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HSC @ UHouston - Spring '95 Calendar

namaste hsc siblings,

hsc @ university of houston spring 1995 calender


the meetings will begin January 31st & concludes on April 17th.

the location will be in the Aegean Room (upon confirmation) in
the University Underground (UC) near our office.

come by our office in the Dept. of Campus Activites in the
University Underground (UC) or write at our campus address:
	Hindu Students Council
	University of Houston
	Houston, TX  77204-3650

for further info, contact Chirag at:
	(713) 743-6216 or

we're having too much fun for you not to join!

day		   topic (moderator)
jan. 30		1st meeting (desh srivastva)
		  I.  Purpose & outcome of the national meet
		  II. family feud
feb. 6		what is your responsibility to your community?
		  (desh d.)
feb. 13		gita class #1 (*)
feb. 20		what every hindu should know (maneesh mehra)
feb. 27		gita class #2 (*)
march 6		importance of rituals (chirag randeria)
march 13	gita class #3 (*)

MARCH 16	HOLI: speaker & we'll celebrate holi afterwards!
		  wear some ugly clothes!
	  	  (Embassy Room - upon confirmation 2nd floor UC)

***************March 20-25  Spring Break********************

march 27	is political involvement as a hindu important?

APRIL 1st 	BASAKI NIGHT (tenative date - (no fooling)	
		  ** see below)

april 3		gita class #4 (*)
april 10	would you marry someone who's not hindu?
		  (monic bajaj)
april 17	last meeting:  jeopardy

	(*)  -> guarangbhai nanavaty
		(of the Chinmaya Mission; he spoke at the
		conference - "now you have bhakti" - remember?)
	(**) -> Basaki Night will be a celebration  for the
		entire community with a Punjabi flavor. dances,
		singers, skits of various indian, asian, etc..
		communties & of course bhangra.
		Location to be determined.
		if you're in the area, contact chirag, write, or
		come by our office.



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