


                   Sri Sarada Society Invites You

                          To Visit

           T H E  S A V E  R I G D E L Y  P R O J E C T

                   I N T E R N E T  S I T E


         Dedicated to Preserving a Vivekananda Pilgrimage Site

Efforts to preserve the Ridgely estate are given a boost by a donor's
generous offer to match all funds collected through October 31st.
Now is your chance to secure the sacredness of a home made holy by
the repeated visits of Swami Vivekananda and his brother disciples. Your
tax-deductible donations will count two-fold!

For more information, please see our site. E-mail quiries may be sent to
Jayanti:   jayanti@slctnet.com or Sri Sarada Society: srisarada@aol.com

The Save Ridgely Project presentation is part of
Holy Mother's Cyber-Tantu:  http://scescape.com/saradama/

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