Posted by Ed Viswanathan on April 25, 1998 at 08:46:14:
In Reply to: KARMA & REINCARNATION---Complete report posted by Ed Viswanathan on April 24, 1998 at 06:37:28:
: WHAT EXACTLY THE LAW OF KARMA? First the word KARMA has many meanings in Hinduism. KARMA means actions one do as well as the effect of actions and past actions. All people in east believe in LIFE AFTER DEATH. They also believe in the concept, WAHTEVER A MAN SOWETH, THAT SHALL HE ALSO READ [ GAL 6:7 Holy Bible]. This is the basis of KARMIC LAW. Every action has a result. Every thought has a result. __________________
There is no such a thing like an action or thought without a result. NOBODY CAN GET AWAY FROM THE CLAWS OF KARMA.
WHAT HAPPENS TO US WHEN WE DIE? According to Hindu scriptures, body alone dies. The IMMORTAL SOUL [ATMAN] within the body never dies. That soul leaves one body and search after a new body after death, like people changing clothes. But the PATH the soul takes is decided by the PAST ACTIONS of the body, which are also called KARMAS. CONCEPT OF IMMORTAL SOUL is unique to eastern religions.
___________________The word IMMORTAL SOUL is not seen in the 66 books of the Holy Bible, except in I Timothy 1:17 where it is used as a referance to Almighty GOD.
WHAT IS SALVATION IN HINDUISM? As I wrote before, Hindus believe there is an IMMORTAL SOUL WITHIN every body. They also believe that man's problem is that he/she believes that he/she is the PERISHABLE BODY and not the IMMORTAL SOUL.
________________So Hindu scriptures state that WHEN MAN REALIZES THAT HE IS THE IMMORTAL SOUL AND NOT THE PERISHABLE SOUL, HE ACHIEVES SALVATION....That is why Hindu salvation is known as SELF REALIZATION ----meaning realizing the self._____________________
It is a big mistake to compare CHRISTIAN SALVATION to HINDU SALVATION.......Both are entirely different in details and concepts.
WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS IN HINDU SALVATION? The immortal soul [ATMAN] within the body MERGES with the Ultimate soul [ PARAMATHMAN or GOD]. In the Hindu salvation, identity of the individual soul is lost after salvation _______________________In Christian salvation, the identity of soul is kept after salvation. That is why Christian preachers talk about going to heaven and sitting with God and Christ and seers.
There is quite a lot to write-------If at all you want to understand KARMA & REINCARNATION, please read my book AM I A HINDU? [ISBN 1-879904-06-3 800-723-4508 415-892-0649] If you want me to send you in e-mail the complete report on KARMA & REINCARNATION please write to me in e-mail-------------PLEASE READ THE 3RD POST on KARMA & REINCARNATION