Posted by Ed Viswanathan on April 25, 1998 at 09:11:38:
In Reply to: Re: KARMA & REINCARNATION---Complete report posted by Ed Viswanathan on April 25, 1998 at 08:46:14:
DO YOU MEAN TO SAY THAT EACH PERSON GETS A BODY ACCORDING TO HIS/HER ACTIONS IN THE PAST LIFE? --------Very well so. If you were living a very pious person last life, you will end up in a home where both husband and wife [parents] are very pious. Reverese is equally true. That means if you had lived a very vicious life, then in your next life your soul will soft after a crime family, so that you can continue your criminal activities.--------- Hinduism states that people can even go down in the ladder of evolution; a criminal can take up the body of a tiger; a glutton may take up the body of a pig etc.
HOW IMPORTANT ARE OUR THOUGHTS? Every thought, however insiginificant may be is counted. A THOUGHT NEVER DIES. It may lose its strength in time, but it never dies completely.--------Knowing the power of thoughts, Jesus Christ said: LOVE THY ENEMY [LUKE 6:27].---------------You can punish your enemy, but you do not have the right to hate your enemy. If you harbor hatred thoughts, the person you are actually destroying is you yourself. Remember the immortal words of Christ: EVERY WORD THAT MEN SHALL SPEAK, THEY SHALL GIVE ACCOUNT THERE OF IN THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT.------------------- In Hinduism that word is SPOKEN as well as UNSPOKEN WORDS [thoughts]. In Hinduism that judgement Christ is speaking of is instant. There are volumes of literature in Hinduism about POWER OF THOUGHTS. THINK AND GROW RICH best seller book by Napolean Hill is a repetation of many Hindu concepts on thoughts.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________When I wrote about the concept LOVE THY ENEMY on Prodigy network, a young lady wrote to me asking me HOW SHE CAN FORGIVE HER FATHER, WHO HAD INCEST RELATIONSHIP WITH HER SINCE THE AGE OF 9 TO AGE OF 18. My answer, she has no right to hate her father who sexually abused her. At the same time she has the moral obligation to report her father to the police and other authorities and put him in jail as well as getting him treated....IT IS A CRIME IF SHE DID NOT TAKE ANY the same time it is a crime, if she hates her father--- Her father is a menace to society and he should be put in jail as well as get treated.... My answer sounds paradoxical, but that is the right and only answer-------people should practise LOVE THY ENEMY LITERALLY for their own spiritual upliftment
HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT THE LAW OF KARMA IS TRUE? You are right. There are no scientific proofs. But look at the inequalities among us in the world. A BABY IS BORN IN THE LUXURY OF THE HOUSE OF WINDSOR AND ANOTHER BABY IS BORN IN THE GUTTERS OF BANGLA DESH. BOTH ARE INNOCENT BABIES. ONE LIVES IN LUXURY AND ANOTHER DIES BY MALNUTRITION AND DISEASES------WHAT A PARADOX??? Without the help of Karmic law it is very difficult to explain---------Won't you agree?? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
: There is quite a lot to write-------If at all you want to understand KARMA & REINCARNATION, please read my book AM I A HINDU? [ISBN 1-879904-06-3 800-723-4508 415-892-0649] If you want me to send you in e-mail the complete report on KARMA & REINCARNATION please write to me in e-mail--If you want ABSOLUTELY FREE EDUCATIONAL FLOW CHARTS ON HINDUISM, please write to me with your postal address-----------PLEASE READ THE 4th POST on KARMA & REINCARNATION