Re: REQUEST : Revelation in Hindu Dharma

Posted By Eric Solano-mora (
4 Aug 1997 17:10:53 GMT

I find Hinduism to be a very fascinating religion.
However, I always have had problems with the concept of religion.
I have learned a little about it in the last three years and am
in the process of learning more...

I think religions should be a tool for the humanity to try to solve
its problems, and not what it is right now: a brain-washing and
fooling vehicle to kill creativity and fre-thinking.

Hinduism, I think, has been the closer "religion" to what I perceive
as the ideal for a free world. Nevertheless, I have found contradictions
in the Indian society, especially when concerning to women and
women's rights. I hope this is not something linked to Hinduism and
more related to the Indian society...

I have a great respect for the Indian society, and I even think its
democratic system is stronger than the American (which I do not
think is democratic at all). The way religion has played a role
in the Indian society is enormously important too. I think India
would be very powerful in the next milenium because, it has great minds
and a lot of vision to the future.

Hopefully, Hinduism, development and society can blend together to
help this great nation go ahead into the next century.

Eric Solano-Mora
Graduate Student
208 Mann Hall, Box 7908 
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695
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