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Sarasvati Sindhu Inscriptions:
Inscribed weapons
Pictorial Motifs or Field Symbols on Seals and Tablets

H380a.jpg (5515 bytes)
h380H381a.jpg (2155 bytes)h381K121a.jpg (4121 bytes)k121h1018Acopper.jpg (4306 bytes)h1018 (The pictorial is M297a.jpg (6356 bytes)m297a)
K122a.jpg (9323 bytes)k122K122a2~1.jpg (7490 bytes)k122 (2)C038ac~1.jpg (7955 bytes)c38AC039a2~1.jpg (11792 bytes)c39C040ac~1.jpg (26445 bytes)c40AC040bc~1.jpg (25777 bytes)c40B

M008a.jpg (13738 bytes)nd1a-t.jpg (9136 bytes) FS 1: One-horned bull, generally facing a standard
m1103a-t.jpg (7114 bytes)m1431c-t.jpg (3331 bytes)
FS 10: Zebu or Brahmani bull

FS 100: Person throwing a spear at a buffalo and placing one foot on its head
m1430a-t.jpg (5026 bytes)
FS 101: Person throwing a spear at a buffalo and placing one foot on its head; three persons standing near a tree at the centre
m1406b-t.jpg (6866 bytes)m312ac-t.jpg (3528 bytes)
FS 102: Group of persons vaulting over an uncertain bovine animal

FS 103: Horned (female?) person with a tail and bovine legs standing near a tree attacking a horned tiger rearing on its hindlegs
k65a6c.gif (15218 bytes) K065a-t.jpg (2407 bytes)k065
FS 104: Composition: body of a human (female?) in upper half; body of a tiger in the lower half; has horns and a trident-like head-dress, facing a group of three persons consisting of a woman (?) in the middle flanked by two men on either side throwing a spear at each other over her head
m308ac-t.jpg (4447 bytes)
FS 105: Person grappling with two tigers standing on either side of him and rearing on their hindlegs

H180a.jpg (3445 bytes)H180b.jpg (3521 bytes)h180A,B

FS 106: Nude female figure upside down with thighs drawn apart and a crab (?) issuing from her womb; two tigers standing face to face rearing on their hindlegs at L.

FS 92: Man armed with a sickle-shaped weapon facing a seated woman with dishevelled hair and upraised arms

FS 108: Person kneeling under a tree facing a tiger
m310ac.gif (18172 bytes)m1431a-t.jpg (3821 bytes)
FS 109: Person seated on a machan on a tree; a tiger below looking up at him
ns1-t.jpg (4289 bytes)ns1
FS 11: Short-horned bull, generally with head lowered over a trough

FS 110: From R.--a composite animal as in FS 25; a person seated on a tree with a tiger below; a svastika_ within a square border; an elephant

m1425B.jpg (3095 bytes) m478b

M478a.jpg (2271 bytes)m478a

FS 111: From R.--a woman (?) with outstretched arms flanked by two men holding uprooted trees in their hands; a person seated on a tree with a tiger below; a tall jar with a lid

FS 113: From R.--a horned person standing between two branches of a pipal (?) tree; a ram; a horned person kneeling in adoration; a low pedestal with some offerings
m1186a-t.jpg (8169 bytes) M442a.jpg (2603 bytes)M442b.jpg (2699 bytes)m442a,b

M488c.jpg (3983 bytes)m448c

FS 114: From R.--a horned person standing between the branches of a pipal (?) tree; a low pedestal with some offerings; a horned person kneeling in adoration; a ram; a row of seven robed figures in the lower register


See m442 a,b a variant pictorial motif with six robed figures in the upper register, a kneeling adorant, a ram and a horned-figure within a stylized leafy creeper



Part of the m442 pictorial is depicted in m448c: a horned, kneeling adorant, ram, a horned-figure within a stylized leafy creeper with something kept on a stool

FS 115: From R.--a person standing under an ornamental arch; a kneeling adorant; a ram
m1431e-t.jpg (3298 bytes) M489b.jpg (3291 bytes)m489b
FS 116: From R.--a person holding a vessel; a woman with a platter (?); a kneeling person with a staff in his hands facing the woman; a goat with its forelegs on a platform under a kino tree

m489 depicts two goats flanking a tree, a copulation posture a tergo and an antelope

FS 117: In the upper register from R.--a person grappling with two animals (tigers?); a horned person standing behind a pedestal; a tree; In the lower register from R.--a bird in flight over a one-horned bull; an antelope; two short-horned bulls facing each others
m332ac.gif (22782 bytes)

m1356.jpg (3943 bytes)m1356 M482A.jpg (2631 bytes)m482AM488a.jpg (3725 bytes)m488A

FS 118: the svastika_, generally within a square or rectangular border
H182a.jpg (2594 bytes)H182b.jpg (2604 bytes)h182A,B FS 107: Drummer and a tiger

FS 119: the svastika_: five svastika_ alterning right- and left-handed arms of the icon, follow three other signs from R.

m238ac-t.jpg (3705 bytes)
FS 12: Short-horned bull, generally with head lowered over a trough
nd3-t.jpg (4000 bytes)nd3M352a.jpg (5793 bytes)M352d.jpg (3000 bytes)m352a,d
FS 120: One or more dotted circles

FS 121: Lozenge within a circle with a dot in the centre

FS 122: The standard (generally in front of the one-horned bull)

FS 123: Three standards interspersed with small column of circles

FS 124: The 'endless knot' motif
m1429B.jpg (2696 bytes)m1429Bm1349A.jpg (2773 bytes)
FS 125: Boat
H189b.jpg (2818 bytes)h189B
FS 126: Anchor (?)

FS 127: A large device in the upper register showing a number of small circles in three rows with another row of short vertical lines below (seed-drill?)

FS 128: Inscribed object in the shape of a heart (?) or leaf (?) or pannier normally adorning the one-horned bull

H232a.jpg (2299 bytes)H232b.jpg (2330 bytes)h232A,B

C023.jpg (3880 bytes)c023

FS 129: Inscribed object in the shape of a double-axe or double-shield (?)

See use of sign in inscription c023


FS 13:Short-horned bull, generally with head lowered over a trough

H237a.jpg (1999 bytes)H237b.jpg (1948 bytes)h237A,B

FS 130: Inscribed object in the shape of a writing tablet


See h237 shaped like a butcher's knife

H233a.jpg (1940 bytes)H233b.jpg (1930 bytes)h233A,B

H236a.jpg (1844 bytes)H236b.jpg (1827 bytes)h236A,B

FS 131: Inscribed object in the shape of a crescent (?) or sickle


See h236 shaped like a chopper/knife

M428b.jpg (3313 bytes)m428b
FS 132: Radiating solar symbol

FS 133: doubel-axe without a shaft

FS 134: Motif in a pottery graffity showing a rectangular enclosure with four marks within looking like X and V

FS 135: Differentl geometrical patterns generally occupying the whole field on one side of the inscribed object

FS 136: Differentl geometrical patterns generally occupying the whole field on one side of the inscribed object

FS 137: Differentl geometrical patterns generally occupying the whole field on one side of the inscribed object

FS 138: Differentl geometrical patterns generally occupying the whole field on one side of the inscribed object

FS 139: Differentl geometrical patterns generally occupying the whole field on one side of the inscribed object
m1367a.jpg (4563 bytes)m1367a
FS 14: Two short-horned bulls, standing face to face

FS 140:Different ornamental borders of geometrical patterns at either or both ends of a text or along the edges

FS 141:Different ornamental borders of geometrical patterns at either or both ends of a text or along the edges

FS 142:Different ornamental borders of geometrical patterns at either or both ends of a text or along the edges

FS 143:Different ornamental borders of geometrical patterns at either or both ends of a text or along the edges

FS 144:Different ornamental borders of geometrical patterns at either or both ends of a text or along the edges

FS 145:Different ornamental borders of geometrical patterns at either or both ends of a text or along the edges

FS 15: Buffalo, generally with a trough in front
M269a.jpg (2905 bytes)m269a
FS 16: Buffalo, generally with a trough in front

FS 17: Buffalo, generally with a trough in front
M283a.jpg (3796 bytes)m283a
FS 18: Elephant, sometimes with a trough in front

FS 19: Elephant, sometimes with a trough in front

FS 2: One-horned bull, generally facing a standard

FS 20: Elephant, sometimes with a trough in front

FS 21: Horned elephant
M289.jpg (3622 bytes)m289
FS 22: Tiger, generally with a trough in front

FS 23: Tiger, generally with a trough in front

FS 24: Horned tiger

FS 25: Horned tiger
m1136a-t.jpg (10285 bytes)m276ac-t.jpg (3646 bytes)
FS 26: Rhinoceros, generally with a trough in front

FS 27: Rhinoceros, generally with a trough in front

FS 28: Rhinoceros, generally with a trough in front

FS 29: Two rhinoceroses, one at either end of the text

FS 3: One-horned bull, generally facing a standard
b9a-t.jpg (3216 bytes) M271.jpg (1763 bytes)m271
FS 30: Goat-antelope with a short tail (and different types of horns), sometimes with a trough in front

FS 31: Goat-antelope with a short tail (and different types of horns), sometimes with a trough in front
trq1a-t.jpg (5192 bytes)M273a.jpg (2999 bytes)m273a
FS 32: Goat-antelope with a short tail (and different types of horns), sometimes with a trough in front

FS 33: Goat-antelope with a short tail (and different types of horns), sometimes with a trough in front

FS 34: Goat-antelope with a short tail (and different types of horns), sometimes with a trough in front

FS 35: Goat-antelope with a short tail (and different types of horns), sometimes with a trough in front

FS 36: Goat-antelope with a short tail (and different types of horns), sometimes with a trough in front

FS 37: Goat-antelope with a short tail (and different types of horns), sometimes with a trough in front

FS 38: Goat-antelope with a short tail (and different types of horns), sometimes with a trough in front

FS 39: Ox-antelope with a long tail, generally with a trough in front

FS 4: One-horned bull, generally facing a standard

FS 40: Ox-antelope with a long tail, generally with a trough in front

FS 41: Ox-antelope with a long tail, generally with a trough in front
m534b-t.jpg (4097 bytes)
FS 42: Hare, facing a bush
H333a.jpg (1328 bytes)h333A
FS 43: Inscribed object in the shape of a hare
m1431b-t.jpg (4018 bytes) M489a.jpg (3345 bytes)M489c.jpg (3057 bytes)m489a, c
FS 44: Row of animals in a file (a one-horned bull, an elephant and rhinoceros from R.); a gharial with a fish held in its jaw above the animals; a bird (?) at R.

FS 45: Bull mating a cow
M294a.jpg (3069 bytes)m294a
FS 46: Uncertain bovine animal above, and an elephant below

FS 47: Row of uncertain animals in file

FS 48: A tiger and a rhinoceros in file

FS 49: A composition: deer with dotted circles on its body, a tusk on its nose

FS 5: One-horned bull, generally facing a standard

FS 50: A composition: features of an ox and a rhinoceros, facing the standard
M300.jpg (6117 bytes)m300M299a.jpg (5874 bytes)m299a
FS 51: A composition: body of a ram, horns of a bull, trunk of an elephant, hindlegs of a tiger and an upraised serpent-like tail. The composition also occurs in FS 74
k50ac.gif (27980 bytes) M311a.jpg (3397 bytes)m311a
FS 52: A composition: body of a tiger, a human head and horns of an antelope

FS 53: A composition: body of a tiger, a human head and horns of an antelope
M297a.jpg (6356 bytes)m297a
FS 54: Head of a one-horned bull attached to a five-pointed symbol (octopus?)
M296a.jpg (7851 bytes)m296a
FS 55: Two heads of the one-horned bull, joined end to end, under a stylised set of leaves (pipal?) and a stump or pillar with dotted circles as a coping
m1534b-t.jpg (6392 bytes)
FS 56: A composition: animal with two heads, one at either end of the body with the features of a rhinoceros

FS 57: A composition: body of an ox and three heads, viz., two of antelopes (one looking forward and the other backward) and one of a short-horned bull (looking downward)

FS 58: A composition: body of an ox and three heads, viz., one each of one-horned bull (looking forward, antelope (looking backward) and short-horned bull (looking downward); the composition also occurs in FS 60
m1169a-t.jpg (8679 bytes)

M298.jpg (3939 bytes)m298

FS 59: A composition: body of an ox and three heads, viz., one each of one-horned bull (looking forward, antelope (looking backward) and short-horned bull (looking downward)



Composition: Short-horned bull and the head of a one-horned bull turned backward; fish on the upper register

FS 6: One-horned bull, generally facing a standard
m1430c-t.jpg (4732 bytes)
FS 60: A composition as in FS 58 at R.; a goat standing on its hindlegs and browsing from a tree at the centre
M295a.jpg (6845 bytes)m295a
FS 61: composition: three tigers joined together
m417ac-t.jpg (2522 bytes)
FS 62: composition: six heads of animals (viz., those of one-horned bull, short-horned bull, antelope, tiger and of two other uncertain animals) radiating outwards from a ring

FS 63: Gharial, sometimes with a fish held in its jaw and/or surrounded by a school of fish

FS 64: Gharial, sometimes with a fish held in its jaw and/or surrounded by a school of fish
M482B.jpg (3388 bytes)m482B (See 482A with svastika_) m1429C.jpg (2841 bytes)m1429C
FS 65: Gharial, sometimes with a fish held in its jaw and/or surrounded by a school of fish

FS 66: Gharial, sometimes with a fish held in its jaw and/or surrounded by a school of fish
M410.jpg (3735 bytes)m410M292a.jpg (4057 bytes)m292a
FS 67: Gharial, sometimes with a fish held in its jaw and/or surrounded by a school of fish

FS 68: Inscribed object in the shape of a fish

FS 69: Tortoise

FS 7: One-horned bull, generally facing a standard

FS 70: Inscribed object in the shape of a tortoise

FS 71: Frog

FS 72: Serpent, partly reclining on a low platform under a tree
M457b.jpg (1914 bytes)M459b.jpg (2340 bytes)m457b, m459b
FS73: Serpent (?) entwined around (?) a pillar with capital (?); (the motif is always carved in high relief on the reverse side of the inscribed object. It also looks like a pillar put through a pile of ring-stones
M451b.jpg (2203 bytes)m451b
FS 74: Bird in flight
H187b.jpg (2363 bytes)h187B
FS 75: tree, generally within a basin, railing or on a platform

FS 76: tree, generally within a basin, railing or on a platform

m1425A.jpg (3008 bytes)

FS 77: tree, generally within a basin, railing or on a platform

FS 78: Rosette of (pipal?) leaves
H337b.jpg (878 bytes)h337B
FS 79: Inscribed object in the shape of a (pipal?) leaf

FS 8: Bull with two long horns (otherwise resembling the one-horned bull), generally facing the standard
m1181a-t.jpg (6644 bytes) m305ac-t.jpg (4824 bytes)
FS 80: Horned person with armlets and bangles, sometimes seated on a pedestal
m304ac-t.jpg (3628 bytes)
FS 81: Horned person (with three visible faces and bristles on face) seated on a pedestal and surrounded by five animals (viz., rhinoceros, buffalo, antelope, tiger and elephant from R.)
m453bc-t.jpg (6663 bytes)
FS 82: Person seated on a pedestal flanked on either side by a kneeling adorant and hooded-serpent rearing up
H179B.jpg (3571 bytes)h179B H238a.jpg (2408 bytes)h238A
FS 83: Person wearing a diadem or tall head-dress standing between two posts or under an ornamental arch

FS 84: Person wearing a diadem or tall head-dress standing between two posts or under an ornamental arch
H178b.jpg (1877 bytes)h178B h714A.jpg (1777 bytes)h714A
FS 85: Person wearing a diadem or tall head-dress standing between two posts or under an ornamental arch

FS 86: Standing person with horns and bovine features (hoofed legs and/or tail)

FS 87: Standing person with horns and bovine features (hoofed legs and/or tail)
m1224c.jpg (1949 bytes)m1224cH363b.jpg (1085 bytes)h363B
FS 88: Standing person with horns and bovine features (hoofed legs and/or tail)
m1540b-t.jpg (13377 bytes) FS 89: standing person with horns and bovine features, holding a bow in one hand and an arrow or an uncertain object in the other

FS 9: Bull with two long horns (otherwise resembling the one-horned bull), generally facing the standard

FS 90: Standing person with horns and bovine features holding a staff or mace on his shoulder
H196a.jpg (2574 bytes)H196b.jpg (2612 bytes)h196A,B
FS 91: Person carrying the standard

FS 93: Three dancing figures in a row

FS 94: Four persons in a procession, each carrying a standard, one of which has the figure of a one-horned bull on top

FS 95: Seven robed figures standing in a row; the composition recurs in FS 114 (See a variant with six robed figures in m442)

H176a.jpg (3420 bytes)

H176b.jpg (3965 bytes)h176A,B

FS 112: From R.--a tiger (?); a goat; a person seated on a pedestal; a person seated on a tree with a tiger below

FS 96: Person standing at the centre between a two-tiered structure (bier?) at R. and a short-horned bull standing near a trident-headed post at L.

m1405A.jpg (2390 bytes)m1405A
FS 97: Person standing at the centre pointing with his right hand at a short-horned bull facing a trough, and with his left hand at the Sign 15

FS 98: Short-horned bull trampling a person underneath

FS 99: Person throwing a spear at a short-horned bull and placing one foot on the head of the animal; a hooded serpent at L. (See similar composition involving a buffalo at FS 100 and FS 101).
rhd1-t.jpg (8436 bytes)

m440ac.gif (25359 bytes)

M353a.jpg (3274 bytes)m353a

L123a.jpg (3771 bytes)L123A

rhd1B.jpg (4409 bytes)Rhd1B


Rhd1: Two scorpions flanking a frog and a sign T with two holes on the top, possibly to be tied on a string

m440 Scorpion (gharial?) surrounded by animals: two short-horned face to face on the upper register; monkey, antelope, elephant and rhinoceros from R.



Two antelopes

[Note: The lexeme s'ambara = deer; cavalai = two, pair; sabal = crowbar. The orthography of the script presenting both signs and pictorial motifs in pairs may relate to this lexeme and the underlying metallic weapon. See Indian Hieroglyphic Dictionary, Part 1]

1998 Kalyanaraman; from Corpuses: Parpola and Mahadevan;

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