Re: REQUEST : surya namaskar

Posted By R Shivaramakrishnan (shivark@UDel.Edu)
26 May 1997 16:32:55 -0400

In article <>,
Prabhat Avasare <> wrote:
>Hello there!
>A few more names of Sun, I remember, are -
>Om ravaye nama:
>Om mitraay nama:
>Om marichaye nama:
>Om savitre nama:
>Om savitrasuryanaaraayanaay nama: (*)
>* I think this was the last one to be spoken aloud in series of
> 13 surya-namaskaars, but I am not sure - same for the sequence :)
> Also one more name is still missing...
>'hope this will be of some help.
I recollect the following

Om * namaH

* denotes MitrAya-ravayE-sUryAya-bhanavE-khagaay-pUshhNE-hiranyagarbhAya-


However, "sUrya-namaskAr" (as I have seen) usually refers
to namaskArs performed along with recitation of
"Taittreya-Aranyakam - aruna prashnam"
consisting of (132? stanzas?) divided into (32? sections?).


 Shivaramakrishnan R.       Phone:(302)369-0282[r] (302)831-6669[o]
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