavism is not Hinduism
argument, so the sarcastic remark is inappropriate here.
> To point out this was not the moderator fault entirely, since
>I titled my article as INFO : vajrasuchi upanishad and the word INFO was not
>added on by the moderator. The moderator rejecting the article because
>of the word and me reposting it would have consumed both of our time
>un-neccessarily but seeing how Ken has pointed out this, we all should have
>wasted 10 min or so, for the benefit of the group.
You don't have to reject an article simply because the keyword is
incorrect, the moderator can simply replace the keyword with the
correct one, which should take less than one minute, total.
>>The Vajrasuchi Upanishad study group wll be meeting every Saturday at 3 a.m.
>>in Room 108 at Silly University. Everyone is welcome to join us. "
>>Joe Blow's new translation of the Vajrasuchi Upanishad is now available from
>>McWeirdo Press. "
> Are words like Silly University, Joe Blow, McWeirdo really necessary ?
>What can't you say Vedic University, Joe Smith/ John Doe etc.. ? Oh well..
For two reasons:
1) Humor - which is a central characteristic of spirituality (which is
why my humor is not so good.)
2) To avoid anyone thinking that I am referring to actual events or
people in my example (considering that far greater misunderstandings
of posts occur daily).
>>PS On July 1st, the moderator wrote:
>>>Each post, if it is the "first" in the thread, contain labels such as :
>>>INFO : Subject Title for posts seeking information
>>which fits neither Internet conventions nor any of the subsequent INFO: posts!
> Considering that the moderator wrote on July 1st, why wasn't this
>error pointed out earlier before the moderator approved any postings in
>this category? Or should you complain only after the moderator
>has committed an oversight ?
Because, people post lots of things that they don't follow up on.
Since the July 1st post was exactly that (the moderator clearly ended
up using a different scheme), there was no reason to comment about it
The reason for commenting on it now was to simply to show how
ill-conceived the keyword scheme has been so far (just for those who
are always commenting that there is nothing wrong with the way that
SRH has been moderated).
> Moderator : Is there a separate category you can open for nitpicking
>you only ? You can call it NITPICK
> That article can contain this :
>Subject : NITPICK : Moderator does not read WWW fully.
>'In an article approved by the moderator, the poster mentions a site. Though
>the site has over 1 Megabyte of information, there is a link to some material
>which can be construed as sexual. Is this how a family group of SRH managed ?'
> A similar article was posted regarding the tantric site, as SRH
>readers would recall.
That was not my post, I had nothing to do with that issue at all, by
putting this at the end of your response, you are connecting me with
that issue in the minds of some readers.
Ken <*>
"The Dow that can crash is not the eternal Dow." - Lao Stuart