HINDUISM/CHRISTIANITY COMPARISON (Was: Re: Our Daily Bread, Nov. 8, 1994)
To: uunet!alt-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: HINDUISM/CHRISTIANITY COMPARISON (Was: Re: Our Daily Bread, Nov. 8, 1994)
From: jai@caprica.com (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 1994 19:49:21 GMT
Distribution: World
Followup-To: soc.culture.indian,alt.hindu,alt.fan.jai-maharaj,soc.religion.eastern
From jai@caprica.com Sat Nov 19 17: 32:02 1994
Newsgroups: soc.culture.indian, alt.hindu, alt.fan.jai-maharaj, soc.religion.eastern
Organization: Mantra Corporation, USA
References: <39t79o$1de@sol.sun.csd.unb.ca> <3a8chk$dn7@vunews.valpo.edu>
Reply-To: jaimaharaj@mcimail.com
Sender: jai@caprica.com (Jai)
The following descriptions are courtesy of HINDUISM
TODAY and constitute text that is copyrighted (1991)
by the Himalayan Academy. Reproduction in for-sale
media is prohibited without prior authorization. For
a free, three-month subscription to the full-color
international journal HINDUISM TODAY, published since
1979, send your name and U.S. postal address to
HT> **FOUNDED**: Hinduism, the world's oldest
HT> religion has no beginning -- it predates
HT> recorded history. **FOUNDER**: Hinduism has no
HT> human founder. **MAJOR SCRIPTURES**: The Vedas,
HT> the Upanishads, the Agamas, etc. **ADHERENTS**:
HT> Over 650,000,000, mostly in Bharat, Shri Lanka,
HT> Nepal, Malaysia, Indonesia, Mauritius, Africa,
HT> Europe and North America. **SECTS**: There are
HT> three main denominations: Shaivism, Shaktism and
HT> Vaishnavism -- and liberal, non-sectarian forms,
HT> most importantly the Smarta Sampradaya.
HT> **SYNOPSIS**: Hinduism is a vast and profound
HT> religion. It worships one Supreme Reality
HT> (called by many names) and teaches that all
HT> souls ultimately realize Truth. There is no
HT> eternal hell, no damnation. It accepts all
HT> genuine spiritual paths -- from pure monism
HT> ("God alone exists") to theistic dualism ("When
HT> shall I know His Grace?"). Each soul is free to
HT> find his own way, whether by devotion,
HT> austerity, meditation (yog) or selfless service.
HT> Stress is placed on temple worship, scripture
HT> and the Guru/disciple tradition. Festivals,
HT> pilgrimage, chanting of holy hymns and home
HT> worship are dynamic practices. Love,
HT> non-violence, good conduct and the law of dharm
HT> define the Hindu path. Hinduism explains that
HT> the soul reincarnates until all karms are
HT> resolved and God-Realization is attained. The
HT> magnificent holy temples, the peaceful piety of
HT> the Hindu home, the subtle metaphysics and the
HT> science of yog all play their part. Hinduism is
HT> a mystical religion, leading the devotee to
HT> *personally* experience the Truth within,
HT> finally reaching the pinnacle of consciousness
HT> where man and God are one.
HT> 1. I believe in a one, all-pervasive Supreme
HT> Being who is both immanent and transcendent,
HT> both Creator and Unmanifest Reality.
HT> 2. I believe that the universe undergoes endless
HT> cycles of creation, preservation and
HT> dissolution.
HT> 3. I believe that all souls are evolving toward
HT> union with God and will ultimately find Moksh,
HT> spiritual knowledge and liberation from the
HT> cycle of rebirth. Not a single soul will be
HT> eternally deprived of this destiny.
HT> 4. I believe in karm, the law of cause and
HT> effect by which each individual creates his own
HT> destiny by his thoughts, words and deeds.
HT> 5. I believe that the soul reincarnates,
HT> evolving through many births until all karms
HT> have been resolved.
HT> 6. I believe that divine beings exist in unseen
HT> inner worlds and that temple worship, rituals
HT> and sacraments as well as personal devotionals
HT> create a communion with these Devs and Gods.
HT> 7. I believe that a spiritually awakened Master
HT> or Sat Guru is essential to know the
HT> Transcendent Absolute, as are personal
HT> discipline, good conduct, purification,
HT> self-inquiry and meditation.
HT> 8. I believe that all life is sacred and to be
HT> loved and revered, and in the practice of ahinsa
HT> or non-violence.
HT> 9. I believe that no particular religion teaches
HT> the only way to salvation above all others, but
HT> that all genuine religious paths are facets of
HT> God's Pure Love and Light, deserving tolerance
HT> and understanding.
HT> **FOUNDED**: Christianity began 1,950 years ago
HT> in Palestine. **FOUNDER**: Jesus of Nazareth.
HT> Estimated at 1 billion. **SECTS**: Christianity
HT> is divided into three main sects: Roman
HT> Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Protestant. Among
HT> Protestants there are over 2,000 smaller sects.
HT> **SYNOPSIS**: The majority of Christians adhere
HT> to the Apostles' Creed: "I believe in God, the
HT> Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, and
HT> Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, Who was
HT> conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin
HT> Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was
HT> crucified, died and buried. He descended into
HT> hell. The third day He rose again from the
HT> dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost . . . the
HT> communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,
HT> the resurrection of the body, and the life
HT> everlasting." Protestants differ in various ways
HT> from this, but most Christian faith revolves
HT> around these basic points. Christianity has an
HT> unswerving belief that it is the only true
HT> religion, the only path to salvation. This
HT> engenders a missionary zeal, an urgency to
HT> evangelize around the world. Stress is placed
HT> on acceptance of Jesus as God and Savior, on
HT> good conduct, compassion, service to mankind,
HT> faith and preparation for the Final Judgement.
HT> Only good Christians will be saved. Today, over
HT> half of all Christians are black. Membership is
HT> diminishing in developed nations but increasing
HT> in Third World nations.
HT> 1. I believe in God the Father, Creator of the
HT> universe, reigning forever distinct over man,
HT> his beloved creation.
HT> 2. I believe man is born a sinner, and that he
HT> may know salvation only through the Savior,
HT> Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son.
HT> 3. I believe that Jesus Christ was born of Mary,
HT> a virgin.
HT> 4. I believe that Jesus Christ was crucified on
HT> the cross, then resurrected from the dead and
HT> now sits at the right hand of the Father as the
HT> final judge of the dead, and that He will return
HT> as prophesized.
HT> 5. I believe that the soul is embodied for a
HT> single lifetime, but is immortal and accountable
HT> to God for all thoughts and actions.
HT> 6. I believe in the historical truth of the Holy
HT> Bible, that it i sacred scripture of the highest
HT> authority and the only word of God.
HT> 7. I believe that upon death and according to
HT> its earthly deeds, and its acceptance of the
HT> Christian faith, the soul enters Heaven,
HT> Purgatory or Hell, there awaiting the Last
HT> Judgement when the dead shall rise again, the
HT> redeemed to enjoy life everlasting and the
HT> unsaved to suffer eternally.
HT> 8. I believe in the intrinsic goodness of
HT> mankind and the affirmative nature of life and
HT> in the priceless value of love, charity and
HT> faith.
HT> 9. I believe in the Holy trinity of God who
HT> reveals Himself as father, Son and Holy Ghost,
HT> and in the existence of Satan, the
HT> personification of evil, deception and darkness.
The above descriptions are courtesy of HINDUISM TODAY
and constitute text that is copyrighted (1991) by the
Himalayan Academy. Reproduction in for-sale media is
prohibited without prior authorization. For a free,
three-month subscription to the full-color
international journal HINDUISM TODAY, published since
1979, send your name and U.S. postal address to
*-=Om Shanti=-* Jai Maharaj
Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer
This has been a follow-up to this exchange between
Pawan Varma and Bipin Bora:
In article <3a8chk$dn7@vunews.valpo.edu>,
bbora@gem.valpo.edu (Bipin Bora) wrote:
> Pawan Varma (pawanv@jupiter.sun.csd.unb.ca) wrote:
>> Do I take it, Bipin, that you are only
>> interested in trying to convert us pagans to
>> Christianity? A while back you were intent on
>> open discussion. Yet, I have yet to hear a peep
>> from you in response to our responses to your
>> postings. - Pawan Varma
> I am interested in having open discussion.
> Converting others is not the goal. Let me
> re-state: How about sharing and comparing the two
> faiths in a civilized way? - Bipin Bora
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