Re: ARTICLE : Purusha Suktham
To: ghen@netcom.com
Subject: Re: ARTICLE : Purusha Suktham
From: Mani Varadarajan <mani@be.com>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 17:38:04 -0700
In-Reply-To: <ghenDy9Fu4.84F@netcom.com>
Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
Organization: Be Inc.
References: <ghenDy7F10.9FK@netcom.com>
>The Purusha Sukta has nothing to do with Vedanta. The sincere student of
>Vedanta ought to avoid such pseudo-explanations like the plague.
Where may I ask do you get such information?
Vaidikas have always revered the Purusha Sukta
as a fundamental part of Vedanta teaching. This
is irrelevant of the sect to which one belongs.
The Purusha Sukta is one of the first sections
of the Veda taught to students in Vedantic monasteries,
and portions of it recur throughout the Upanishads.
One example:
vedAham etam purusham mahAntam
adityavarNam tamasa: parastAt
I know that Great Purusha of brilliant
lustre who is beyond all darkness.
tam evam vidvAn amRta iha bhavati
nAnya: panthA vidyate 'yanAya
Knowing Him alone does one cross over death now itself.
There is no other way other than this.
These phrases with minor variants are repeated in
a number of Upanishads, not the least of which is
the Svetasvatara. Now, I do not know a single Vaidika
who will deny that the Svetasvatara is a fundamental
text of Vedanta!
namo mahApurushAya nArAyaNAya,