Yours not? It's a pity... :-(
>> There are too much ideas in the world to know everything...
> These are very well known books on the subject, and should be available
Well, there are more books than I can read during entire life.
And some thought after reading one of them: Hindu religion is
in fact collection of many different religions, so different
that it is hard to find any common part of them. True? If it
is, I feel it is nonsense to talk about general Hindu religion,
rather we can talk about Hindu religion of any given person,
or group of people - with no possibility of generalization.
>> > what Darwin said in his death-bed is (remember your 'creationist' post a
>> No, I don't remember to make claims on the topic.
> Well. To quote you :
> "Unfortunately, I lost the book few moths ago, since I cannot either
> verify info about author, or check what are detaily the views preseted
Well, seems I wrote these words about a book on Buddhism. ;-)
Not about Darwin - I never had a book about him.
> There you again claiming that others "speculate so much without
Well, I missed some possibility in my reasoning which led me
to the thought I wrote: like all, say, your postings contain
void words only. But I don't believe it can be true.
> I was waiting to post your reply there. I will wait for you there.
[in alt.religion.christian]. But first I'd like to see a question.
> scientists too post messages there. It would be a good place for you to
> post your "Interviews with a Jesus" message there.
First I need write it. It takes a lot of time to recall all
facts after these years which passed since them.
>> I suppose most wise people avoid this newsgroup.
> Tell that to the religious Christians who post messages like "The size
> of Noah's Ark" there. Rather funny.
I agree ;-).
>> about dogmas in Catholic Church (which I belong to),
> What else is there to know about it.
A lot. BTW, I don't even know how many dogmas are in Catholic
Church - because knowledge about them is too meaningless to me.
Well, I looked into Catechism of Catholic Church - I found
3 paragraphs about dogmas of over 2800 paragraphs in catechism;
the count of dogmas was not there - says a bit about importance
of dogmas, less than 0.11%. I hope you will say me something
about Hindu religion of significantly greater importance for
it is waste of time to talk about so unimportant things...
>> I have very little knowledge about Hindu religion - this
>> is the reason for which I am asking questions here...
> Why bother to LEARN about a HEATHEN faith ?
To understand better people believing it. This is reason for
which I prefer talking with people rather than reading a book.
>> Because Jesus taught it. What is strange here?
> Muhammed also had his bunch of claims, just like your Jesus did (and
But my choice was to believe Jesus. Some other people believe
Muhammad and words he said which are written in Quran.
If they sincerely believe, why am I to disregard them?
I ask rather "how people believe" than "what they believe".
> True. So what ? As far as scriptures go, God created the Sun and the
> Moon AFTER creating the Earth.
Commented and explained by saint Augustin - shortly, there
were two different meanings of the word translated as "earth".
BTW, does Hindu religion say anything about origin of world?
Is God in their religion creator of everything, or is not?
Seems there are different views, what is yours?
>> But what namely am I to find in it?
> Read and discover.
There are lots of things... unless I am told what to look for,
it is likely things we will is to have no null common subset.
>> The most interesting topic for me is: why do theologians
>> classify Hindu theology as CRITICAL (if they really are?).
> Read Hindu Theology by Jose Periera. He is a Catholic, but a
Thanks, I'll look for it in bookstore or library (interesting:
is there Polish translation of this book? if not, few libraries
only are likely to hold such a book).
But I would also like to see few words on the topic from you.
Especially because book doesn't say how people interprete it.
> surprisingly honest one. I will give hint though. It is not in Hindu
> tradition to claim that GOD has delivered the TRUTH SOLELY to them.
In my religion I was not taught such a statement, too. ;-)
But I found some people try making such a statement - in many
religions. I have seen it in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism...
I noticed it in this newsgroup - postings saying every truth
came from Hindu religion - and also I have seen postings from
Hindu people saying it is wrong.
The statement made in our religion - note difference - is
"all religious truth necessary for man was delivered by God
to us", it says about completeness of the truth delivered,
not that nothing was delivered to other religion. I will be
enjoyed when I see the truth to be also in other religion.
And I believe the Pope will be enjoyed by it, too.
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