Re: Encyclopaedia Britannica's entry on 'Vedanta'
To: editor (digest editor)
Subject: Re: Encyclopaedia Britannica's entry on 'Vedanta'
From: editor.csm.uc.edu (digest editor)
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 95 13:47:22 EDT
From editor Mon Jun 5 13: 47:24 1995
> From shrao@nyx10.cs.du.edu Sun Jun 4 04:51:53 1995
> I am not certain Jainism is considered naastika-vaada; it is certainly
> outside the pale of Vedanta, because it relies on prophets rather than on
> Shrutis, and because it does not honor Vishnu -- but it may not state the
> absence of a Creator as Buddhism does.
This is not true. Jain dharma does not rely on prophets at all. Jains
have tirthankars, twenty four of them. Mahavir Swamiji being the last in the
line. Tirthankars are not messangers of God or the incarnation of
God. They are merely teachers, who after their tapachariya (penence/meditation
) have achieved a higher state of knowledge and existance (siddhi).
ajay shah