Re: Dharma/Bhakti and Avatar

Posted By Mani Varadarajan (
05 Mar 1997 15:00:09 -0800

The answer is quite straightforward. Dharma (right conduct)
is essential for bhakti to bear fruit. While dharma by itself
is not the means, it is invaluable in purifying the mind of
clearing the way for the presentational vision of the Absolute
that is the culmination of bhakti.

If dharma is done for personal material gain, it does not
aid in this quest at all -- which is what makes it impermanent.


"Yogesh Patel [C]" <> writes:
> The fruits of "dharma" is heven -- which is not for ever.
> The fruits of "Bhakti" is "moksha" which is for ever.
> As Gita says, the purpose of Purusottam's incarnation on the Earth is
> to establish "dharms" not "Bhakti" -- But the fruits of "Dharma",
> compare to "Bhakti" are inferior and temporary.
> The question is:
> In waht ways, "Dharama" equvivalent to "Bhakti"?

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