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            H I N D U     S T U D E N T S      C O U N C I L


                      G E O R G I A    T E C H

             invites you to participate in the pre-Navaratri

                   R A A S---G A R B A---B H A N G R A

		Place:		Shree Shakthi Mandir
		Time:		8:00 p.m. - Midnight
		Date:		September 9, 1995
	Entrance fee:  $5.00 (includes dandhias).  Tickets may be
	purchased from the following people.  For more information 

	Vipul Gupta  	416-6594	Dinesh 		875-6860
	Jayati Kesavan 	391-0478	Rupal Patel  	712-2240
	Neil Majmudar  	634-1937	Partha Mukherjee  634-1937   

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