Re: REQUEST: What is religion

Posted By Anil Tuladhar (
27 Jun 1997 03:17:15 GMT

Jerzy Tarasiuk ( wrote:
: >>>>> M Suresh <> writes:
: >> I'm doing some research on the meaning of the term "religion".
: >> Specifically, what religion means to different people. I'd like to know
: > Religion is an attempt find an explanation of human existence and

: Thanks for the definition. But I would like to know more...

: Is this a common definition in Hinduism, or a view of small
: fraction only? If it is common, are there fractions having
: different definitions? If they are, what are their definitions?
: (I'm Christian, and the term "religion" means something
: significantly different from what your definition sais)

: > By this definition science is also a religion. It is a widespread

: By my definition it is not, although it may be similar.

Science is science. If religion means a path to the truth, then science
is the only religion. All the other religions are scams. Now time has
come to open our eyes and get rid of all these so called religions and
establish a new religion based on science.


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