>Can someone recommend a good currently available book which describes the
>belief structure of Hinduism, the various deities and their relationships
>and roles, the chief festivals, and how the belief system relates to daily
>life in situ. I would prefer something intellectually challenging.
>Thanks Graham
There are several books that are available for different intellectual levels:
At moderate intellectual level:
(1) The Hindu Mind by Bansi Pandit,
(2) The Essentials of Hinduism by Swami Bhaskarananda.
These two books are surveys.
At a more challenging level but concentrating only on the philosophy:
(1) The Spiritual Heritage of India by Swami Prabhavananda,
(2) Indian Philosophy by Radhakrishnan.
These two books are more specialised.
You could order these books from the web site: www.vedanta.com .
Hope this helps
Pradip Gangopadhyay
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