Re: REQUEST: Is Tom Petty a Hindu?
Vivek Sadananda Pai wrote:
> >WHo is Tom Petty!!!
> He is a Hindu rock-and-roll singer, but apparently, he has not
> undergone the namakarana ceremony as prescribed by Hinduism Today, but
> I don't think it's because he can't afford the $900.
> Either that, or he has chosen to use his former name rather than his
> Hindu name, and as a result, he is receiving no spiritual benefits,
> according to Hinduism Today.
Yup, since he hasn't got in league with those nasty shaivites, all he now has
to do is hawk the BG as it is, Easy journey to other planets and such
masterpieces in airports, roads, departmental stores, Kinko's copier etc in
Chicago or Timbuktoo or in any suitable place and also get on to the internet
and post excerpts from books from the BBT. The last is a must for salvation.
That will save him from becoming an impersonalist and guarantee heaven and
what not, but not (gasp, a four letter word) sayujya.
Utinam logica falsa tuam philosophiam totam suffodiant (May faulty logic
undermine your entire philosophy) -- strong Vulcan curse