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RFD: alt.psychology.transpers

Request for Discussion (RFD)

This is a formal Request for Discussion. 
Please distribute it on all platforms that might be interested.

I want to create a new alt group called alt.psychology.transpers.
This is based on the following reasons:

- Transpersonal psychology is a relative young discipline in psychological
science. In fact it is a combination of psychological science and the 
knowledge of meditation traditions. In this era of consciousness, the era
of the east and the west growing towards each other, transpersonal psychology 
gets more and more a leading position in studying the proces of the new 
consciousness, mankind is developing.
Transpersonal psychology studies the development of consciousness, from 
birth enlightenment, from neanderthal man to our future consciousness.
It also studies exactly the ways we can transcend our consciousness, and also
what can go wrong in the proces.
Furthermore transpersonal psychology places our the consciousness proces
in a sexual, social, historical context and some writers even place it in 
a economic context. 
Transpersonal psychology studies the way we think, rationality, our present 
common consciousness, and the ways we transcend this conciousness, rationality. 
It describes exactly how people develop new transrational ways of thinking. 
One of the next stages.

All of this is why transpersonal psychology is a great source of knowledge
for people who are interested in themes on consciousness, meditation, 
psychology and new paradigms.
Important writers in the transpersonal Field are: Ken Wilber, Charles T. 
Tart, Stanislav Grof, Roger Walsh.

- I think it is important to have a seperate newsgroup for the discussion on
these themes. They certainly don't fit in groups like alt.psychology.help or so. 
And in the sci.psychology group more conventional psychological themes are 
discussed. On the other hand transpersonal psychology is more then "just" talking 
about meditation. If we would call meditation the science of the east and 
psychology the science of the west, transpersonal psychology is the new science 
which unites and in a certain way transcends both.
So for a new science a new group must be created.

You are strongly encouraged to participate in the discussion about the possible
creation of the newsgroup "alt.psychology.transpers. Please post  any responses
to this message to the usenet newsgroup "news.groups".
A call for votes (CFV) will be posted approximately four weeks after the posting
of this RFD. 

This RFD was (cross-) posted to the following Newsgroups:
news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, alt.config, alt.consciousness,
alt.consciousness.4th-way, alt.consciousness.mysticism, alt.meditation.transcendental,
alt.mindcontrol,alt.postmodern, alt.psychology, alt.psychology.nlp, 
alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan, alt.religion.shamanism, alt.society.paradigms,
alt.yoga, alt.zen, sci.psychology, talk.religion.buddhism, talk.religion.newage, 

If you are interested in transpersonal Psychology and also want to discuss
about it, please support this initiative. We'll need your support to get the
newsgroup through on a lot of hosts!!!
So If you're interested (crosspost) this message to anyone you know, who might be interested,
any newsgroup which may be of interest, any mailinglist which may be of interest.
Talk about it in Usenet, discuss about it in alt.config  or news.groups etc. 
You can also send me a positive mail as  a support, or maybe you have ideas for the newsgroup
or the procedure!! Untill now I got several positive mails, one of them is a personal mail from
Charles T. Tart himself, who wishes us all the luck!
I will publish a summary of e-mail responses.

Thank you for your interest.
And I surely hope we will meet in short at alt.psychology.transpers!!

Best wishes,

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