How hard it is to raise vegetarian children in America?
How many minutes do you have to watch TV to see an ad
showing how much fun it is to eat a Big Mac or to
see a cute kid enjoying eating an Oscar Mayer Weiner?
With the message relentlessly pounded into the childrens
heads, it should be very hard to raise vegetarian children.
Surprizingly, the answer is that is not hard at all.
Several years ago I asked a friend of mine this question
who had two teen-age children. When I heard that they are
vegetarian, I asked him: Don't they get tempted to eat
meat? Don't they have any peer pressure to eat meat?
He said-Why don't you ask them yourself?
I asked his son. He said he never had any problems.
His friends admire and even envy his vegetarianism.
Since then I have seen many other vegetarian children
grow up in USA. It turns out that the children absorb
their values and tastes from the parents. When parents
are vegetarian, the children accept vegetarianism as
the normal and the right thing to do. Children love
animals and vegetarianism is a very simple concept
to understand for them. In fact in America in many
"normal" meat eating families, parents sometimes have
to persuade some kids to eat meat.
Like it is for many other things, if parents themselves
eat meat, children will too. But if the parents are
vegetarian and proud to be so, it is not hard. They would
have to plan carefully when they travel, or leave children
with other people, but it is never more than a minor
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