> Could someone kindly tell me whether Krishna is a historical figure like
> Buddha and Mahavir? If so, when did He live?
Yes. The date would depend on dating of the Mahabharata war.
Puranas mention that Mahapadma-Nanda became king 1,050 after
after the birth of Parikshita, who was born right after the mahabharata
mahaapadmaabhishhekaattu yaavajjanma pariikshitaH.
evaM varshhasahasraM tu GYeya pa.nchaashaduttaraM
(Matsya Purana)
Geneologoes give 37 kings from Parikshita to Mahapadma-Nanda.
That would yield 1471 BCE. Other computations yield other
values, not uncommon for an event of that antiquity.
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