Re: REQUEST : World creation
Posted By dubal (
14 Sep 1997 04:05:55 GMT
Before the creation, there was only God. He was alone. Ekohum, Bahusyam
Prajayey - Rigved.
He wanted to be many. For company, for love, for play.
He created the universe 'Sankalpmatren' - He willed and He created. He is
Just as we can think of say Chicago airport and instantly the whole picture
of the place comes
to our mind complete with the structure, people and whatnot.
As spider creates its web out of his own without the use of external
material, He created the world out of his own.
In fact whatever we see around here including ourselves are forms of God,
the forms that He has taken.
As I can see your body and not your soul, whatever we see (percieve) can be
considered the body of God.
When we walk on this earth, we are walking on His chest. When we eat,
drink, breath, we are eating, drinking, breating Him.
There is no place where He is not. Nothing we can think or do without his
He is omnipresent, watching all, recording all.
This creates respect for self, others and the whole creation.
He not only created it and us but he lives in every atom and every bit of
space and actively runs the place.
He makes our hearts and bodies work. Why? Because the loves us as mother
loves here children.
There can be no other reason.
We are his creation. He is very close to us all the time. This should
infuse self descipline.
Markus Seppälä <> wrote in article
> I would like to know how the world/universe was created according to
> Hinduism. It's for a school project. If anybody has a detailed
> description or a good website, please mail me back.
> --
> Markus Seppälä, Sweden
> ICQ: 1091799