
ARTICLE : Life on Other Planets

Namaskar!  Please consider the following two items:

Item 1
Posted on soc.religion.hindu on February 12, 1996:
: Subject: Re: Life on other planets?
: From: jai@mantra.com (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
: Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
: Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 15:25:09 -1000
: Message-ID: <1z9IxQ9zBoPH089yn@mantra.com>
: In the article <4fj65q$kjo@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
: of 10 Feb 1996 22:28:10 UTC,
: Abdul Rahman Bihari <arbihari@quadcap.com> wrote:
:> . . . I however agree that extra-terrestrial life is
:> very likely (more likely yes than no), especially
:> considering the recent discovery of planets ourside
:> the solar system . . .
: Yes, indeed.  Scientists should keep in mind that
: carbonaceous chondrites (about two percent of all
: meteorites that fall to Earth) contain organic
: matter.  In fact, about 0.1 percent of all the matter
: which our planet has received during its history from
: space has been organic.  This is a very large amount
: when one considers that all the organic matter now on
: Earth is only 0.0000001 percent of Earth's total
: mass.
: Jai Maharaj <jai@eskimo.com> Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer
: %:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:% *-=Om Shanti=-* %:%:%

Item 2
Press Release from NASA on August 6, 1996:

Most Recent Update:
Tuesday, August 6, 5 p.m. EDT Headlines:


   "NASA has made a startling discovery that points to
the possibility that a primitive form of microscopic
life may have existed on Mars more than three billion
years ago. The research is based on a sophisticated
examination of an ancient Martian meteorite that landed
on Earth some 13,000 years ago.

   "The evidence is exciting, even compelling, but not
conclusive. It is a discovery that demands further
scientific investigation. NASA is ready to assist the
process of rigorous scientific investigation and lively
scientific debate that will follow this discovery.

   "I want everyone to understand that we are not talking
about 'little green men.' These are extremely small,
single-cell structures that somewhat resemble bacteria
on Earth. There is no evidence or suggestion that any
higher life form ever existed on Mars.

   "The NASA scientists and researchers who made this
discovery will be available at a news conference
tomorrow to discuss their findings. They will outline
the step-by-step 'detective story' that explains how the
meteorite arrived here from Mars, and how they set about
looking for evidence of long-ago life in this ancient
rock. They will also release some fascinating images
documenting their research.


   "A team of NASA and Stanford scientists will discuss
its findings showing strong circumstantial evidence of
possible early Martian life, including microfossil
remains found in a Martian meteorite, at a news
conference scheduled for 1:00 p.m. EDT, August 7, at
NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC. The team's findings
will be published in the August 16 issue of Science
magazine. Panelists will be:

   - Dr. Wesley Huntress, Jr., NASA Assoc. Administrator
for Space Science, Washington, DC

   - Dr. David McKay, principal author, NASA Johnson
Space Center (JSC), Houston, TX

   - Dr. Everett Gibson, NASA JSC, Houston, TX 

   - Dr. Richard N. Zare, Professor of Chemistry,
Stanford University, CA

   - Kathy Thomas-Keprta, Lockheed-Martin, JSC, Houston,

   - Dr. William Schopf, Professor, Department of Earth
and Space Sciences, Univ. of California, Los Angeles

   "The briefing will be carried live on NASA TV. NASA
Television is broadcast on Spacenet 2, transponder 5,
channel 9, C-Band, located at 69 degrees West longitude,
with horizontal polarization. Frequency will be on
3880.0 megahertz, with audio on 6.8 megahertz."

End of NASA Press Release

Jai Maharaj <jai@eskimo.com>   Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer
%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:% *-=Om Shanti=-* %:%:%

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