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? Health care delivery to diverse cultural groups in the United States


        I'm developing a gopher hole on the delivery of mainstream health
care to diverse cultural groups in the United States. Through Veronica
I've found a number of course listings and a program or two, but not as
much as I'd hoped. Since the primary audience of our gopher is the
faculty, staff and students in the College of Medicine and Schools of
Nursing and Allied Health, I'm really looking for discussion, analysis,
research, etc. on the factors and nuances that mainstream health care
providers must take into account when serving patients from cultural
traditions outside the mainstream USA medical traditon. Descriptions of
working programs would also be useful.

        Does anyone here know of ftp-able or other electronically
available sources on the subject? Has anyone written something on the
topic that could be posted on a gopher?

        I'm sending this request to many geographic- and ethnic-specific
lists, and I apologize for any duplication. Since I'm not a member of your
list, reply to me privately.

        Thank you for any help you can provide. I invite you to track the
progress of this project by gophering into

          4. HEALTH CARE . . .
            12. Society and Environment
              5. Cultural Diversity

Elizabeth H. Dow, Ph.D.  // Dana Medical Library    edow@salus.med.uvm.edu
// University of Vermont // Burlington, Vt. 05405

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