The personal aspect
of the Ultimate Reality is known as Saguna Brahman, that is Brahman with
attributes. Saguna Brahman is the creator, sustainer and controller of the universe.
Saguna Brahman cannot be limited by one form and is therefore worshipped by Hindus in both
male and female forms. As the male aspect, Saguna Brahman is called by various Sanskrit
names, such as Ishvara, Parameshvara, Paramãtma, Maheshvara, and Purusha. These
Sanskrit names represent more or less the same concept as the word God in other religions. As the female aspect, Hindus refer to Saguna
Brahman by various names, such as Divine Mother, Durgã and Kãlî.
Hindus further worship the male and female aspects of Saguna Brahman in many forms, called
Bansi Pandit, Hindu Dharma
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