Re: REQUEST : Hindu myths and beliefs

Posted By Daly de Gagne (ambika@MBnet.MB.CA)
Thu, 03 Apr 1997 21:54:35 -0600

Namaste Sunil Ji:

Sunil Sethi wrote:
> Namasta Daly Ji,
> Thank-you for your reply and I am glad you wrote. I think you understand
> where I am coming from as I suffered for many years but I never gave up
> even though I wanted to, as it would make life easier but Krishna is so
> important to me he is the very breath of my life.

I am glad you hung in there. There is something very precious about
faith which if forged in the fire of adversity. This western culture so
often equates meaningfulness with what comes easily and provides
happiness of the moment. But often what comes easily and provides
momentary happiness does not last; it doesn't offer the real richness of

> I have seen the otherside of the fence and can only say I appricate my
> Dharma even more.

As one who has come into Hinduism part way through this life, I also
have a special appreciation for this Dharma.

> The Gita is really the correct reference book but it does
> take a spritual journey to get their. I remember reading the Gita as a
> child as my parents said it hold the answers to everything and I could see
> them. But little did I know what type of answers and now through listning
> to the Spritual Masters and asking God to tell me more I am starting to see
> so much.

While we may differ on some questions of interpretation of Gita, I think
we would both agree that it is a precious jewel, one that puts even
diamonds to shame. When I first began to read Gita, its wisdom,
psychology and spiritual power was amazing to me. Your parents were
right -- the Gita's wisdom provides answers to the questions of life.
Each time I read the Gita it is like picking up a new book; always
something strikes me in a different way than before.

> I am so grateful to Sri Krishna for allowing me the chance to know him a
> little, it has filled my life with hope and happiness. There is so much
> love and I really like the 18th Chapter verse 65 and 66 becase the
> Christians said I would go to hell but Krishna has stated :
> verse 65.
> Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer your homage
> unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this because
> you are My very dear friend.
> verse 66.
> Abandon all varieties of religion anf just surrender unto Me. I shall
> deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.

Reading these verses, I think of the great love and devotion Mirabai had
for Krishna Bhagavan Ji. Such desire and yearning for God is so
wonderful, yet in today's world, how easily it would be labelled and
dismissed as crazy. Yet, how many people today can recall the names of
her contemporaries, and even if they could, would it be with the
respect and awe we feel at the mention of Mirabai's name?

> There is forgiveness and love. I trust Krishna and he has answered the
> wrong doers and those who have lied about our faith. I only hope that the
> young Hindus who are going through what we went through would find the
> courage and faith to follow Krishna.

The shame is that so many young Hindus have read none of our scriptures,
whether the Gita, the Upanisads, the Vedas, the Puranas, etc. Even when
good English translations are there for them, still they don't read. As
a result, they are not able to deal with the misconceptions other people
have about Hinduism, and they have no grounding in their tradition to
provide a basis for future life, which includes spiritual growth toward

> I remember those terrible days at times and thank God that he helped me. I
> can never forget the days when at meal times the teachers would throw beef
> on my plate in England and give religious education lessons that just
> damned Hinduism.

What you experienced can be expressed with in one word: abuse. No one
of any religion should have their beliefs insulted this way. I know
most of what I learned in school about Hinduism was wrong.

> It made me determined to hold onto my faith and trust
> Krishna even more. For any young Hindu going through a hard time please
> feel free to write to me or ask any questions in this NG and don't lose
> hope or faith. You are loved and Krishna never forget's his devotee just
> have faith.

I am glad you make this offer to the young people -- anyone is also
welcome to write to me for encouragement and assistance in understanding
our religion. The message of the Gita is clear that Krishna Bhagavan Ji
does love us and offers us a way of life which is so different from what
the world offers, and a means of grace which allows us to overcome our

To me, Arjuna represents each one of us, and the wonderful opportunity
God gives us to learn from our Divine Teacher. I believe that just as
Arjuna in his despair and confusion turned to Krishna Bhagavan Ji and
said "teach me," each one of us also can turn and make the request to be
taught. Your experience, my experience, and that of so many millions of
Hindus over the years stands as the greatest argument that God's grace
is there for us; it also stands as an argument against those people in
other religions who state wrongly that there is no grace or salvation in

My prayer is that each young person who is skeptical or ashamed or
doubting his or her Hindu heritage make an effort to learn and
experience more of their tradition.


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