
Re: ARTICLE : SBG, shruti and smR^iti

GOPAL  Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana (gopal@ecf.toronto.edu) wrote:

: my apologies for taking the scholarly discussion to some
: tangential direction.

: i find it difficult to believe that  one individual in life
: time can   produce  more than one *great* text. and so, i
: find it impossible to  think that one person can be considered
: the author of so many books.

: is it possible that certain names are actually some kind of
: titles? we know, for example, shankaraachaarya is a generic name
: given to mathadhipathis. but several of their write ups end 
: as "shri sankara virachita". 

: incidentally, i recollect a childhood interaction with an old man
: about a  "sahasra naama stotra" written  in this century.
: when there were some references, -- i dont remember exactly --
: to maharshis or eeswara, i said "damn lies". and he told me
: that it is  *not* *inappropriate* to invoke the names of sages
: since the aim is to avoid ego-centric self references. and
: he said that the sahasranama has got the blessings of his guru.
: (meaning, that it  has his approval).

Dear Gopalji:

Thank you for your comments.  I do not think that your question is
tangential, but a very relevant and legitimate question, and certainly one
that we must take into consideration.

Unfortuantely, I do not know enough to even try to answer this question.
All I can say that the usual way of answering such a question is by
looking at word usage patterns, certain authors have certain styles of
writing; dating the grammar of the text, and probably also the use of the
name of the author in the text. In bengal, the name of chanDidAsa has been
used by many authors, but in every case, they left their signatures in.

With best regards,


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