Atmashatkam (Re: REQUEST : Shankara's Aatmashtakam)
Giri wrote:
> vallabha_gautam <gautam@nskernel.tandem.com> writes:
> >Hi Netters. I was trying to find information about the Aatmashtakam,
> >and would appreciate it if any of you can help me.
> >My query is as follows: All the copies of the Aatmashtakam (also
> >called, I believe, the Nirvanashtakam) I can find have six stanzas.
> there are only six stanzas because it is not an ashhTakam
> but a shhaTakam.h
> ^^^^^^^^^^^
> Thus it is nirvanashhaTakam and not nirvanashhTakam. Please
> correct me if I am wrong.
The spelling shhaTakam is wrong. shhaT.h is six, and since there are six
verses, the hymn is called a shhaT(.h)kam. There is no vowel "a" between
T and ka. Introducing the "a" vowel sound is what leads to the confusion
in the first place between a "shhaTkam" and an "ashhTakam".
S. Vidyasankar