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Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America -Overview of Seva Projects

[ Article crossposted from soc.culture.indian ]
[ Author was Ajay Shah ]
[ Posted on 20 Oct 1994 18:54:54 GMT ]


Seva [Service] Projects of Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America
                   -An Overview Prepared by 
	Mr. Ramesh Patel, Vice President -Seva Projects, VHP of America


The Aim of VHP and its SEVA PROGRAM is to encourage its members
to engage in the Selfless service of our society.  Since 1979,
SEVA Program of VHP, has been helping Non-Profit institutions
working to uplift the cause of Humanity by Collecting & sharing
funds in addition to running our own service programs. SEVA
program has collected and distributed funds in excess of
1,455,749 dollars in its
15 ( Fifteen ) years of history. Here is a snap shot of our
services: Grand Total =$ 1,455,749
Distribution by COUNTRY: YEAR      $$$ AMOUNT
                         1993      $  061,495
                         1992      $  230,498
                         1991      $  137,685
                         1990      $  061,495
                         1989      $  230,498
                         1988      $  137,685
INDIA     56%  $822,472  1987      $  228,579
U.S.A     44%  $633,277  1986      $  095,558
                         1985      $  127,095
                         1984      $  051,966
                         Previous Years $  093,191

VHP believes in serving through well established reputable
organizations thus we promote mutual cooperation as well as
specialized service. Parishad emphasizes a PREVENTIVE approach to
the health of the society in addition to providing support in
problem situations. Funds are collected through appeals and
offered through well established channels. Our Past Noteworthy
Humanitarian Contributions:
     * Paid Medical Bills for (Mohammed) a student in Connecticut
     * Paid Medical bills for Kidney transplant patient.
     * Raised funds for an eye operation for a student in Illinois
     * Support to a women in Need in Connecticut
     * Permanent trust in Connecticut for Last rites for needy Hindus
     * Free Medical Check up in Massachusetts
     * Senior Support group in Massachusetts

SEVA programs are funded through a National office for
coordination and accounting. Analysis of 1984 through 1992 - NINE
years of SEVA activities of Parishad show that:
* Average General administrative cost for ALL VHP activities is
less then 9.6 % of the income.
* SEVA projects AMOUNT equaled to 42% of the AVERAGE TOTAL
DISBURSEMENT of the parishad.
1979 THRU 1993
A. HEALTH & WELFARE : $ 407,489 - 37%
     Relief Works - Assistance for major disasters
     Emergency Support for Critical Care
     Support to Health facilities & Hospitals
     Sponsor Health Camps
B. EDUCATION & SOCIAL SERVICES : $ 311,957 - 28%
     Support - A - Child Program
     Community Development Projects
     Support to Social Service Organizations
     Educational Grants, Scholarships, & Training
     Support to educational institutions
     Vanvasi SEVA
C. CULTURAL PROMOTION : $ 381,521 - 34.0%
     Support to Cultural & Religious Centers

The following services are available from the volunteers.
     1. Services for the Youth, Teens & Children
          * For College students -  Hindu Student Council.
          * Youth Camps for Teens
          * Youth Conferences
          * Language classes for children ages 6 through 16.
     2. Services for the Elderly
          * Health screening & Medical checkups
          * Get togethers
     3. Employment & Training for:
          * English Literacy Classes for Hindi & Gujarati students.
          * Translation services for Hindi & Gujarati speaking individuals 
	    with difficulty in English.
     4. Family Support Services:
          * Crisis Prevention  & Counseling
          * Avoidance of Domestic violence
          * Support at the time of Death in the Family
          * Stress Reduction in Family Life
          * Religious Support & Puja Services
          * Marriage Services - both Inter & Intra Cultural marriages.
     5. Cultural Appreciation Educational Resources for the Community
          * Lectures on Hindu Way of Living, Open to Schools with 
	    Audio/Visual materials.
          * Speaker for schools on Hindu Culture & Indian Life.
          * Yoga, Health, Vegetarianism, Meditation & Stress Reduction.
          * Seminar & Symposia on Inter Cultural Understanding.
          * Exhibition, Slide shows & Experience of Hindu Cultural Festivals.

We would like to make your dream of SERVING come true:

Your worthy Donation to Parishad during 1994, enabled us to offer direct 
monetary support  to:
  * Victims of Earth Quake in Maharastra, India          
  * Services of Muni Seva Ashram in Gujarat, India
  * Services to satyanand Devatyata, India               
  * Sri Ram Krishna Ashram, India
  * Vbivekanada Medical Foundation, Latur, India        
  * Support to Elderly in, MA

On the platform of Parishad together we seek & find successful
approaches for our concerns like  creating positive identity and
confidence in our Children, preserving stable family life and
serving our fellow human beings. You may now offer charity
through the following designated SEVA funds of Parishad:

     * Human welfare Fund                    * Critical Care Fund
     * Relief Fund                           * Social Services Fund
     * Excellence through Education Fund     * Your designated trust fund
     * Cultural Heritage Fund

HOW WE RUN OUR PROGRAMS:  Parishad promotes its members to engage
in the Selfless service of our society. Active members,
contribute to the parishad program or activities of their choice.
The Parishad programs and activities become a reality  because of
untiring volunteer efforts. Parishad invites the serious minded
leaders of American Society to join hands in enhancing INTER
CULTURE AWARENESS. In additions to our own services, SEVA
projects support other Non profit organizations engaged in the
service of society. Parishad believes in serving through well
established reputable organizations, thus we offer specialized
service in a mutual cooperation.  Your valuable support
strengthens our commitment to serve our society and allows us to
touch the lives of many of our brothers in America. We welcome
you to join this  worthy service by offering donations for
designated services or institutions in your state in the USA or

Please Write to: V.H.P. of America- SEVA PROJECTS 167 KEATS


(Rameshchandra R. Patel)
( Vice President - SEVA PROGRAM)
PROGRAM Office: 21 Harris Circle  NEWARK,  DE 19711,  302-239-1110

Posted By:Ajay Shah

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