REQUEST : purchase of the Rig Veda
Hello all,
I've recently ordered an unabridged translation of the Rig Veda; the
person there said it was two volumes and and a-thousand pages. <bounce>
<bounce>. Its from the Vivekanda Vedanta Society in Chicago (translated
by Ralph Griffith). Because I've ordered from them before, the Swami said
they'll just send it out with an invoice. (Actually, the Swami remembered
my name from just the orders I've placed!)
They, however, usually undercharge their books - I pay a fair price
anyway, not what they ask. This is what gets me - with shipping, the cost
of the Veda should be under fourty dollars - this clearly isn't enough
My question to you is what is a fair price for a copy of the Rig Veda -
presume the translation is perfect?