
ARTICLE : Shruti? (was Re: ARTICLE : Just say no...)

Shrisha Rao wrote:

> Whether or not your classifying Islam, Christianity, and ISKCON under
> a common banner has any value (which it does not, in my opinion), the
> fact remains that the primary characteristic of a "dvaita religion"
> has to be acceptance of unauthored texts -- Shruti -- as the primary
> basis for one's philosophy, and all others as secondary.  (This is if
> the appellation `dvaita' has to have any meaning at all.)  This is
> violated outright in two of the so-called "dvaita religions," and less
> obviously so by ISKCON as well

According to the muslims, the Koran is "uncreated". So does it qualify 
as shruti? Is Islam a "dvaita religion"?


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