Pongal day is a day to celebrate the harvest and thank the Sun God. The houses are decked up to look their best. New clothes for the family is a must, and gifts are bestowed to all relatives, specially newly married couples and babies. Women gift utensils to their female relatives.The togetherness and best behavior is sweetened with the bountiful feast of sweets and savouries to celebrate life.
In the villages, Pongal is also an occasion to have bullock cart races, contests of strength and showmanship in riding. The festive atmosphere with stalls selling various goods, people exchanging pleasantries and general bonhomie is very infectious. On this day , with granaries full, bright sunshine, trees in full bloom, and bird-songs resounding, the air itself seems charged with sweetness and light and warmth. Even the wind changes direction, bringing swift breezes from the returning Monsoon winds. The skyline is crammed with colorful and gaily decorated kites flown by enthusiastic boys and men.
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