Re: REQUEST : Hindu religion

Posted By durgaprasad ayyalasomayajula (
17 Jun 1997 21:13:23 GMT wrote:
Thanks for pointining out many important concepts.Some of them are wrong according to a Hindu
and some of them are acceptable to me as a human being. I will try to give my own feelings answering both of you.
yes Hinduism is a religion just like any other religion. You can find many interesyting websites related to hinduism if you go to YAHOO or ALTAVISTA and search for hinduism.
Vedas are supposed to be oldest but YAMALAS(RUDRA YAMALA, VISHNU YAMALA and BRHAMA YAMALA) are existing prior to Vedas. (I recently got some info about this
but haven't confirmed it yet. Some of you might be knowing this). They contain knowledge of rituals, finearts, prayer, tantra and Mantra.
Upanishads consist of knowledge of self, Yoga, Meditataion and some deal with
rituals. Most of them are as dialogues or discussions between intellectuals but
some of them are just straight verses without any dialogue.
Upanishads explain the concept of what Hindus view this universe as, the body
and its relation with nature in a holistic manner.
(I found Upanishads to be very important in understanding many concepts).
Then there are brahmasutras, yogasutras , and many more bhaysas each getting diluted to reach the common man.
BhagavadGita may be the final version of all the efforts to make the complex
thoughts put together in a simplified manner.
Many people interpreted it (rather translated it according to their own understanding) and I don't find any fault.
Here I have to disagre with Jerry that ISLAM and CHRISTINAITY preaches
to learn in original languages. I don't know how many christians read Bible
in Hebrew or Howmany Mouslims read in Arabic. It is a matter of number.
Just like Interpretations of Bible exist (John, Paul etc) and get reinterpreted by Christian brothers, so does there might be communication errros in transmissions. It doesn't mean that the original versions are correct or wrong.
We cannot determine. Moreover two people will intepret the same verse in a different manner depending upon his knowledge, time, space etc.,

The One good thing about Hinduism is it teaches to be openminded where I didn't
find in other religions.(Note that the concept of God is almost same in all religions, it might have evelved out of suffering, pain , fear or for the need for
a superior power then human being, or God might actually be existing(that is what I believe) or for redifing human values).
Being open minded itself has many positive effects for being closed minded is
confinement or restriction. Confinement is lack of freedom in thought and it
is slavery of thought, from which we all try to get rid of.
(No one prefers slavery do we?).

The other greatest Idea which existed in Hinduism is Universal oneness
(preached more but practised less). Ofcourse ordinary human beings cannot practise it but there are many great souls who did practise it.
Regarding unity or perfect unity existing in Hinduism at any one time is not possible. (Nature itself doesn't permit). For if there exist a perfect unision
in one idea amonggst all the people practising it it would lead to resonace
which is harmul for the nature itself. And there cannot be anytime where
nature would let it happen.

Regarding Swami Vivekananda preaching that all paths are one, (Upanishads, Vedas and every ancient lore declares it in a differnt manner), he might be meaning
that though we are practising different religions we are trying to reach the same god.
It doesn't matter from which direction you climb a pyarmaid? does it?
He reified the ideas in a most lucid manner.

Regarding the statement whether all religions are contained in Hinduism,
it is possible that some of the Ideas might be borrowed from Hinduism(Since it
is the oldest religion) or it might be a cliam that all religions are one which is again the essence of universal oneness which is the concept of Hinduism.

Each one of us is biased in our own manner so I leave the rest to you.

: PS: I originally wrote it as e-mail, but finally decided to send
: it to newsgroup, too, for others to be able to correct my
: errors if there are any - my view on Hindu is via few points
: I know and others people here surely have much wider horizon.
: --
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