![]() |
* hypothetical < (is) derived from > (has) become ? doubtful Xinfluenced by + extended by ~ parallel with acc.accusative adj. adjective adv. adverb aor. aorist caus. causative cent. century cf. confer (compare) cmpd.compound(ed) com. commentary, t.i_ka_ conj.conjunction |
dat. dative dist.fr.distinct from du. dual E East e.g. example etym. etymology expr.expression f./fem. feminine fig. figuratively fr. from fut. future gen. genitive hon. honorific id. idem (having the same meaning) imper.imperative incl. including inf.infinitive inj.injunctive inscr.inscription |
lex. lexicographical works or Kos'as lit. literature loc. locative m. masculine M Middle metath. metathesis (of) N North Na_ Na_ci Na_t.u usage Naut. Nautical nom.nominative nom.prop. nomen proprium (proper name) num.numeral(s) NWNorth-west O Old obl. oblique case onom.onomatopoeic p. page part. participle pass. passive perf. perfect perh. perhaps phonet.phonetically pl. plural pp. past participle (passive) pres. present pron. pronoun Pudu. Pudukkottai usage |
redup. reduplicated ref. reference(s) S South sb./subst.substantive semant. semantically st. stem subj. subjunctive syn. synonym Tinn. Tinnevelly usage Tj. Tanjore usage usu. usual(ly) vais.n..vais.n.ava usage vb. verb viz. videlicet (namely) W West |