ARTICLE : Hindutva in my opinion

Posted By Arora Yogesh (
Thu, 27 Mar 1997 22:09:20 -0500 (EST)

Anant Aparam Paar, Infinite and Timeless, that's the definition of God=20
according to Hindu religion. For us God is not localized in space or time,
God is present everywhere and everytime. That will confuse the persons
who believe God is only one, so let's have a look at definition of one.=20
First let's look at few example of one a character is one, a pen is one
and a human is one; so now the question is, what is common between all
these which qualifies them to be called one? Conceptually you associate
this property to something which has well-defined boundaries moreover all
these things have another property attached to them time of their birth
and death. We believe that God is beyond birth and death and he do not have=
any boundaries so God is not one but infinite. People may say there can be
one infinity and hence god is one but the problem is you cannot associate
one with infinity as both are contradictory to each other, one has
well-defined boundary and other do not.

Now come to the question why Hindu=92s worship 360 million deities. Hindus
worship different attributes of god, it is difficult for human mind to
worship infinite attributes of god and humans do need some attributes to
worship god so Hindu religion gave freedom to its followers to choose
their own attributes to worship. Now if somebody sees god as female full
of motherly affection he worships her in that form but if somebody wants
to worship god as warrior he is allowed to do same, others may want to
worship the constructor, destructor or preserver attributes of god,
that=92s also allowed in Hindutva and all of them are equal Hindus. Now th=
question may be which attribute is best to worship the answer is none, in
Shrimad Bhagvat Gita it=92s stated =93irrespective of the path you take you
reach god if you want=94. All paths lead to the discovery of god and some
may be difficult to follow and others easy but none of them qualifies to
be judged best because of their easiness or difficulty. In Hinduism we
have Jainism, extremely difficult to follow and popular Hinduism easy to
follow and we also have Buddhism which is in between two. Every body is
allowed to have his own views in Hindutva hence individualism is promoted
and Hindutva allows this theory to be practiced anywhere in the world as
it do not attach any significance to some place or time or any particular
way of worshipping.=20

Yogesh Arora
email: =
phone: 613.549.1759 =20

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