Re: REQUEST: The Hindu cult of Thuggee?

Posted By Y. Malaiya (
Thu, 10 Apr 1997 12:35:12 -0600

Dohn Joe wrote:
> I am doing research on the Hindu cult of Thuggee, disciples of Kali who
> committed ritual stranglings of travelers to sacrifice to that god.
> Under the British Empire this cult was eradicated, as the English found
> their practices unacceptable.
> Any additional information that someone could provide on this lost
> tradition would be greatly appreciated.

It was not a cult, it was a criminal organization. To call it
a Hindu cult, would be like calling Mafia an Italian cult.

People were very grateful to Colonel Sleeman for eradicating it.
There exists a temple dedicated to his memory. You can perhaps
talk about a "Sleeman" cult.

Also there a town called Slimanabad named after him in MP.


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