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Swami Vivekananda Chicago Addresses Available

The Chicago addresses of Swami Vivekananda is now available from
Hindu Digest/Alt.Hindu archieves.  In order to obtain these 
addresses please send a mail to:

with no subject and the following message:

get vivekananda/chicago/buddhism_hinduism
get vivekananda/chicago/final_session
get vivekananda/chicago/paper_hinduism
get vivekananda/chicago/religion_india
get vivekananda/chicago/response_welcome
get vivekananda/chicago/why_disagree

We are looking for volunteers to send us Hindu/Jain?buddhist/Sikh
scriptures/books (non copyrighted, of course).

Creating an electronic archieve of Hindu literature is a 
project of Hindu Students Council


Ajay Shah

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