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In the following vocabulary, some sememic and morphemic compounds are also included to illustrate the nature of phonemic transforms, while sustaining the substratum of semantic structures (e.g. gaun.d.a_ cowherd station; field near a village; goe~r. belt of land nearest homestead). Sememes, with possible phonemic variants, are listed under one 'semantic' group [e.g. gad. drip; gal drip]. This is the reason for not following a strict syllabic order in the list. The list includes words from south Asian languages without attempting to guess their proto-indic forms with an '*'.
These sememes should be distinguished from dha_tus or verb roots since the radicals span both nouns and verbs and also include attributive thoughts connoted, for example, by adjectives.
Many sememes listed in the following vocabulary are from Sanskrit which re-inforced the development of the literary structures of historical periods of all the languages flowing from proto-South Asian lingua franca. CDIAL (with comparative etymological groups collected over a period of 40 years until 1966) provides thousands of possible derivations or phonological reconstructions of 'old Indo-aryan form' in Sanskrit, within its 14,845 head-words. A magnificent attempt was made in the past by linguists of unsurpassed erudition, to identify the sememes of Indian languages. A notable result was the formation and delineation of the grammatical rules of the Sanskrit language [sam.skr.ta put together, completed (RV.); sakkhata put together, cooked, embellished (Pali); saku Sanskrit (Si.)].
am.h press
am.s'u filament
am.sa shoulder
aks.a axle
aks.a dice
aks.i eye
aga_ra house
agni fire; an:ga_ra glowing charcoal
agra top, front
agha bad
an:g go
an:ga limb; an:gu-li finger, toe; an:gus.t.ha thumb
accha clear, transparent
aj drive
aja goat
ac bend
aj anoint
ajali hollowed hands placed together
at. wander about
at.t.a boiled rice
at.t.a high; ati beyond, over; adhi above, on
ad.a screen (Kui)
ad.i heel (Ta.)
an.i, a_n.i linch-pin; ani_ka face, front, point, edge, row (RV.)
an.u millet; fine, minute
atta_ mother; attai mother-in-law, aunt (Ta.)
ad eat
adhah. below, under
adhvan road
an breathe
anas wagon
anta end, proximity (RV.); inside (R.); anti near (RV.); antar inside (RV.); a_ntra entrail (RV.)
antara different
and bind
andha blind
ap water (RV.); ambhas water (RV.); abhra cloud, rainy weather (RV.)
apara posterior (RV.)
apatya offspring (RV.)
api also, even (RV.)
ama_ at home (RV.)
amb go
ambara circumference
amba_ mother (RV.)
amla sour, acid
aya going
ayam this
ayas iron, metal (RV.)
ara spoke of a wheel (RV.); a_ra spoke
aran.a distant, foreign (RV.); desert
aram fitly, readily (RV.)
aru sun
arc shine
arn.ava sea, wave (RV.)
artha aim; wealth
ard hurt; a_rta pained, injured
ardha part, place (AV.)
ardha half (RV.)
arpya fixed; entrusted
aryamya intimate
arh be worth
arka flash, ray, sun (RV.)
ala point, sting
alaka curl, lock of hair
alasa inactive
ala_ta fire-brand [li torchwood (Sh.)]
alin black bee; scorpion; a_la_kta smeared with poison (RV.)
alpa small (AV.)
ava away, down (RV.); avara lower, nearer (RV.)
avat.a pit
avas'ya_ dew
avi sheep (RV.)
as' reach; am.s'a part (RV.); as'i_ti eighty; as.t.a_ eight (RV.)
as'ri sharp side, corner, angle, edge; am.si id. (Pali.Pkt.)
as'ru tear (RV.)
as'va_ horse (RV.)
as'vattha the tree ficus religiosa (AV.)
as' eat
as.t.i kernel of fruit
as.t.hi bone
as be
as throw
asi sword (RV.)
asr.j blood (RV.)
asau that (RV.)
asta home (RV.)
asmad base of obl. cases plur. of 1st pers. pronoun
ana pron. stem; thus (RV.); as his (Bshk.); -a_ here; today (RV.); atha then, and (RV.); adhuna now
aham I (RV.)
ahar day (RV.)
a_kara mine, accumulation (R.)
a_kula confused (MBh.)
a_kr.ta arranged, built (RV.)
a_t. flour (Bshk.)
a_n.d.a egg (RV.)
a_tman breath, soul (RV.)
-a_da taking; cf. da_ya_dya inheritance
a_di beginning
a_ditya son of Aditi, names of seven deities, esp. of the sun (RV.)
a_p obtain, reach
a_bhi_ra herdsman
a_m yes (Pa_n..)
a_ma raw (RV.); grain not yet freed from chaff; a_mis. raw flesh (RV.)
a_ma constipation
a_mra mango tree
a_ya_ti comes near (RV.)
a_yus. life (RV.)
a_ra near
a_ru hog
a_rdra wet (RV.)
a_rya noble, respectable
a_laya house, receptacle (Ya_j.)[li_ cling to]
a_li row, range, line
a_s'a_ wish, expectation (AV.)
a_s sit; a_sana sitting (AV.)
a_sya mouth (RV.); face (Ya_j.)
a_ha_ra food; fetching [hr. take, carry]
a_hu trough of water (S.)
i pronominal stem; iti thus (RV.); itara the other; pl. the rest (RV.); iyant so much (RV.); i_dr.s'a such, like this
i go; ita gone (RV.); e_ti goes (RV.)
in:kh move; in:g move
id.vara bull to be set at liberty; e_t.ate_ goes
in.d.va two coverings of muja grass to protect from fire; idhma fuel (RV.); indh kindle; indra the god Indra (RV.); inda (Pali.); i~_dr name of a god (Kt.); yudur clear sky (Kho.); i_dhriya belonging to the clear sky
indu drop (RV.); drop, spark (TS.)
ibha elephant
ili short sword, cudgel (B.)
ilih the fish clupea alosa (A.)
is. throw; is.t.i_ impulse (RV.); r.s. thrust; r.s.t.i spear, lance (RV.); is.i_ka_ reed used as an arrow (AV.); is.u arrow (RV.)
is. seek; is.t.a sought, beloved (RV.); i_h desire; i_ha_ wish; e_s.a seeking
is.t.i sacrifice (TS.)[yaj sacrifice]
is.t.aka_ brick (VS.)
iha here (RV.)
i_ks. see
i_n:kh move to and fro
i_d. praise
i_r move
i_rs.ya_ envy (AV.)
i_s' be master of; i_s'vara capable of; master (AV.); ais'varya supremacy
i_s. move; i_s.a_ pole of carriage or plough
u particle of emphasis (RV.)
uks. sprinkle
ukha cooking-pot (AV.)
u~_g sleep (H.)
ucca tall; ucca_ above (RV.); uta_r. high land, upland (L.P.)
uca_t. impatience (G.)
uccaya gathering, collection (MBh.)[ci heap up]
cayate_ takes vengeance on (RV.)[ci avenge]
uta and, even, or (RV.)
utka longing for (Pa_n..)
ud in composition with verbs denotes 'up' and 'out'; with nouns 'without'; with adjectives 'emphasis'; uttara upper (RV.); uttama the highest (RV.)
udaya rise (RV.)
udara belly (RV.)
uta_ho_ interrogative particle (MBh.)
utsava enterprise (RV.); festival (MBh.)
upa up to, upon, above, near (RV.); upakr.ta helped (Pa_n..)
ubh weave
umbi_ fried stalks of wheat or barley
ura_ ewe (RV.); uran.a young ram; u_rn.a_ wool (RV.)
r.n.a debt (RV.)
uras breast (RV.)
uru wide (RV.)
urvara_ fertile land (RV.); ubro surplus (N.)
ulu_khala a wooden mortar (RV.)
ulka meteor (RV.); ud.u star
u_th lip (Pas'.); u_s.t. lip (Wg.); o_s.t.ha lip (RV.)
us.t.ra buffalo (RV.); camel (MBh.); bull drawing a plough (RV.); ot.ho of a camel (S.)
yu_s.t. bank of a river (Kt.)
u_s.a salt ground (TS.)
ut.a leaves or grass used for thatching; od.hur screen (L.); ot.al screen (H.); ut.u to dress (Ta.)
or.a drawn line, furrow (S.); or.e ca_sa one ploughing (P.)
ud.ra, aud.ra, o_d.ra a tribe of S'u_ras; od.d.a the land of Utkala (Pkt.); od. a tribe that clear out watercoursees or build houses (P.)[um.d.a deep (Pkt.)]
us.n.a hot (RV.); usra ray, sun, day; uste~ first morning light (M.); vyus. dawn [vas shine]
u_d.ha drawn, married (Pkt.)
u_dhas udder (RV.)
un. uneven, odd (of numbers)(Ku.); u_na deficient (AV.)[in composition with numerals with re-formation after the uncompounded form, e.g. eko_na less by one]
u_ru thigh (RV.)
u_rjas vigour, strength; o_jas strength, vigour, vitality (RV.)[vajra thunderbolt (RV.)]; oju force, rapidity, height (S.); oj life, vitality (M.)
u_rdhva erect, being above (RV.)
u_h thrust
u_h surmise
ojh entrails (H.)
r. move
r.ks.a bear (animal)(RV.)
r.ju straight, honest (RV.); r.j straighten
r.tu any fixed time, season (RV.)
r.dh prosper
r.s.abha bull (RV.)
e_ka one (RV.); ae_va one (Av.)
e_d.a a kind of sheep; el.aka ram, wild goat (Pali)
e_s.a nom. sg. this (RV.)
e_la_ cardamum (Pali)
e_va just so, indeed (RV.); e_vam thus (RV.)
okkia vomit (Pkt.)
gr soup (Turk.); oggara a kind of rice or grain (Pkt.)oppa rubbed, polished (Pkt.)
o_lla wet; odda wet [ud wet] ud wet; udan water (RV.); udanyati is very thirsty (Pa_n..); o_dana boiled rice (Ka_s'. on Pa_n..)
ol hostage (H.); ulla debt (Pkt.); ol tribute (N.)
o_gha flood (Skt.); okanda great flood (Si.); o_gha quantity (MBh.)
o_s.adhi herb, medicinal herb (RV.)
ka- interrogative pron.
ka- nom. sg. anyone; ko (G.P.)
kam.sa metal cup (AV.)
kakud peak (AV.); ku_ cow's hump (Kt.); kakubh peak (RV.)
kakkat.a a large deer (Pali)
kakkhat.a solid, hard; kat.hina hard, stiff; kat.t.u hardness (Ta.); karkara, karkas'a, khara hard, firm; khas harsh, rough (B.)
kat.o_ra cup; cf. karo_t.i cup, skull; kat.a_ha boiler
kaks.a armpit (RV.); groin (AV.); ka_ci_ girdle
kan:kata comb (AV.)
kan:ku a panic seed, panicum italicum; kajika sour rice gruel (Pali)
kajjala lamp-black (Pali.Pkt.)
kam.cu snake's slough (Pkt.)
kat.a mat (TS.); grass; thin piece of wood
kad.appa collection, bundle (Pkt.)
kat.i hip, buttocks; kad.am mountain side
kat.u pungent, bitter (RV.)
kat.t.a_ buffalo calf (L.P.)
kad.d.hati pulls (Pali)
kan.a a grain of corn (AV.)
katth boast
kath speak
kadala the banana plant musa sapientum
kana girl (RV.)
kantha_ wall; -kantha in cmpd. town (Pa_n..)
kantha_ rag, cloth
kandarpa the god of love
kavad.d.a big cowry (Pkt.); kambu shell, conch (Pali)
kavat.i_ leaf of a door
kauli_ armful (P.)
kapa_la skull, beging bowl, frying-pan, potsherd (Pali)
kapi monkey
kam desire
kamp tremble
kambala woollen blanket (AV.)
kambala dewlap
kara doing, causing (AV.); hand (RV.); karan.a act, deed (RV.)[kr. do; -kr.t in cmpds. 'doing']
kara tax (Pa_n..)
kara moving [car move]
karaka water vessel (Pali); karwa_ pot for pouring water on plaster (Bi.)
karan.d.a basket (Pali)
karabha camel; elephant
karaka hail (Pali); karkara stone
karam.ka skeleton, begging bowl (Pkt.)
kari_s'a dung
kari_sa a measure of seed; karisa dragging (Pkt.)[kr.s. pull]
karun.a mournful [kr. call]
karkat.a crab
karn.a ear (RV.)
ka_n. rim of a vessel (A.); ka_n.a_ brim of a cup (B.); karn.a handle of a vessel (RV.); karn.a end, tip
ka_n.i_ ornamental swelling out in a vessel (B.)
ka_n.a one-eyed (RV.)
ka_rin.i_ guardian, heir (S.); kul-karn.i_ village accountant (M.); ka_ran.a cause [kr. do]
kar when (K.); karhi (Pa_n..)
karj, kharj oppress
kel.i sheep (Kho.)
kallo_la gambol
karta cutting [kr.t cut]; ka_ti_ knife (Or.); ka_t.a knife (Ash.)
kattika_ (Pali); kr.ttika_ pleiades (AV.)
karttr. spinner (MBh.); kattai spins (Pkt.)[kr.t spin]
karpat.a patched garment; karpa_sa the cotton plant, gosypium herbaceum
karman act, work [kr. do; kr.ta deed (RV.)]; ka_ra doing (Pali.Pkt.); ka_ri
artisan, worker (Pa_n..)
ka_ra song (RV.); -ka_ra in cmpds. descriptive of sounds [kr. call]
ka_ra heap of snow [kr._ scatter]
kal count, think; kala_ any practical art (R.); kalya clever, well (MBh.);
kalya_n.a beautiful, lucky (RV.)
kal impel; kalya spirituous liquor
kal sound indistinctly
kala dumb, indistinct; kalya deaf and dumb
kalaha quarrel (Pali); kalahaka_ra quarrelsome (Pa_n..)
kala_ a small part (RV.)
kali_ the losing die with one dot (AV.)
kalpana cutting; kalpa capable; kappa rule, rite, age (Pali)[kl.p prepare]
kavala mouthful (MBh.)
kas. rub
kas.a_ya yellowish red, astringent (Ya_j.)
kas.t.a bad, difficult; dangerous (Pa_n..)
kas go, move; ka_sa moving (Pa_n..); -ga going [in cmpds., e.g. uraga snake (Pa_n.: uras- breast, ga-; padga afoot: pad- foot, ga-]; gam go (RV.); gacchati goes (RV.); ga_ come, go
ka_sa_ cough (AV.)
ka-, ka_, kad-, kim perjorative prefix; ka_gni a small fire
ka_n:ks. wish for
ka_ca glass (Pali); ka_cana gold (Pali)
ka_ca carrying pole (Pali)
ka_nta_ra forest (MBh.); ka_nana forest (R.)
ka_la time (AV.); ka_le_ tomorrow (K.)
ka_s' shine
ka_s'a a grass used for mats (Kaus'.)
ka_s.t.a piece of wood; kat.t.ha (Pali.Pkt.); ker.u firewood (WPah.)
gat.i_ piece of elephant's tusk (S.)
gat.t. stopper (P.)
gad.a young of the fish, ophiocephalus lata or cyprinus garra
gar.i lazy bullock (B.Or.)
kan.t.a thorn
kan.d.ha_ bank, shore (P.)
kan.d. pound, strike; gandh hurt
gandha smell (RV.)
kan.d. be glad
ga_t.a_ piece of land (H.); gar.o field (Ku.); ga_l.u small field (Kho.); karda swamp; kalala mud (Pali); ga_l. mud (M.); gacc mud, mortar (P.); kaccha marshy land (Pali); kha_char. river bank (P.); kacch, ka_cch measurement of a field (P.)
ga_t.a_ nape of neck (L.); ga_t.ru throat (S.); kha_t.karo_ti clears the throat (Pa_n.); kr.ka_t.ika_ joint of neck; ki_a_r.i_ nape of neck (L.); kan.t.ha throat, neck; kandhara neck (Ya_j.); gala throat, dewlap (Pali); gal swallow; gara swallowing (Pa_n..)[gr._ swallow]
gan.d.a goitre, boil; gal.a hump on back (Pa_n.. Va_rtt.)
ga_d.a_ carriage, cart (M.)
ga_t.a_ wrist (Bhoj.); ga_tra limb (RV.)
ga_tra_ inner peg of yoke (L.)
gai sing; ga_tu song (RV.); ga_ndharva relating to singers (RV.)
ga~_t.a_ strong but short, stout, knobbly (B.); ga_dh stand firm
ga_dha fordable (Pali); vai-ga_ ford, stream (Sh.)[vaikai name of a river (Ta.)]; ga_ha depth (RV.); ga_h dive into; ga_d.ha
gali_ mountain pass (Pas'.); lane (H.)
gava cow or bull; go_ ox, cow (RV.); ga_va ox (Pali)
ga_va stone, mountain (Pkt.); gra_van stone for pressing soma (RV.); gha_van stone mortar (M.); gha_n.a mill (Pkt.)
ga_hu bait for fish, birds, etc. (S.)[gras swallow]
ga_ha crocodile (Pkt.); gra~_ (Sh.)[grah seize]
gha~t. protuberance of snout of crocodile (A.); ghan.t.ika_ alligator; gha~r.iya_l (A.B.)
gahwa_ pincers [grah seize]
gan.d.a rhinoceros; khad.ga rhinoceros
gol.an., golan. to look for, search (L.)
goha hiding-place (RV.); gup protect; go_payati guards; gowna_, gona_ to hide (H.)
go_ha soldier, village headman (Pkt.);
goho husband (M.)
go_nasa a large snake; ghan.as a boa constrictor(M.); gunas a short thick poisonous snake (K.)
go_pa_nasi_ inverted v-shaped rafter supporting the framework of a roof (Pali)
go_n.a ox (Pali)
go_n.a- sack, woollen rug (Pali)
go~r.i_ long feeding trough of sun-dried mud (Bi.)[go_ cow; kun.d.i pot (Pali)]; ku_t.a pitcher; kut.a water-pot, pitcher; kud.uba a measure of grain (Pali); kud.ua_ leather vessel (Pkt.)
go_t. house (Wg.); gotti relative (Pkt.); gotta clan (Pali) go_tra cowpen, enclosure (RV.); gaun.d.a_, gon.d.a_, go~r.a_ cowpen, sheepfold, cowherd station (H.)[go_ cow, vr.nda heap, multitude (MBh.); vam.da collection, herd (Pkt.); bi~_d. heap, bundle (of straw, etc.); bi~_d.i_ hair plaited behind (H.); bi~_d.iya_ an ox yoked in front of a pair or two pairs (H.)]; ga~_dru~, go~dru, ga~_dro, go~dro village pasture, confines of a village (G.); ga~_vadar, ga_vadri_ village precincts (M.) go_r herd of cows (Pas'.); gojuro (OSi.); go_cara pasture, food (Pali) go_dhana herd of cows (MBh.); cow station (R.); gohana track, path (OAw.)[go_ cow, dhan. herd (WPah.); dhan wealth in cattle (B.)] goho pathway made by animals in the jungle (N.)[go_ cow, patha way] go_va_t.a hurdle for cattle [go_ cow, va_t.a enclosure, fence]; gwa_r. cattle shed (Ku.); gowa_ri_, gua_ri_ cowhouse, dwelling house, family (H.) go_s.t.ha cow-house (RV.); got.t.ha cowpen (Pali); got.h pasture land, herd, flock (B.) got house (Chil.); gohth place where sheep are penned for the night in the high ranges (P.); got.ha_lo herdsman (N.)[go_s.t.ha cow-house, pa_la protector (R.)]
dhan run; dhanayati sets in motion; dhan.i_van. to put to bull (of cows)(L.)
godho bull (G.); godhu~ young bull (G.); godhalu entire bull (OG.)[go_ cow, dhava man (Naigh.); husband]; goru~ cow, ox (Or.); ox, horned cattle (Bi.); gon.-geri ox (Si.); go_rwa_ bull (Gypsy)[go_ cow, ru_pa form, beauty (RV.)]
ga_vd.a_ village official (M.); ga_mau_d.a village headman (Pkt.); gra_ma-ku_t.a chief of a village (of S'u_dra)[gra_ma village, ku_t.a summit, peak];ga~_va~_di_ neighbour (L.); gaa~tia_, gantia_ village headman (Or.); gra_ma_nta border of a village [gra_ma village, anta border (RV.)]; gava~_d.h neighbourhood (P.)
gra_ma troop, village (RV.); giram clan, village (Burushaski); ga_ma village (Pali); ga~_v (Marw.)
d.an.d.u horn of ibex (S.)
dan.d.i beam of balance (Or.)
da~_r.a_ stick (A.)
d.a~_r.i line (Mth.)l; d.a~_d. weal, stripe (L.)
dan.d.a_ side piece of a cart
goe~r., goe~r.a_, go~r.ha_, gau~r.ha_ belt of land nearest homestead (Bi.); goe~r., goe~r.a_ richly manured land near houses (Mth.); go~ir. neighbourhood of a village (Brj.); gaun.d.a_, gon.d.a_ field near a village (H.); gova~d. cow path (esp. over hill pasture); go~d. lane in village between enclosures; gur-dan.d. cattle track (M.)[go_ cow, da_n.d.a, d.a~_r.a main road of a village (Or.)][d.a~_r. field boundary (Bi.)]; goera_, goira_ well manured land on the outskirts of a village (P.)[go_ cow, ?s'akr.t dung (RV.)]
got.a numerative particle (Mth.); got.a_ seed, whole (B.); kot.t.ai nut (Ta.)
go_la ball; gud.a globe, ball
gor. foot, leg (B.)
gol.ya_ small earthen vessel (M.); go_la large waterjar
gollo devotee of goddess (G.)
go_dhika_ alligator; gohi (Mth.); go_laka lizard
go_dhu_ma wheat (VS.); gehu~_ (S.)
kum.ta spear (Pkt.); spike of a top (S.); kunda a turner's lathe; cunda wood or ivory work
ku_t.a ploughshare (Pali)
gan.d.a joint of a plant; kan. joint of bamboo or sugarcane (Ta.); ka_n.d.a single joint of a plant (AV.TS.)
gan.d.ho four in counting (S.)
gadra_ spotted (L.); karbara spotted, variegated
kana_r bamboo goad for young elephants (Mth.)
gal.a hook (Pali)
gad. mixed with (Pas'.)
gad.hai forms (Pkt.); gar.hna_ to form by hammering (H.)
gad. drip; gal drip; garan.a dripping [gr._ drip]; ga_l. dregs (Kho.)
girai says [gr._ declare, praise]
ka_car small bit (G.)
kacchapa turtle, tortoise (Pali)
kacchu_, khas itch; kan.d.u_ itch
ger, gel itch (Gypsy)
kacol. little metal vessel to hold rice (M.); kat.ora_ small open-mouthed cup (P.); gad.u_ drinking cup (M.); gd.uwa small metal pot (K.); kal.a-ged.iya waterpot; ghat.a pot; kandu iron pot
gad.ha fort (Pkt.)
gan.a troop, flock (RV.)
gan.ana counting (Pa_n..)
gad.d.ari_ goat, ewe (Pkt.)
ga_ta hole (Or.); garta hole; gad.d.a hole (Pkt.); karta, khalla hole; khad.d.a_ hole, cave (Pkt.); kha_tra hole
khop hole (H.); khappa_ hole (L.); ku_pa hole (RV.); well (Pali)
gi~h house (WPah.); ge_dha, ge_ha house (VS.); gr.ha house (RV.); gaha (Pali); gr.hin possessing a house (TS.); gihi householder (Pkt.)
gem.dua ball for play (Pkt.)
gijaka_- brick (Pali)
kucika_, guja_ abrus precatorius
ghi_can.u to drag (S.); khijn.a_ to pull (P.);
garda seat
garbha womb, foetus (RV.)
garva pride, arrogance (R.)
garh abuse
gamba mud building (S.); ga_br.i_ filling of a hole (G.); gabhi_ra deep (RV.); gambhan depth (VS.); gahvara deep (TS.); jamba mud
jambha tusk; jaws (RV.)
ke_da_ra irrigated field (Pali); kya_ro (G.); ka_rr.o rice plot (G.)
ke_varta fisherman (VS.)
kit. fear
kit.t.a secretion; lees (Pkt.)
kim what? why? interrogative particle (RV.)
kittaka how much or many (Pali); kuti anything (Pas'.)
kiraka scribe; kera_ clerk (B.)
kut.a lame (Ash.); kho_ra lame
kiran.a dust (RV.); ray of light (MBh.)[kr._ scatter]
kira_t.a merchant; cila_ti_ woman of this tribe
ki_t.a insect (Pali)
ki_rt recite, praise
ki_la stake, peg, tumour
kukkut.a cock (VS.)
kuc bend, contract; kut. bend; kun.t.ha blunt, lame, bent (Pali)
kod.a youth (Ka.)
kun.d.ala ring (Pali)
kudda_la spade, hoe (Pali)
kud.a tree (Pkt.)
kut.i_ hut (Pali)
kud.ya wall (Ya_j.)
kut.umba household (ChUp.)
kun.a insect living in clothes
kutta rent, lease (Pkt.)
kuts abuse
kuth rot
kunth, krunth suffer pain
kup shake, be angry; cf. ko_pa anger
gur raise
gur praise [gr._ declare, praise]
kuma_ra boy (RV.)
kumbha jar, pot (RV.)
kumbhi_la Gangetic crocodile (Pali); kubir (N.)
kur ploughshare
kuran:ga antelope
kurkura dog (AV.)
kula herd, troop (RV.); race, family (Pa_n..); clan, household (Pali); kulika kinsman (Ya_j.)
kula_vaka nest (Pali); gu_d.e nest (Tu.Ka.)
kulattha the pulse dolichos uniflorus
kus. strike
kus.t.hala rice field (Pa_n..); kut.hal (WPah.)
kusi_ta lazy (Pali)
kus'i_ small wooden pin used to mark in recitation; khuca peg (Or.); khu~c indentation (G.); khum.t.a peg, post (Pkt.)
kho~c cut, tear (P.); combun to pierce, bore (K.); kompu horn (Ta.); cobnu to pierce (K.); gopan.u to splice (S.); gopnu to pierce, stab (N.)
kut. break; kut.t. beat, break; kut.ha_ra axe (R.)
khorna_ grain-parcher's poker (Mth.Bi.)
khu~t. Brahmani bull (G.); khu~_dhi hump on the back (G.); kubja humpbacked (VS.); khun.d.a_ crooked-horned (L.); khubar. hump on the back (M.); khumle bent (N.); ku_t.a hornless
kusu_la granary for rice or other grain (Pkt.); kuseli_ cornbin (Pas'.)
kuha fog, mist
kuh deceive; ku_t.a deceit (Pali)
ku_d.a trap, snare (Pkt.)
ku_l burn; ku_layati, ku_d.ayati burns (RV.); kun.d.ati burns (Pali); kullad.a stove (Pkt.)
ku_la bank of river, slope (Pali); declivity (RV.)
ku_ cry out
ku_t.a sledgehammer (Pali)
ku_t.a heap (Pali); summit (Pali); ko_t.i summit (Pali)
ko_t.i end (Ta.)
ku_pa mooring post, mast; ku_mpu cone-shaped pinnacle of chariot (Ta.)
ku_rma tortoise (VS.)
ku_pa leather oil vessel
ku_rca bunch, bundle of grass (TS.)
kr.p lament
kr.mi insect, worm (AV.)
kr.s'a lean, thin (RV.)
kr.s. pull
kr.s.n.a dark blue, black (RV.)
kr._ scatter; char.a_na to scatter (B.); cat. to scatter (Pas'.)
char.a spear-shaft (Or.)
chat.a_ mass, lump
kr._ hurt
kl.p prepare
ke_sara in cmpd. 'mane' (Pali)
koka_ tack nail (H.)
kot.t.a, kut.t.a fort (Pkt.)
kod.i twenty (Juang); kod. (M.)
kor.i_ breast of a quadruped (L.); kro_d.a breast (AV.)
ko_n.a corner, angle (Pali); khu~_j corner (P.); khun corner (Phal.); kut.a_ heel (Ash.); khura hoof (Pali.Pkt.)
kotthali_ sack (Pali)
ko_dravaka a grain, paspalum scrobiculatum (BHSkt.)
kur-ai sprout (Ta.)
ko_la crooked (Dm.); ko_t.illa (Pali)
ko_t.ikar weaver (Ta.); koli_ (H.)
ko_sa sheath
ko_sa storeroom (Pali); ko_s.t.ha granary (MBh.); kot.t.ha (Pali)
krand cry
krand step, tread
kram step
kris'n.o to comb (WPah.)
kri_ barter
kri_d. sport
kruc curve
krudh be angry
krus' cry, call
klam be tired
klav fear
klid wet; gilla wet (Pkt.)
klo_man lungs (VS.)
kvan. sound
kvath boil
ks.aj go, approach
ks.ad cut up; cha_n.d.an. to lop (L.); chid cut
ks.an injure
ks.ap destroy, throw away
ks.am endure
ks.ar flow; ks.al flow, wash; jha_ra_ stream of water from the perforated bottom of a pot to water a plant (B.)
jha_l gilding (P.)
ks.a_ra corrosive (R.)
ks.i dwell; ks.e_tra land (RV.)
ks.i perish
ks.i_n.a worn away
ks.i_ba drunk
ks.i_ra milk (RV.)
ks.u sneeze
ks.ip throw
chut.t.a released (Pkt.)
ks.ud trample
ks.up press
ks.ubh shake
ks.uma_ flax, hemp
ks.ur cut, scrape
ks.ai burn; jhas. burn; zah heat (A.); jvar burn; jval burn; jhai burn; za~_u vitrified brick (A.)[ks.a_ma charring]
kho_d.a boundary post (Pkt.)
khakkh laugh; kan laugh
khac project, be studded
kha~_c basket; khat.a thatching grass
khat. wish
khat.ika_ chalk; gairika_ red chalk; ge_ruka yellow ochre (Pali)
khat.u_ anklet
khad.u_ bier; khad.aka bolt, post; khoru standing
khan.d. break
khan.d.u sugar
kan.d.uva_ upper garment (Te.); kha_di rough cloth (N.); kha_rva_ coarse red cloth (P.)
khadika_ fried grain
khan dig
khara donkey
kharat.a crackling sound
kharvat ficus scrabriuscula, a fig-tree
khara_yo hare
kharju_raka scorpion
kharpara skull; khopr.i_ skull (Ku.)
kharva mutilated, imperfect
khal shake; khala threshing floor
kilar rises (Gypsy)
khalla leather
khali_ oilcake
khalu certainly
khal, kharal mortar (H.); ga_ra_ thin mud used for mortar [gr._ drip]
khavaya shoulder (Pkt.)
khasnu to fall (N.); khisai slips (Pkt.)
khasun to lift up (K.)
khassan. snatch (L.)
kha_d eat [ca_tam food (Ta.)]
kha_ra a grain measure (Pa_n..)
khicca_ dish of rice and peas; kisa_ri_ lentil, lathyrus sativus (H.)
khir.a_eb to spread (Mth.)
khi~d. mountain pass (M.)
kholl to open (S.); khi_d. mountain pass; khilan. to open (L.); khila unploughed land (AV.);khid tear, press; khe_d.ai ploughs (Pkt.); khe_da fatigue (Pali); khedo pursuit (G.)
khilla boil (Pkt.)
khili roll (of betel)(N.)
khisi mockery, scorn (N.)
ku_pa leather oil-vessel
guccha, guja, ku_rca bunch, cluster
kudan.u leaps, jumps (S.); ku_rd leap
ku_rpara elbow; kappara (Pali)
klo_m roof (Ash.); ku_rma tortoise (VS.)
khol sheath, case (P.)
khulla hut (Pkt.)
kr.cchra painful, miserable
kher.o shield (S.)
khe_d.a town with an earth rampart (Pkt.); kherni plot of ground covered with thatching grass (A.)
khe_t.a, ks.ve_d.a phlegm
ke_l- play; khe_d.an.aa toy (Pkt.)
kes' silk, silk threads (Gypsy)
khokho anything withered and dried up (S.)
kho~go fish-trap of basketwork (N.)
khoj clue (N.); footprint (A.)
kho_d.i fault (Pkt.)
khodna_ to dig, carve (H.); kotarvu~ (G.)
khop hut (M.); kho~p (Mth.)
khop hair-knot (N.)
khya_ make known
gagana atmosphere (Ya_j.)
gaja treasury; grainstore
gaj heap (P.)
gam.ja hemp, cannabis sativa (Pkt.)
garj roar
gargara churn
gard cry
granth tie, knot
grabh, grah take
gras swallow
girum whirlpool (Wg.); ge_run to surround (K.); gherm I turn round (Kal.); gham.gho_ra constantly turning (Pkt.); ghulai turns (Pkt.); ghummai turns round (Pkt.) ghut. turn; gholn.o to stir, mix (Ku.)
ghumt.o woman's headcloth (N.)
ghun.d.i_ knot of thread, tangle (S.)
gruc rob
glai be weary
gha, gha_ particle of emphasis (RV.); ga also, even, and (Sh.)
ghat.a pot (Pali)
ghar.n.a_ to carve (WPah.); ghar.vu~ to shape, hammer (G.)[ghana hammer (AV.)]
gha_r.u_ carpenter; ghat.ayati joins; ghat. form, mould; jad.n.e~ to join, inlay (M.)
gat.-i_t married her (Bshk.); gha_d.a friendship (Pkt.)
gha_t.a_ nape of neck (Pali)
gha_ta killing [han kill]
ghat.a_ collection, mass; gat.n.i income (Sh.); ghat.t.ana_ means of living (Pa_n..)
ghat.t. touch, rub; ghat.t.an. to decrease (L.)
ghat.t.a landing place (Pkt.)
ghara house (BHSkt.); kher (Gypsy)
ghas eat
gha_ra sprinkling; gha_r ravine (H.)
ghur make a noise
ghus. call, shout
ghr. trickle
ghr. be hot; ghr.ta clarified butter (RV.)
ghattisam. gives (Pkt.); ghetla_ taken (M.); gat, git took (Wot..)
ghr.s. rub, pound
gheg goitre (N.)
gho_n:gha shell
gho_t.a horse
ghra_ smell
ca enclitic: and (RV.)
caur. flat space, field (Ku.); catur- in cmpds.; catuh. four times (RV.); caraya meeting place in a village (Pkt.)
cak be frightened; cakna_ be bewildered (H.); cakita frightened (Pali)
cak be satisfied
cakra wheel (RV.)
caks. appear (N.); ca_hai wishes (Pkt.); ci observe; cit observe;
citra conspicuous, bright (RV.)
cas. eat, taste; cat.t.e_i licks (Pkt.); car licks (Gypsy); carv chew; cad.d.ai eats (Pkt.); ca_l. feast (N.); cat.t.ha_ watering trough for cattle (P.); ca_t.t.a_ large earthen vessel (P.); ca_d.u~ saucer-shaped vessel forming part of a lampstand (G.); cat.t.u wooden spoon (Pkt.)
cam sip; cam bread (Gypsy); jam eat (Pali); je_mana eating; jevn.i_ grain given to threshers as part wage (M.)
caghati strives after (As'.)
cam.ga clever, handsome; co_ks.a pure, clean; cokh (H.)
can:ger shallow basket (P.)
cacu beak; co_t.a beak (S.)
cat. fasten [kat.t.u (Ta.)]; cat.a_i_ matting (P.); cr.t fix
cat.aka sparrow
ced.a_ boy, son (M.); cella boy (Pkt.); romani-cel the gypsies (Gypsy)
cet.t.ha_ effort (Pkt.); ce_s.t.
can.a chickpea, cicer arietenum (Pkt.)
can.d.a fierce (Pali); ca~_r. strong (H.); can.d.a_la man of lowest and most despised caste (VS.); candal poor (Gypsy); sa~ra_l low-caste potter (A.)[jha_ri_ metal vessel with long neck (S.)]
catati hides oneself (RV.)
catura clever
catthari laughter (Pkt.)
cattra spindle; ca_tri_ axle of a spinning-wheel (G.)
cand shine
candana sandalwood (Nir.)
capet.a blow (S.); cot. blow (Sh.); chup wound (Wg.); cappai presses (Pkt.);
cipit.a flat, flatnosed (Pa_n..)
caya mound of earth as rampart of foundation, heap; cayana piling up (AV.); ci heap up; cita_ funeral pyre
cara moving (Pa_n.. gan.a); cal move, tremble; ca_lani_ pestle, mortar (Pali); ca_lan.i_ strainer, sieve (Pkt.)
caru_ large copper vessel used by dyers (S.)
carcara curled or woolly hair (RV.)
carcana laying on (an unguent)
carman hide, skin (RV.)
ca_s ploughing (B.); sa_h tilled (of land)(A.)
cavr.u~ coulter of plough (G.); cav-ta_le~ a harrow with 14 pins (M.); ca_pa bow (Pali)
cavai says (Pkt.)
casak acute pain (G.)
ca_co father's brother (S.)
ca_d.a stupid (Pkt.)[acat.u (Ta.)]; jad.a stupid
ca_ru agreeable (RV.)
ca_l thatch of a house (B.)
ci avenge [cayate_ takes vengeance on (RV.)]
cikura hair of head
cikan.u to distil, ooze out (S.); cihel wet oozy land (H.); cipph resin from pine trees (WPah.)
cikka small (Pkt.)
cin:gad.a shrimp; jhin:ga_ (P.)
jhin:gur cricket (P.); ci_ri_ cricket
cin:gha_r screech (P.)
cir. vexation (B.)
cin.ot.t.hi_ abrus precatorius (Pkt.)
citt prostrate on the back (P.)
cibuka chin (Ya_j.)
cimt.o tongs (S.); cimut.a_ pinching (Or.)
ciram. for long (RV.)
cillaa shining (Pkt.)
cit.t.ha_ account (P.)
cinha, cihana mark, sign (Pali)
citti crackling (RV.)
ci_na millet, panicum miliaceum
ci_ra bark, fibre (Pali); ce_la cloth, garment (Pali); challi bark, bast (Pali); cha_la bark
ci_s sudden pain (P.)
cukvu~ to fail, miss (G.)
cukra sour, sharp to the taste
cug peck
son:ga_ joint of bamboo, bamboo tube (A.); co~ga_ (H.)
cu_cuka nipple (R.)
cu_ttu anus (Ta.)
cud impel; co_da goad (RV.)
cup to be silent (Pas'.)
cumb kiss
cu_d.a topknot on head; protuberance on brick; caula tonsure ceremony; jat.a_ matted hair (Pali); ju_t.a twisted hair; jhakut.o woman's hair (Phal.); jham.t.i_ small bunch of hair (Pkt.); jhu~t. chignon (B.)
jhan:gu jungle (S.); jhall jungle (L.); bush (WPah.); jha_t.a forest, arbour; jhumu thicket (S.)
jhaur. attack (P.); jhapo pounce (S.); jha_l sudden leap (G.)
jha_po lid (N.)
ca_ula_ husked rice (Pkt.)
cu_d.a bracelet
cu_ra powder (Pkt.); cun.n.a powder (Pali); powder, esp. lime; cu_rn.aka ground corn, etc.
cur hole in the ground for fire (P.); cun.d.ya small well; cu_d.a small (BHSkt.); culla small (Pali.Pkt.); cun.d.ati becomes small
kullad.a small vessel, fireplace (Pkt.); culli_ fireplace
ku_la bank of river (Pali); kholo small river, valley (N.); kulya small river, canal, ditch (RV.)
culu handful of water
cu_s. suck; cah (K.); cappu (Ta.)
cokar bran (P.)[cakkai (Ta.)]
cot.t.u to steal (Ta.); co_ra thief (Pali)
co_d.a jacket (BHSkt.)
cyu move
cyut trickle
chaga dung (Pkt.); s'aka, s'akr. (AV.); cakana (Pali)
cha_knu to drink by letting water drop into mouth (N.); sa_k palm of hand hollowed to hold water or grain (M.)
chaga goat
chaju winnowing fan (S.)
chad seem, please [chajan.a decoration (Ku.)]
chad cover; chandas deceit [cadi (Ta.)]; chana shed (S.)
cha~_d tether
chandas incantation, sacred text, metre (RV.)
chattra parasol; cha_ta_ mushroom (B.H.)
chattra_ ram (P.)
chapun to be hidden (K.)
chapa_ impression, seal (Mth.)
chambhe_ti is stiff (esp. with fear)(Pali)
chardati vomits; cha~_r.na_ to leave (OH.)[chr.d eject, leave]
chal stumble, deceive
chal.ko splash (G.)
chavi skin (Pali)[sku cover]; cha_ya shade, shadow, reflection (RV.)
chail handsome (P.)
cha_ti_ chest (S.P.)
cha_ young animal; s'a_va (MBh.)[cavalai (Ta.)]; chavo boy (Gypsy); chokro boy (G.)
chikka_ sneeze
chikka_ra an antelope
chit.nu to sprinkle (N.); chin.vu~ to be sifted (G.)
chirnu to pierce (N.)
chillia torn (Pkt.); chila peel, bark, skin, shell (S.)
chut. get loose, release, throw; chut.t.ha thrown (Pkt.)[ks.ut.]
chup touch
chupna_ to be hidden (H.)
chur strew
che_ka clever [s'ikvan skilful (RV.)]
cho_ cut
ja- in cmpds. 'born'
jaghan.a hinder part (RV.)
jhakna_ cover of a grain pot (Bi.)
jad.ya chilliness
zatt gypsies of Arabia and Syria (Gypsy); jat.u Sindhi peasant, Musalman (S.)
jad.ula mole, freckle
jatu lac
jattu shoulder
jana race, person (RV.); jan be born [ja_ offspring; pl. descendants]
jan.n.a_ bridegroom's procession (Pkt.); janya friend of a bridegroom (RV.); ja_ti kinsman (RV.)
ja_ma_tr. daughter's husband (RV.); na_tara betrothal, relationship (OG.)
ja_mi sister (Pkt.)
ja_ya wife (RV.)
ja_r paramour (Pali.Pkt.); lover, friend (RV.)
jap mutter
jabh bite
jaya victory; jita won (RV.)[ji]
jya_ bowstring (RV.)
jara wearing out (RV.); old (Pali); ji_rati grows old; is digested (Pali)[jr._]
jaru, jaura afterbirth (S.)
jala water
jalp mutter
jas exhausted [za~_s to blow out a fire (Dm.)]
jahaka hedgehog
ja_gr. wake
ja_na_ti knows (RV.)[ja_ know]
ja_nu knee (RV.)
ja_la net, snare (AV.)
jihva_ tongue (RV.); juhu_ (RV.)
ji_ra quick movement (of the soma stones)(RV.)
ji_v live
jus. enjoy
jun:gu pubic hair (Ka.)
ju_ hasten
jr.mbh yawn; jama_i (N.)
jyut shine; jyo_tis light, moonlight (RV.); jo_ti light, star, fire (Pali)
jye_s.t.ha first, chief
jyais.t.hi_ small house lizard
jhakk doubt (P.)
jhagad.a quarrel (Pkt.)
jhaga froth, scum (S.)
jhad.ai makes fall (Pkt.); jha_r.a_ to shake off, thresh (B.); jhar waterfall (B.); jharjhara a strainer
jhan. tinkle
jha~_po matted gate (G.)
jhukan.u to stoop (S.)
jhuran. to pine with grief (L.)[jhr._ waste away]
jholo bag (Ku.)
t.aun.o deaf (WPah.)
t.ikan.u to remain, be firm (S.)
t.akkara collision (Pkt.)
t.hakkura chief man of a village (Pkt.)
t.a_k bald patch (B.)
t.a_n:gi_ hill, stony country (Or.)
t.agara, t.e_raka squinting; d.heru bullock with one horn hanging down (WPah.)
t.an:ka spade, hoe, chisel (R.)
t.a~_k iron pin, rivet (H.)
t.am.ka leg (Pkt.)
t.a_n.d.a_ dry stalk of ba_jra_ (L.)
d.a_kan. witch (P.); s'a_kini_ female attendant on Ka_li_
d.a_n.ro term of contempt for a blacksmith (N.); d.ha_n:gar. name of a Santal tribe (Or.); dha~_gar. digger of wells and tanks (H.)
d.an:ka_ drum (P.N.B.Or.H.M.); d.au~r drum (Ku.); d.aur hourglass-tabor (M.)
d.a~_g club (H.); stick (P.); d.an:ga_ stick (Pkt.); d.a_n. thick stick (A.)
d.akan.u to tremble (S.)
dagar. road (P.)
t.a~_knu to join, tack, button (N.)
t.an:gan.a borax; t.am.kan.aks.a_ra borax; t.an:ka weight of 4 ma_s.as; t.am.ka a stamped coin(Pkt.); t.a~_k button; t.an:kas'a_la_ mint; t.aksa_l.i_ mint-master [tan:kam gold (Ta.); t.an:kaka a silver coin; tanka = ka_rs.a_pan.a (Khot.){kars.a a partic. weight; pan.a a measure of account in cowries = 80; ka_ha_n.a 16 annas (pan.a's) or 1280 cowries (Or.)}; t.aka_ a copper coin; t.ako money (N.)]
t.a~_gan hill pony (H.)
t.an:gan.a, t.an:kan.a a tribe; name of a people living northwest of Madhyades'a (R.)
d.a~_go male (of animals)(N.); d.a~_gar horned cattle (H.); d.an:gur bullock (K.)
t.a~_gun millet, setaria italica, panicum italicum (Bi.); -d.an:gula (Pali)[= kan:kuni_]; ta~_dl.a_ pl. grains of certain kinds of corn (G.); can.t.ikka_r a kind of rice (Ta.); to_n.d.ul rice in the fields (Gaw.); tan.d.ula grain, esp. rice, after threshing and winnowing (AV.); husked rice (Pali) tan.d.u_la grain, esp. rice, after threshing and winnowing (AV.); tomul husked rice (K.); ta_ula (OB.)[ca_val husked rice (L.); can.t.i-k-ka_r a kind of rice (Ta.)] dha_na corn, grain (esp. parched grain)(RV.); dhanhar rice-land, land which has been under rice (Bi.); dhankhet rice-land (Bi.)
tandra row, line (VS.); t.ran.d.ru herd of cattle (S.); taran.d.i_ large herd of bullocks taken about for sale (L.); t.a~_d.u~ line of bullocks, caravan, head of a series, front, top (G.); ta~_d.a_ line (of cattle, ants, etc.), troop, company (M.)
t.a_l.i_ open terrace (M.); t.a_r level piece of ground above a stream (N.); t.a_ri unirrigated rice-field (N.)
t.illa_ hillock (L.); d.higg high bank (P.)
t.ikkida marked with one (Pkt.); t.i_ke pl. spot (D..)
d.iko horizontal line on the top of Na_gari_ letters (N.); d.ikiba to draw a line (A.); t.hen:guya_ broken (B.); d.i~gnu small stick for driving animals (N.)
t.heka_ prop, striking two things together (A.)
t.hika_n.a_ station (P.); t.heko station (G.)
t.hika_ piecework (A.B.Or.)
t.hikri_ potsherd (M.); t.hi_kru~ earthen vessel (G.) t.heki, t.he~ki small earthen pot (Or.); t.heko round wooden vessel (Ku.); t.heki_ large grain-sack (H.)
dhokro large jute bag (N.); dhokr.u~ bale of cotton (G.)
dhokar.a hanging down (of breasts)(Or.)
d.hok hut in the fields (L.); d.hwa_ka_ pl. gates of a city or market (K.); d.hokse place covered with a mat to store rice in, large basket (N.)
t.hok obstacle (Ku.); d.akkan. to stop (L.)
d.a_hal. loppings of trees (M.)
t.het.a_ substance rejected in making rice beer (N.)
t.o_p hookah bowl (WPah.); t.o_pia_ helmet (Pkt.)
t.oplo basket (G.)
t.olla_ clan, quarter of a town (P.); tul herd of cattle, company, society (A.)
t.hat.t.ar an alloy of copper and bell metal (N.)
t.happa_ stamp, mould (H.)
d.ayana bird's flight; d.ain wing, branch (H.) [d.i_ fly]
d.i_ra new shoot (Pkt.)
d.era tent, temporary stopping place (K.)
diz, dez to create (Kt.)
d.omr.a_ a low caste of musicians (H.)
d.hakkana shutting
d.ha_r.e male (usu. of cats)(N.)
d.han.d. pond, lake (P.)
d.hapna_ cover of a granary (Mth.)
d.hapuwa_ pice, money (Ku.); d.higu lump (S.); d.hi_m clod (L.); d.her heap, large quantity (Ku.); d.ok high ground, hillock, heap (Kho.)
d.halai falls, drips (Pkt.)
d.aka_ waist (Wg.)
d.ha_la shield
d.hikkai bellows (Pkt.)
d.hi_k edge, corner (Ku.)
d.hid.hu belly (S.)
d.hiro slack, loose (S.)
d.hukkai meets (Pkt.);
d.huln.a_ to incline (P.)
d.hose fat, thick (of bread)(N.)
d.husya_unu to strike (N.)
d.hem.ka beam of a well (Pkt.)
d.on:g knee (Ash.)
d.on. hole (Bshk.)
daul drum (Gypsy)
d.hauk approach
tam.s move to and fro
taka this (RV.)[ta base of nom. sg. n. all obl. sg. and all pl. forms of pron. and pronom. adj. sa]; tatha_ so, in that way (RV.)
takra buttermilk with a third part of water; whey (Pali.Pkt.)
taks. hew
daks. be able
ta_gar. mortar (Ku.); tagri a man who makes mud or plaster (K.)
ta~_gr.o strong (Ku.); t.l.agr.o strong (WPah.)[tarj threaten]
tanakti contracts (Dha_tup.)
tat.a bank, side of hill (Pali)
tat.t.aka bowl for holding food, flat bowl (Pali)[tat.t.am (Ta.)]
ta_d.a blow (AV.)[tad. strike]
tad.ia spread out (Pkt.); tata stretched, extended (RV.)[tan stretch]; tanika_ cord; tanuka thin, delicate (Pa_n..); tantra web (RV.); loom (Pa_n..)
t.a~_r. bamboo platform for sitting on (N.)
tad.a_ga pool
talla pond; ta_l canal (Bi.)
tapta heated, hot (RV.)[tap be hot]
tamas darkness (RV.)[tam choke, faint]
taran.a crossing (RV.); tara carrying across (Pa_n..gan.a); taro boat (G.); ti_ra shore, bank (Pali.Pkt.)[tr._ cross]
tari marshy lowlying land (N.); talla_ (L.P.); tara_i_ (S.P.H.); tala level, ground, bottom (Pali.Pkt.)
taraks.u hyena (VS.); tiger
taran:ga wave (R.)
tarala trembling, moving to and fro
tarwar.e sword (Sant.); tarava_ri one-edged sword
tar cream (n:g.)
taru tree (Pali.Pkt.)
tarun.a young, tender (Pali)
tarku spindle; takku (Pkt.); tark revolve
tardati splits open, sets free (Dha_tup.)[tr.d split]
tad.d.u_ ladle (Pkt.)
trappar. mat, cloth of goat's or camel's hair (L.); talpa bed
talpa raft
trap to run (Dm.)
taso hunger and thirst (S.)[tr.s. be thirsty]
tal fix
tal fry
ta_la fan-palm (Pali); ta_d.a (Pkt.); ta_laka palm leaf; ta_lapattra gold cylinder; ta_t.an:ka ear-ornament; large ring [ta_li neck ornament (Ta.)]
ta_ta father; ta_tya fatherly (RV.)
ta_mbu_la betel, betel leaf; ta~bola_ (OB.); tamoli_ betel net seller (Bhoj.)
ta_mra dark red, copper-coloured (VS.); tamba red; copper (Pali)
ta_ra_ fixed star (Ya_j.)
ta_lu palate (VS.); top of head (Pkt.)
tigma sharp, pungent, hot (RV.); tricher sharpness (K.)[tij be sharp]
ti_vra strong, hot, pungent (RV.); trup salt (Kho.)[tr.pra pungent (RV.); tr.p be satisfied, enjoy]
tittira partridge
tinta wet (Pali); trimman. to drop, distil, leak (L.)[tim be wet]
tip sprinkle
tiras across (RV.); tiras'cata transversely (RV.)
tillati goes (Dha_tup.);[til go]
tila sesamum indicum (AV.)
tilaka mole, freckle, stain (Pali)
tila_ enlarged spleen (P.)
tucchya empty, vain (RV.)
tuj push, urge
tutta goad for cattle or elephants (Pali)[tud strike]
trup pierce, hurt [tup strike]
tul lift
tr.ti_ya third (RV.); tris thrice (RV.)[tri- three; trayan three (RV.)]
tr.pra ghee
to_mara lance
to_ya water[to_y wash]
t.or.a_ bag hung round a cluster of dates (L.)
tyaj leave
trakh go
trap jump, show feeling
trapu tin (AV.)
tras tremble, fear
trut. break
trombun to prick with a needle (K.)[truph miscarry]
tre_d.ha_ crooked (L.)
trai protect
tvar hasten
thu_t sound of spitting
dam.s bite
dagdha burnt (AV.)[dah burn]
dagh reach to
dan.d.a control
dadhnah. thick sour milk (RV.)
danta tooth (RV.)
dabh hurt, deceive
dahra small
dam tame
dara fear [dr._]
dar cave (K.)
dar in cmpds. 'cleaving'(RV.); darayati causes to split (RV.)
das'a ten (RV.)
da_ bind
da_ give
da_ta given
datu share (RV.); da_ti cuts, mows [do_ cut]
duno_ti burns (AV.)[du hurt]
da_sa slave (Pali)
d.a_ho wise (S.)
de_va heavenly; a god (RV.); di_pa lamp; div shine; di_ shine
div gamble
div wail
dih smear
di_ fly
di_ decay
du_ta messenger (RV.)[du go]
dudh be violent
dur door
durv hurt
dul swing, wander
dus. spoil
dus. perjorative prefix
duhitr. daughter (RV.)
dr. regard
dr.m.h be firm
dr.p be excited, inflamed, arrogant
dr.ti skin of leather (RV.)
dr.bh string, tie
dr.s' see
dai clean
dyut shine
dravati runs (RV.)[dram run]
droxum silver (Kho.); damma a coin (Pkt.)
ja_n.o_ to go (WPah.)[dra_ run]
d.ahar lowlying land (L.P.)
dra_va speed, flight [dru run]
dru- wood
druh injure
drai sleep
dva- two; du- two in cmpds.; dvih. twice (RV.)
dro_n.a wooden trough (RV.); dro_n.i valley
dvis. hate
dhat.a scale of a balance, a balance
dhan run
dhana contest, prize, booty, property (RV.)
dhanus bow (RV.)
dham, dhma_ blow
dha_v run; dhav run
dha_ place
dha_d.e_i drives out (Pkt.)
da_n earthen fireplace (K.); dha_na in cmpds. receptacle (RV.)
dha_na site of habitation; dha_na_ the portion of a village inhabited by Gonds (H.)
dha_n.ik mousetrap (Ku.)
dha_nnu to support, maintain, manage to do (N.)
dha_ra in cmpds. holding
dha_ra stream (RV.)
dha_ra_ sharp edge, rim, blade (RV.)
dha_v wash
dhi- in cmpds. receptacle
dhik fie!
dhuks. kindle
duri_ bull (Wg.); dhura yoke, pole (Pali); dhur yoke or yoke-pin (RV.)
dhu_ shake
dhu_li_ dust (Pkt.)
dhu_pa incense
dhr. hold
dhr.s. be bold
dhe_ suckle
du_ti loin-cloth (K.)
dhyai reflect
dhraj move
dhras glean, throw up
dhrai satisfy
dhvam.s fall
na not (RV.)
n.akka nose (Pkt.)
naks. reach
nakha nail, claw (RV.)
nagara town
nagna naked (RV.)
nat.a dancer, actor
nad.a species of reed (RV.)[el. to be hollow (Ta.)]
nad sound
nana_ndr. husband's sister (RV.)
nand rejoice
naptr. grandson (TS.)
nabh tear asunder
nam bend
nayati leads (Pali)[ni_]
nard roar
nava nine (RV.)
nayana eye; ne_tra eye
nara man, male [nr. (RV.)]
narta dancing [nr.t]
nard roar
nava new, young (RV.)
nava nine (RV.)
nas' reach; nas'yati is lost (RV.); pp. nas.t.a
nas nose; nyet nose (Wot..)
nas enclitic pronoun of 1st person plural (RV.); no_ acc. gen. dat. (Pali); -ne, -ni as direct object of verb and gen. after substantive (e.g. la_ma-ne our village)(Shum.)
nah tie
nahi surely not (RV.)
na_ka firmament, vault of heaven (RV.); nax floor (Kho.)
na_kra alligator, crocodile
na_ga snake; pannaga snake
na_ga elephant
na_ga lead
na_n.aka coin, anything stamped (Ya_j.)
nyo~_da_ invitation (WPah.); nevata invitation to wedding (OAw.); ne_ndar subscription to a wedding feast (L.); neu~da_ invitation, contribution by guests to defray expenses (P.); ne~deror. relative invited to wedding feast (P.); nana_ndra husband's sister's son (Pa_n..gan.a); nana_ndr.]; nimantraka inviter (MBh.); nen.d.ro messenger carrying invitation to wedding feast (S.); nyu_tan.o invites (Ku.); nihum.tri_ta_ pl. pres. part. pass. (G.)
newat, newta_, nawta_ a false balance (Bi.); lewat (Mth.); nwa_n. measurement (WPah.); nimeik to measure (quantity), weigh (Kho.)[ma_ measure]; nimar measure, weight, weight of 2 maunds, skin bag holding 2 maunds (Kho.)
no~d copying into a book (M.); no~dn.e~ to copy and enter a document (M.); no~dhvu~ to note down, enter in a book (G.); nibandha bond (Pali); grant of property (Ya_j); fastening (R.)[bandh]
niyata fastened (RV.); devoted to; n.iaya bound by a vow (Pkt.); nemvu~, nimvu~ to fix, appoint, resolve (G.); niya_maka charioteer, sailor; niya_ma ship's captain, pilot (Pkt.)[yam; nya_ya]
nyu~, nyo~ a good wife (Sh.); niyate he granted (OSi.)
nika_sa settlement of accounts (Or.); nika_ exit, export (H.); ni_kasi_ bridegroom's procession in the marriage ceremony (OMarw.)[kas]
ne_tras marriage ceremony (K.); nayate_ marries; netta guidance; ne_tra leading (AV.)
ni_ta led (RV.)[ni_]; n.ia taken away (Pkt.); nijan.u to be carried away (S.)
n.i_i, n.itti conduct (Pkt.); ni_ti [ni_]; niyama restraint; fixed law (R.); n.iama rule, vow (Pkt.); neo a law, institution (B.); newa_ custom, method (H.); niyamen in accordance with the regulation (OSi.); ni_m, ni_v rule, vow (G.); n.io_a order, engagement (Pkt.); niyo_ga-pa_s'a carriage trace; niyo_ga order (Pali); noi_ rope for tying cow's feet when milking (OAw.)[nij rope (H.); niryo_ga rope for tying cows]; ne_ho~ branching stick on which pots are hung (L.)
neut.a_ to turn back (B.); n.iat.t.a turning back (Pkt.); nivarta causing to turn back (RV.); nivartana turning back (RV.)[vr.t]; leut.en return of bride to father's house after living with husband (Or.)
neut. coming and going, intercourse (B.)
n.iutta engaged in (Pkt.)[yuj]; niyut team of horses (RV.); niyuta fastened (RV.); n.iua well joined (Pkt.); nu~_ to plough (Pr.)[yu, yauti fastens]
niyo_ga master; neog head peon at the court of Ahom kings (A.)
na_na_ variously (RV.)
na~_d large water vessel (P.)
na_ndana pleasure garden
n.an.n.a eldest brother (Pkt.)
na_pi not
na_bhi navel, nave of wheel (RV.)
na_ma indeed (RV)[acc. sg. of na_man name (RV.)]
na_ra_ca iron arrow
na_rike_la coconut palm and fruit [cmpd. na_ri fibre + ke_l.i coconut palm (Ta.)]
na_va boat (RV.)[nau]
nikat.am near (R.)
nya_ro dust in a goldsmith's shop (Ku.); niya place where there is litter and rubbish (Kho.); neot.hiba to gin (cotton)(A.)[nipis.t.a crushed (AV.); pis.]
ni_vra eaves of a roof; n.ivva roof, eaves (Pkt.)
nya_r fodder for cattle (H.); niga_ra swallowing (Pa_n..)[gr._]; negvu~to eat (G.) n.i(v)a_n.a watering trough for cattle beside well or tank (Pkt.); nava_n. watering place (G.); nipa_na [pa_]
nya_r, nya_ro, nira_lo lonely, aloof (Ku.); nira_laya homeless (Pali)[a_laya]
nyu_ru, ni_ris a meadow (at the foot of or in the midst of mountains)(K.)
nya_r wild rice (H.); nava_r rice growing spontaneously (G.); ni_va_ra wild rice (VS.Pali); neya_l rice-straw (B.)
niwa_r wooden ring or wheel at bottom of a well forming foundation for the superstructure of earth or masonry (H.); ni_m dhu_ri_ the second pair of spokes of a cartwheel (Mth.); lewa_ra_ (Bi.); ne_mi rim, felly (RV.); new foundation of a house wall (Bi.); neiya~_ earthen support for jars (Aw.)
ni_vara water; marsh; n.i_ra water (Pkt.); ni_ro toddy juice (G.)[ni_r (Ta.)]
newa_r the inhabitants and former rulers of the Kathmandu valley in Nepal (N.); niva_n. valley (P.)
nivn.e~ hole near fireplace where pot is set to cool (M.); nirva_n.a blowing out, death, final emancipation [va_]
ni_pa situated low, deep; ni_wa~_ land fertilized by alluvial silt (L.); nimna low ground (RV.); n.in.n.a low (Pkt.)
ninauna_ to make bend, lower (H.); nivr.an. to bend, stoop (L.); nyu_r.an.o to stoop (Ku.); nihu~kna_ to bend, stoop (H.); nihurna_ to bow, stoop (P.H.); n.ihutta sunken (Pkt.); niyac bent down, downward (RV.); ni_ca low; below (RV.)[nyac, ac]
-nze to put, place (Pr.); nikkhitta laid down (Pali); niks.ipta deposited; nin.ya inner, hidden, secret (RV.); nihuran.u to bury (S.); nyire down (Kt.); nyora~under, below (Dm.); nija_ south (L.)[ni down, in]; nehn.a_ to make (a pot) stand on the ground (P.); n.iha_n.a store (Pkt.); n.ihan.a rice plants spread out in rows after reaping (Or.); nidhi setting down (food), hoard (RV.); receptacle,treasure (Pali); n.ihi storehouse (Pkt.)[dha_]
narop first year crop (L.); niropab to put, place (Mth.); niravin.e~ to hand over, commit to the care of (M.); niro_payati transplants [rup]
newa_ri jasmine (N.)
nive_s' to write (Kho.); nuvis' (Yid.); nimis'ta kanag to write (SBal.)
nive_s'a dwelling place (RV.)[vis']
nikraman.a putting down the feet, footstep (RV.)
nija constant (AV.); own (Pali); niya own (OG.); ni genetive affix (NiDoc.)[jan]
nitya continual (RV.); nicca constant (Pali)
niha~_i~_ potter's kiln (S.)
ni_ku~ clear, pure, fine (G.); ni~ga_l.o stream of dripping or oozing liquid (G.); n.igga_liya melted (Pkt.)[gal]; nizariba to flow gently, ooze out, drip (A.) [*jhar]; nitran. to be refined (L.); nita_r clear liquid remaining after all sedimentis deposited (P.)[tr._]
nin.an.em. to lead to (OM.)
nigad.a iron chain for legs
ni~ga_lo the small bamboo, arundinaria intermedia (N.)
nidra_ sleep [drai]; niz sleep (Mai.); nis'a_ night (Gr.S'r.); nirya_ going out (TS.) ni_d.a resting place, nest (RV.)
nind blame; ninda_ (AV.)
nista_ra discharge of debt [tr._]
ni_jh looking closely at (P.); nhya_l.n.u to wait for (WPah.) nirakhna_ to look at (H.); nirakh knowledge (P.); consideration, judgement (Ku.); niri_ks.ate_ looks at [i_ks.]
nirukta spoken out, distinct [vac]; n.irutta spoken (Pkt.); n.iruktam. certainly (Pkt.); niruta_ genuine, pure (Or.); niruta, niruta clear, decided (OG.); nirukti explanation of a word; nirutti explanation (Pali); niruti, nirati, narati news (OG.); niruta unwoven (Pa_n..com.); nirua_na_ to undo, unravel (H.)
nirgrantha free from all ties [grantha]; nigan.t.ha Jain ascetic (Pali); n.iggam.tha, n.iam.t.ha (Pkt.); punar-nigrantham intertwining again (AitBr.)
nirdha_r free from debt [uddha_ra]
nire_ti goes out, departs (RV.); ne_-, ni_ to go out (Pas'.)
niro_dha confinement, control [rudh]
niggama conclusion (Pali); n.iggama going out, road leading out (Pkt.)[gam]
nirma_n.a measuring (R.); making [ma_ measure]
nis.ka gold ornament for neck or breast (RV.); specifif weight of gold (Ya_j.);
nikkha (Pali)
nikaur.iya_ penniless (H.)[kaparda]
nis.kars.a oppressing by taxes; niks'i_ adj. strict, exact (M.)[kr.s.]
nikharo pure, unalloyed (N.); nikhot. unblemished (P.N.H.)[*kho_t.t.a] niro pure, unalloyed (S.); ni_raja free from dust [rajas-]
nid.d.a_yati cuts out, weeds (Pali); nend weeding a rice-field (K.); nada_va_ weeder (P.); nada_i_ weeding (P.); nirda_tr. weeder, reaper [do_]
ni_la indigo (Ya_j.)
nu move; na_vayati
nu shout
nu now (RV.); nu_tana fresh (RV.); nu_nam now (RV.); nur now (Oss.);
n.avaram. immediately after, at once (Pkt.)
nr.t dance
ni_ lead
ni_ churn milk
nij wash; ne_jaka washerman
ne_tra eye
ne_tra cord of churning stick
ne_tra veil (R.)
nyagro_dha banyan tree or ficus indica (AV.); n.aggo_ha (Pkt.); nuga (Si.)
napan. to seize (L.); nyarpayati throws down (AV.)[r.]
n.attha deposited (Pkt.); nyasta (Mn.)[as]; natuva inheritance; natuva_ heir (Si.); nya_sa deposit, pledge (Mn.); n.a_sa deposit (Pkt.); na_s (G.)
nyu_na shortened, wanting, defective; n.u_n.a wanting, less (Pkt.)[u_na]
pa in cmpds. `drinking' [pa_ drink]; pa_tra drinking vessel (RV.)
pa in cmpds. `protecting' [pa_ protect; in cmpds. `protecting']
pakka able (Pkt.)
pakun to go, tread, advance (K.)
pa_k bend, twist (A.B.)
pa_k eddy, rounds of a field in ploughing (A.B.)
pakar.n.a_ to seize (P.)
pakkan.a hut of a can.d.a_la
pakva cooked [pac]; pec hot (Kho.);
pacati bakes (bricks)
paca requisites (Si.); pochu guest (K.); pa_huna_-pa_cha_ guests (N.)
paks.a wing, side (RV.)
paks.man eyelashes (TS.)
pakhur.i_ petal, flower leaf (H.)
pag turban (K.); pa~_gran. small kind of dhoti_ worn by men, bodice (G.)
pan:ka mud (Pali)
panti line, row (Pali); pankti group of five (AV.)[paca five]; paddhara straight (Pkt.)
pan:gu lame, crippled
pun~ja heap
pan~jara cage, net [pacchi_ basket woven from grass (L.)]
pan~ji ball of cotton
pa~_zi almanac (A.)
pat. split
pa~_thi_ parting of the hair (G.)
pa_tha path (Pa_n..gan.a); pantha path, road (RV.); padra village, road in a village; pa_t.a breadth, expanse; pa_t.aka long span, flight of steps; pa_d.aa road (Pkt.)[pa_da foot]
pa~_t line, turn, rotation (Ku.); pa_l.i line, row, text (Pali); pa_r.o column in multiplication (G.); pa_l arrangement in a line (L.)
pada footstep, track, place (RV.)[pad foot]; pa~u~ ace in dice (i.e. a quarter of the highest throw of 4 dots); pa_dika worth a quarter (Pa_n..gan.a); pa_do_na [pada-, u_na] less by a quarter
pa_dar uncultivated land near a village (G.)
pat.t.ha_, pat.h, pa_t.ha_ young full grown animal (H.)
pras.t.ha leading, going first (Pa_n..); pat.t.ha headman (Pkt.); las.t.a comrade (Pas'.)
pasti_ storehouse (Kal.)
pat.t.a slab, tablet
pat.t.a_ title deed to land (P.); pat.t.akila tenant of royal land
pat. sudden noise; pat.aha kettle-drum
pat.a woven cloth; pat.t.a cloth, woven silk
pat.ala veil, cover
pat.ala roof, thatch
pat.t.ana town
pat.hati repeats aloud
pan. bargain; pan.ya article for sale; pan.a wager (Ya_j.); pan.a a coin ( = 80 cowries)
pan.ava drum
pan.d.aka eunuch
pan.d.ita learned
pati master, husband (RV.)
pat after (Bshk.); para distant, further, other (RV.); pare_ afterwards (RV.)
padma lotus
paras'u axe (RV.); pars'u axe (R.)
para_i crowbar, pestle (G.)
para_i saucer used as a cover for other vessels (Bi.)[paridha_ya receptacle for water (dha_)]
parn.a plumage, foliage (of tree)(RV.); betel leaf; pa_n (Ku.N.A.B.Bi.Mth.Bhoj.);id. (H.Marw.G.M.); pa_nara_ seller of betel leaves (Or.)
pan.n.a_ka_ra special message, gift (Pali); panara, pand.ura present, tax (Si.)
parn.o wedding (S.); parna_hu (P.)[ni_]; pa_rin.a_yya paraphernalia received by woman at time of wedding
pari, paritas all around; parin.a_ha circumference, width; circumerence, extent, disc (Pali.Pkt.); pari_n.ah anything enclosed (RV.); parivarta revolving; exchange (Ya_j.)[vr.t]
parva_r. a village fence, precincts of a village or town (G.)[va_t.a]
paritta protection (Pali)[trai]; pari_tta given up (VS.); parto delivered in charge (S.)
pariya_ni_ scales (usu. a goldsmith's)(Bi.); parma_n. measure (P.)[ma_]; prama_n.a measure; standard, authority; pama_n.a measure (Pali.Pkt.)
paha_n.a chief (Pkt.); paha_n.o (OG.); pradha_na chief thing
pradhi felly (RV.); pahi_a_ wheel (P.); pahiya_ rim of wheel (Or.)
pro~_r.a comb (Ash.); pro~_wa~_ (Wg.)
prau, pau watering place (WPah.); pau religious distibution of water at roadside (Ku.); prapa roadside fountain (AV.); pa_n.-poi_ shed or stand for supply of water to travellers (M.); parab watering-place at roadside (G.); pausara_ place where water can be obtained (Aw.)
pa_va_lia_ inn-keeper (Pkt.); prapa_pa_li_ woman who distributes water to travellers
bharan.i_ 7th asterism (figured by pudendum muliebre)(AV.); bharan.a bearing in womb (RV.); bhara carrying, booty (RV.)[bhr. bear]
poya_n potter's kiln (B.); pa_kastha_na kiln; pa_en brazier's flux or borax (Bi.); panawa_la_ (Mth.); pa_cana dissolvent; borax; pavana potter's kiln; punhar goldwasher's crucible (Bi.); pavi_ fire; pu_r big fire, bonfire (Pas'.); po_r burning embers (Pas'.); pava_ purification (RV.); poi_ fire (Sh.); pavitra strainer (RV.) paryunu sieve, strainer (K.); prapavan.a purifying, straining (Pa_n..com.); paripavana cleaning, winnowing; paren sieve (Wg.); paripuna_ti strains (RV.)[pu_]; purunik to sift (Kho.); paripu_ya strained (Pkt.); palt.an.u to cast metal (S.); palat.un to melt (K.); pavana strainer (AV.); pon.a_ (P.)
parghani_ jeweller's iron ingot mould (Bi.)
paryu_n.o to give a share to everyone, distribute (Ku.); pariya_n.a general gift (Pkt.); pat.ida_na reciprocal gift (Pali); pain.o reciprocal presents among friends or kinsmen or neighbours of any unusual thing supposed to be dainty (Ku.)
pa_hatu concord, money given to person bearing expenses of any rite (S.)
pad.ga_han. pawn ticket (M.); prati-grahan.a receipt, a vessel; pat.iggahan.a acceptance (Pkt.)[prada_ya gift; pray receipt (K.); pyo_ru gift (Pr.); pradi gift (Pa_n..com.); pait.ha paid, handed over (Or.); pait.ha depositing money, payment, delivery (Or.)]; pait.i the beginning to consume corn kept long in reserve (N.); pa_it.i household work (Or.); pavatti use (Pkt.); pravr.tti advance; use; continuance (R.); pot quality, disposition (H.)
par.ghi_ stand for a pot (G.); pad.gha_ wooden bowl (M.); par.igaha_ spittoon (Mth.)
pahun.a_, pohan.a_ shoal of young fish (Or.)[po_ta youngof an animal; pova_ young snake (M.); a_dha_na: po_ta_dha_na shoal of young fish]; poha_r collection of young fish (Mth.)
pratiyabdhum to copulate [yabh]
pait.han. agreement, contract (G.); pratis.t.ha_na foundation
por space between two joints (H.); hollow bamboo for drilling seed (P.); po_ra knot (Pkt.); per joint, articulation (M.)
prakat.a manifest (Pa_n..)
pauri gatepost (OAw.); pradvar place before a gate
paur crop spread out ready for threshing (Mth.); paer treading of paddy sheaves by bullocks (Or.); pagara, payara collection, heap (Pkt.)[payir crop (Ta.)]
paha_yara sun (Pkt.); paha_r sunshine, sunny place (N.); pau, pah, poh dawn (H.); pohar light (A.)[bha_]; pahayay illumining (OSi. 10th cent.)[pakal day, sun (Ta.)]
paha master (OA.); pahu (MB.); pahu_ husband, lover (Mth.); pabhu, pahu fitting; master (Pkt.); pabhu master (Pali); pahu_ able (Pali); prabhu strong, capable (RV.); lord [bhu_ become; world (RV.); ground]; pahu_ta sufficient (Pali); pahuvai reaches (OG.); prabhu_ta much, great; pau~t strength, ability, power (Ku.)
bakura bag or bellows made of goat skin [bakura-dr.ti (RV.)]; bori sack (Sh.); bora_, bori_ coarse bag (for pack animals)(P.); pa_khar saddle with its gear (P.L.); pa_ran. bedding, decorations (G.)[pragrathana stringing together] prakaro_ti makes fit for, gains (RV.); pakkharia equipped, harnessed (Pkt.); bhastra_ leathern bag; ba_stam. carma goat's skin; basta goat; kha_ra-basta blacksmith's skinn bellows (K.); bha~_thi_ bellows (Bi.)[X bhasman ashes (AV.)]; bokosa_ load carried on back (A.)[bukka goat; boko he-goat (N.)]
bukkasa a man of the lowest stratum; bokkasa a non-Aryan people (Pkt.)
bhaka_r large wooden box to hold grain (Ku.); vakkha_ra granary (Pkt.); bakha_ra_ basket, granary (P.); vakha_ri_ ware-house keeper (G.)
ba_khar house (H.); vakkha_raya women's quarters (Pkt.)
ba_hul.a armour for the arms (Or.); baula bracelet (Gypsy); ba_hu arm (RV.); ba_ha_ (Pali)
va_ha draught animal (RV.); va_hana (Pali); va_khr.a_ having given milk for some time (of cow or buffalo)(P.); bas.kaya one year old (Sa_yan.a); ep. of vatsa (RV.); bakan heifer (B.); bas.kiha having calved long since (VS.); bhakullo chubby, plump (N.); bha_k bull (Sh.); bakka_ big man or animal (Si.)
va_gura net or trap for animals
bahula_ pl. the Pleiades; bahul (Kal.); bale (Sh.); boul, bolh (Kho.)
bajra_ millet (P.); varjari_; ba_jhari the grain holcus spicatus (S.); ba_jra_ spiked millet (L.B.Bi.H.M.); bu_car husks of millet (L.)
buco cropped of ears or tail (N.); but.o wanting ears or horns or tail (S.)
buco tame boar (N.); bucca_ crop-eared (L.P.)
buco plug, stopper (N.); vujjan.a lid (Pkt.); but.an. to stop, close (ears or mouth)(L.)
ba_ha steam (K.); ba_s.pa_yate_ emits vapour; ba_s.pa vapour (R.); bapha_ro vapour, sultriness, sweat (G.); va_pha_ra_ fumigation (M.)
ba_jhnu to quarrel (N.)
vajra thunderbolt (RV.); ba_j (B.)[o_jas strength]
pasa_ro extension of family property, lineage, family, household (Ku.); paha_ra_ goldsmith's workshop (P.)[sr. move]
prasava procreation (VS.)[su_ provide, bring forth, bear (young)]
prasa_tika_ a kind of small-grained rice; prasa_dhika_ wild rice
prasa_dada_na propitiatory gift; pasa_ytu~ land set apart for religious purposes or for maintenance of village artisans (G.)
prasa_dhayati adorns; pasa_hun.a_ to perform the ceremony of stripping and purifying and adorning bridegroom (P.)
pakha_l pool, reservoir (Ku.)[ks.al]
pa_ghal. ooze, trickling (M.); paha_l. mountain stream (M.); pagha_ran.u to melt, dissolve (S.); pragalati drips; parga_lna_ to melt [gal]
pakhuri_ goldwasher's iron scraper for collecting ashes (Bi.)
parovun. to perforate (with a needle), wreathe (L.); paron.a_ to string (beads, etc. (P.); pirohana_ to plait, weave on, string (beads, etc.)(H.); parivayati interweaves [ve_ weave]
parvan knot, joint (RV.); pa_b space between two joints (A.)
pariya_n.a circuit (Pa_n..); parya_n.a circuit (AitBr.); palyayate_ goes round [i]; paryaya revolution, turn; parye_ti goes round (RV.); polik to roll up, wind or wrap round (Kho.); pa_lo, pa_li_ turn, time, rotation (Ku.); pa_la_ (B.H.); pale_ back, back again, in return (Gypsy); partha to turn round (Wot.); palhattha, pallattha overturned (Pkt.); pallat.t.ai turns over (Pkt.)
paryayan.a, parya_n.a, palya_n.a saddle; pa_la_n pack-saddle (Pers.); palla_n.a, pad.a_ya_n.a (Pkt.); pa_l cloth curtain for side of tent (G.); pa_la sail (Or.); tent (N.)
praya_n.a setting out, journey (RV.); paya_n.a journey (Pkt.); paya_n expedition (A.); piya_n.u~ pilgrim party (G.)[ya_]
pra_jana goad (Pa_n.); pa_jana goad (Pali); pravayan.a goad (Pa_n..); paren ox-goad (P.); paina_ goad (H.); paron.o goad (G.); prato_da goad, whip (AV.); to_dana goad [vi_ pursue]
pravayan.a upper part of a piece of woven cloth (AitBr.); pa_on.a weaving, plaiting (Pkt.); paron.i_ piece of thread put through eye of needle (G.) [ve_ weave]; pravayati weaves on (RV.); po_ai plaits (Pkt.); povn.e~ to gather the threads of the warp into the part of the loom for raising and depressing them (M.); povan. to thread or string flowers (L.); pona_ to thread a needle, string pearls (H.)
prava_ran.a fulfilment of wish; pava_ran.a_ satisfaction (Pali)
pohan., pohan cart (P.); pravahana ship (R.)
parohan animal for riding (Bi.)
paro_ha sprout (Pkt.); phordu sprout, seedling (Kho.); paud (Ku.); paudh young plants for transplanting (H.)
pallava sprout (Pali.Pkt.); leaf (Pkt.); pa_lav tuft of foliage (G.)
pa(h)la_ tiny hut made of leaves (Or.); pal.l.i village (Ta.)
pa_gul.a chewing the cud (Or.)
pa_l house lizard (M.); palli_ (Skt.)
palya sack for corn; palla large granary; round sack for grain (Pkt.)
pariya_ya, pajjaya succession, order (Pkt.); pallava succession, order (Pkt.)
para_yan.a departure (RV.); pala_un.a_ to run away (B.); pale_ti, pala_yati runs away (Pali)
param.para_ series (Pali); lineage
paryastika_ sitting on the hams; pariyatthi, pallatthi, palhatthi squatting (Pkt.); pala~_t.hi_, palo~t.hi_ sitting with the feet crossed under the buttocks (G.); palyan:ka sitting cross-legged; pallan:ka (Pali)
parus.a spotted (RV.)
parus.a knotty (AV.)
pars'u rib (AV.)
parvata mountain, rock (RV.)
pala a fluid measure (Nir.); in cmpds. `a partic. weight' (Pali)
pal.i_ ladle (M.)
pala_la mud (R.); pallala marsh, pond (Pali.Pkt.)
pala_la stalk, straw
pas' see
pas' bind
pas'ca_t from behind, behind (RV.); paccha hinder part (Pkt.); pas'cima western
pas'tun Afghan (Psht.)
pa_m.s'u crumbling soil, dust, sand (AV.)
pa_ka baking (of bricks)[pac cook]
pad.d.aya buffalo (Pkt.)
pa_r.ho hogdeer, cervus porcinus; pa_r.ha_ spotted antelope (H.)
pa_n.i hand (RV.)
pa_n.d.u whitish-yellow; pun.d.ra pale
pa_yaka foot soldier; paik (Pahl.); paig (Pers.); pa_i_k petty village official, armed attendant (M.)
pa_ra bringing across (RV.); pare_ti bores through (Pali); pa_rayati fills (Dha_tup.) [pr. cross; pr._ fill; puru much, many (RV.)]
pa_rada quicksilver; pa_ro (S.G.); paranda (Pers.); pa_rav to change (Gypsy)
parev to deal with, exchange (Gypsy); pa_rsi_ language of brokers (G.); pa_rasa Persian (Pkt.); pa_rseg (MPers.)
pa_ra_pata dove (Pali)[para fly (Ta.)[pata wing] pat.t.a leaf (Shum.); patan:ga insect; patra wing (RV.); patati flies (RV.)[pat fall]; pata_ka_ flag [pad fall]; -pa_ta fall; pa_ta_la hole in the earth; cliff, abyss (Pali)
pa_rs.n.i heel (RV.); pa_sn.a_ (P.)
pa_la protector (R.); herdsman
pa_li boundary; pa_ri_ field (Bi.); pa_r.a_ boundary of field (H.)
pa_li food prescribed for a student; bread (Tir.)
pa_s'a die, dice
pasa_ iron ring through which plough iron is thrust; pa_sa_ lump of metal (H.); pa_s silver ingot, iron share of harrow (M.); pa_s'(u)li_ a ring for the toes (B.)
pa_sa noose, snare (RV.)
pa_s.a_n.a stone; pa_s.i_ stone, rock (RV.); pars.a rock (Psht.)[paha_r. mountain (L.P.Ku.B.Mth.H.G.)]
pa_s.i dry cowdung (BHSkt.)
pi prefix = api
pim.s'ati grinds (AV.)[pis. grind]
piccayati presses flat (Dha_tup.); pi_d. press (AV.)[perf. pipi_l.e_ (RV.)]
picchila slimy, slippery (Pa_n..); picchala slippery, greasy (Pkt.); piccha_ scum of boiled rice (Pa_n..)
pin~j paint; pin~ja turmeric; pim.ga yellow (Pkt.); pijara reddish-yellow
pin~jara cage [pajara]
pim.jai cards cotton (Pkt.)[pacu cotton (Ta.)]; pija_ cotton; picu cotton (Car.); pu_n.i_ roll of cotton (Pkt.); pu_n.ayati collects (Dha_tup.)
pan~ja heap (Pali); puja heap (Pali); puja_ aggregate of four (Or.); pu~_ji stock, property (Ku.)
pu_ga assembly, mass; guild (Pali.Pkt.)
pit.aka basket (Pali)
pit.hara pot, pan (Pali)
pid.aka small boil
pin.d.a lump, clod, piece (RV.); per.o lump of clay (S.); pi~_r.i_ platform of lingam (Bi.); pit.t.ayati stamps into a solid mass; pit.t.iya beaten (Pkt.); pin.ya_ka oilcake
pi_t.ha bench (Pali)
pin.d.ayati collects (Dha_tup.); pin.d.a_ra cowherd
pitr. father (RV.); pitara_ du. father and mother (RV.)
pi_tala brass; pit a small vessel with blood in it on the liver of an ibex (Sh.); pitta bile (AV.); pi_ta yellow (Pali)
pidahati covers, conceals (Pali); piya_iba to join by thrusting the end of a thing into that of another (A.); pidha_na cover, sheath; peha_n cover of a granary (Bi.)
pinaddha dressed [nah]
pipi_la ant (RV.)
pippala ficus religiosa (Ya_j.); pipp fruit of ficus religiosa; piplu berry; mole, freckle
pippalaka scissors (Pali); pin (Car.); pi~pil.a_ instrument for cutting plantain leaves (sometimes fastened to a stick)(M.)
pillaka young of animal, child (Pali)[pil.l.ai (Ta.)]
pis' carve; pis'ita prepared flesh, meat (AV.)
pis'a_ca demon (AV.)
pi_yu_s.a soma juice (RV.); beestings [pi_ swell, abound]; pai_ fat (Kho.); pi_eu meat (Pas'.)[u_s.a-put.a: put.a cavity, small receptacle, fold; puriya_ packet of red-lead (A.); u_s.a salt ground (TS.)]
pu_tara a partic. aquatic animal; pu_ara small water creature (Pkt.)
pulaka shrivelled grain (Pali); pu_lya (AV.); pu_ti putrid (AV.)[pu_y stink; pu_ya pus; pu_liai pus (Lith.)]; pu_tika a plant used in place of soma
pu_ta buttocks; puttara vulva (Pkt.); putu vulva of young woman (N.); po_ta foundation
put.t.a small, dwarfish (Tu.); put.t.ha_ fat (P.); pot.t.a belly (Pkt.)
pus.t.a nourished, big; growth, property (RV.)
pus.t.ika_ oyster; pu~t.hi species of small fish (B.)
pu_ta cleaned (RV.); puna_ti purifies (RV.); pun.an. to strain (L.)[pu_ purify]; pu_a purified (Pkt.)
pua virtue, merit (Pali)
pum.s male (RV.)
pukka_ra shout (Pkt.)
puttika white ant
putali_ pupil of eye (A.)
puttali_ doll (Pkt.)
punar back, again, moreover, however (RV.)
pur stronghold (RV.); pu_ru hamlet, quarter of a town (K.)
pr.s.t.ha back, hinder part (RV.); pr.s.t.i vertebrae (RV.); pis't back (Gypsy); piccha tail-feather; puccha tail, hinder part (AV.); pat.ha_r girth of a packsaddle (M.); pat.ha_ boil on the back (Or.)
pro_s.t.ha bull; pot.hi_ beast trained for carrying burdens (S.)[poti burden (Ta.)]
purush bridegroom (Kal.); purus.a man, male (RV.)
pr.s'ni spotted (RV.)[pr.s.at spotted (AV.); pr.s. sprinkle; pus. (Pas'.)]
pr.cchana asking; pr.s.t.a asked (RV.); put.hiim. request (OG.)[prach ask]
sam.parka mixing together [pr.c mix, join]
pulina sand bank, islet
pulinda name of a barbarous tribe (AitBr.)
pus'i cat (Tor.)
puppha flower, menses (Pali)[pu_ (Ta.)]
pu_j worship
pus diminish, lose
pusta working in clay [pota cloth]; potthaka book (Pali); cheap rough hempen cloth (Pali)
pu_la bunch, bundle; sheaf (Pkt.)[pul grass (Ta.)]
pr.thak separately (RV.); puthujjana ordinary man [potu common (Ta.)]
puthuka rice in the ear (Pali); pho_vu rice parched and beaten flat (Konkan.i)[pr.thu wide]
po_ta, pr.thuka young of any animal; poha_ any large non-carnivorous domestic animal; pl. cattle (H.)
po_ta cloth [po_st skin (Pers.); pothi_ fleece (L.)]
po_ta boat [pot boat (Ku.)]
pottia_ son's daughter; pautri_; puttar bridegroom; son (L.); putra son (RV.); putre_te pl. the bridegroom's people at the wedding (L.); putti_ daughter (Pali)
po~d the bottom (as of a vessel)(M.)
po~dha_ pin confining plough-handle (M.); prabandha band, tie, connexion
pu_ti glass bead (S.); pot (H.G.M.); jeweller's polishing stone (Bi.); po_tra the Potr.'s soma vessel (RV.)
pot underground part of a post (A.); pota_ foundation (Or.)
pr.da_ku snake (RV.)
parr.a_ leopard (L.); purdum (Kho.)
pe_s'aka_ri_ female embroiderer (VS.); pe_s'ala adorned (VS.)
pokal. hollow (G.M.); pol. honeycomb (M.)
pokar. buttock (A.)
pok worm (A.)
pot.t.a bundle (Pkt.)[pot. load (P.)]
por.a_ to burn (B.); poliba (OA.)
prati towards, against (RV.); near, beside (AitBr.)
prath spread out
prathama first (RV.)
pathuru level piece of ground, plateau, small village (K.); prastara plain [str. strew]; khet-patha_r the whole cultivation of a proprietor (Bi.); prastha flat land; a_ra-path land in the bed of a stream (K.); pathawaturu memorandum showing the area sown (K.); pat.ha_r plateau (M.); puhavi_ earth (OG.); pr.thvi_ the earth (RV.); pad.hravi land (KharI.); pahivi_ (Pkt.); puhami_ (Mth.)
paharo watch, guard, time (Ku.); paharan.a striking (Pali)
pa_ha_run.i iron-studded stick used in threshing rice (Or.)
pa_ri crowbar (G.); pu(h)a_ri small iron chisel (Or.); praha_ra wound [hr. take, carry]
pahal.i_ riddle, proverb (Or.); prahe_lika_ riddle
pra_m.s'u tall, high
pa_ka_ra rampart (Pali); paga_ra ridge round field (Or.); pagar fence (Sant.)
pa~gurn.o to germinate (Ku.)[an:kura sprout]
pra_n:gana a kind of drum; pa_gan (H.)
pra_ci_na east, facing front (RV.)[pra~_c directed forward, eastern (RV.)]
puras in front, before; pura_n.a ancient (RV.); pu_rva fore, first, eastern, ancient (RV.)
pra_n.a breath of life (RV.)[an]; pra~_ babe (Ash.); pa_n.a life, living being (Pali)
pra_ntara long, desolate road; country between two villages
pa_hud.a gift (Pkt.); pa_hura (H.); pa_bhata present, bribe (Pali); prabhr.ta offering (RV.)[bhr.]
pa_hun.a guest; pra_ghun.a; pra_ghu_rn.a wanderer; pa_huna guest (Pali); pa_huneyya deserving to be a guest (Pali); pra_havan.i_ya (BHSkt.); pa_hun guest (H.); pa_huna_ daughter's husband (H.) pra_rthya reception of a guest; pijgim guest (Pr.)[gem village]; pra_cha guest (Dm.); pa_huna_-pa_cha_ guests (N.)
pra_le_ya produced by melting (Pa_n..); pa_ro ice, frost (S.)[li_ melt]
pasa_da lofty platform, terrace (Pali)
priya beloved (RV.)[pri_ love]
priyan:gu panicum italicum (VS.)[kan:ku]
pravam.ga, plavam.ga monkey [pru jump]
prus. sprinkle
prus. burn; plus. burn
pre_n:kha swaying (RV.)[i_n:kh]
pare_ta dead (RV.); ghost
pre_ran.a driving on [i_r]
puchana wiping (Pali)
pro_s.t.hi the fish cyprinus pausius; put.i a kind of carp (Or.)
pa_k(h)ar. a fig tree (H.); pa_khar ficus infectoria (P.); plaks.a ficus religiosa phalgu ficus oppositifolia; pha_g fig (Phal.)
pla_vana bathing; pa_van.a stream (Pkt.); pa_vn.a_ sailor (M.)
plu float
plus.i a partic. noxious insect, (prob.) flea (RV.)[pu_cci insect (Ta.)]
psa_ eat; cha_ta hungry (Pali)[ca_tam food (Ta.)]
pak to eat (Pas'.); phaka_ act of so eating (Mth.)
phakkati propounds a statement to be refuted (Dha_tup.); pha~_ko pretension (G.)
pha~_k opening (B.)
phrika vain, worthless (K.); phan.d.ar barren (of animals)(P.); phataro babbler (N.); phusun. worthless (A.); photru~ chaff (G.); phosar. idle fellow (P.); busa chaff (Pkt.)
sphat.ati breaks, tears (Dha_tup.); phat.an.u to wound (S.)
phat.a, phan.a expanded hood of snake; phan.ati springs (Dha_up.)
phan.a froth; phe_n.a foam, froth (RV.)
phaphra_ buckwheat (P.)
phal burst; phl to tear (Dm.); pha_lita split (Pali); pha_ri_ half a hide (Bi.); pha_ra slice (S.)
phala fruit (RV.); suphala_ ep. of furrow (RV.)[phalli_ grain (Tir.); pol a single grain (Wg.); par..am ripe fruit (Ta.)]
phala point of arrow or sword (Pali); pha_la ploughshare (RV.)
phala gaming board
phala shield; bad.a shield (Ash.)
phala spot on dice
phalgu reddish, red (TS.); pha_gu Holi festival (Mth.); phagguna February-March
phas loose, soft (H.); phisan.u to split, burst (S.); phuko free, untied (N.);
phuskanu to be loosened, slip (N.)
phat.ak gate (A.)[hat.t.a shop, bazaar (Pkt.)]
pha_n.d.an.u to separate, apportion (S.)
phin:ga_ forktailed shrike (B.); bhr.n:ga; bhan.ero sparrow (N.)
bhr.n:ga_ large black bee (AV.); bhim.ga bumble-bee (Pkt.)
phi~jlan.o to scatter, strew over (Ku.)[picir fibre (Ta.)]; phiskan.u to slip (S.); phissa easily torn (N.)
phalati, phe_lati goes (Dha_tup.); phirai goes, returns (Pkt.); sipardan to travel (Pers.); pheru turn; phero circle (S.); circumambulation of the marriage fire (Marw.)
phu~_ka moustache (Dm.)
phut fly (Bshk.)
phupphusa lungs
phulla blossoming (Pali)
phut blowing, puffing
phekab to throw (Mth.)
phet. skirt (M.)[pat.t.a strip]
phe_ru jackal; pheu fox, jackal (B.)
bam.h be big [bahu much, many, great (RV.)]
baka crane (Pali); bala_ka_ (VS.)
bakun to prate (K.); barbara stammering (Pa_n..gan.a)
barbara curly (of hair)
bagar. a kind of red rice (P.)
bad.u boy (Pkt.); bit.t.a boy (Pkt.)
bad.is'a hook, fish-hook
ban.d.a maimed (in hands, feet, or tail)
bam.dhura bent, beautiful (Pkt.)[bandhula bent]
baddha bound (RV.)[bandh bind]; bandha deposit, pledge; bandhu kinsman (RV.)
badhira deaf (RV.)
babhrus'a brownish (Pa_n..gan.a); bhu_ro brownish (S.)
ba~b vast, full (G.M.)
barua a kind of grass like sugarcane (Pkt.)
barkro sheep (Gypsy)
barhis.t.ha highest (RV.)[br.h increase]
bala power, strength (RV.); balya strengthening (Pa_n..)
balak swelling up in boiling (B.)[uppal swelling (Ta.)]
bali tribute, offering (RV.); bail bull, ox (P.); bel (G.)[ve_l. (Ta.)]
balbaja eleusine indica (RV.); ba_biyo a kind of coarse grass (used for thatching)(N.)
bahi outside (Pali)
ba_ father (Pas'.)
ba_dh obstruct
ba_la young
bid.a_la cat; bil.a_la (Pali); bilo (S.)
bidala half in: bidala-sam.hita composed of halves (AitBr.)
virala separate (OG.); viral. wide apart, of loose texture (M.); bilaga separate (OAw.Or.)
vili_ line of parting in a woman's hair (P.); vile_kha_ scratch, furrow; scratching
bindu drop, spot (AV.); bu~_d (H.)
bil mouth of vessel (Kho.Sh.); bila cave, hole, pit, opening (RV.)
vilan:ghati jumps about (Pali)
bil lid or cover of a vessel (Kho.); cornice round opening of an earthen corn-bin (P.)
ghan.a-bijo having many seeds (S.)[kan.a grain]
kan. eye (Ta.)
kan.u knuckle, joint (Ta.)
bollai, bullai speaks (Pkt.)[bahu-bo_llaka great talker]
byolu seed (K.); biya_ru~ a collection of various seeds (G.); bi_jya produced from seed (Pa_n..gan.a); biya_s land cultivated to be sown in the following year (H.); bi_j seed; pl. bi~j grains (Ku.); biya_l seed-time, grain given by farmers to village artisans at seed-time (L.)[bi_ja seed (RV.), ka_la time]; bi_ seed (Ash.Wg.Kt.Dm.Pas'.); id. (WPah.G.M.Konkan.i)]; bihan seed (Bi.); behan seed-corn (H.); bi_ar., bia_r seed-bed (H.)[vri_hi rice (AV.); wric barley (Kt.); bri_u~, biu~_ rice (Sh.); vi_hi (Pali.Pkt.)]; beji_ kept for seed (S.); baiju_ seed (WPah.)
bilo share in the spoil (N.); vira fixed allowance of food (S.); viraha division (S.); vilabhate_ consigns, allots; bila_ to distribute; bil.ahiba_, bil.ohiba_ to distribute, serve food, choose (Or.); vilambhayati causes to receive; vilha_van. to divide, allot (L.); bila_iba to bestow, distribute, serve out (food)(A.); bila_na_ to distribute (B.); to bestow (H.); vircha dividing, rations or money in lieu (S.)
vila_sini_ coquette, mistress; charming woman (Pali)
bilona_ to churn (H.); biloni_ churn (H.); valon.u~ churning vessel (G.); bilovan.a_ pl. churnings (OMarw.); biloye having churned (OAw.); vilubhita agitated; vilayana melting, dissolution; bile_n medicine, drug, gunpowder (Sh.); bila_uni dregs of melted ghee (N.); vili_yate_ is dissolved, melts (AV.); bilav to cause to melt (Gypsy); bilal melts (Gypsy)
buki_ blow with fist (M.)
boku hand with fingers extended to hold grain (K.); bukk double handful (L.P.); bukaun.o to eat (Ku.); bukhav hungry (Gypsy); bus. hungry (Bshk.); bhakar-bhakar greedily (P.)
bukni powder (B.Or.); buka_ a partic. fragrant powder (M.)
bukkati barks (Dha_tup.)[br.h call]
bud.d.ha old (Pali.Pkt.)[vr.ddha grown, large (RV.)]
bo_layati submerges (Dha_tup.); bud.d.ai sinks (Pkt.)
bu_ to see, know (Tor.); buddha understood, enlightened (Pali)[budh perceive]
bundnen deposit (OSi.)[bunh down (WPah.)]
buthu face (K.); bu_th mouth or face of an animal (L.); bu_est lip (Pas'.)
boduru tawny bull (K.); bradhna ruddy, bay (esp. of horses)(RV.)
bundha bottom; bum.da foot of tree (Pkt.); bu~d bottom of pot (M.); bun.d. anus; bun.d.r.i_ anus, buttock (L.); bul posterior (Gypsy)
bulli_ penis (L.)
brho high mountain (Kal.); br.hant tall, high (RV.); bo_ up (Mai.); br.haspati name of a deity (RV.); the planet Jupiter (R.)
bhaut.t.a Tibetan; bod Tibet (Tib.); bhot.iya_ inhabitant of the higher mountains of Kumaon (Ku.)
ba_ru betel (B.)
br.hati is thick, grows strong (AV.); br.m.hayati increases; ba_jh crop; ba_jhn.e~ to bear (of fruit or flower trees)(M.)
buro thornbush, bramble (Gypsy); but.a tree (K.); bu_t.a_ bush, sprig (H.); bo_ta plant (Per.)
bura_ mould (M.); bu_ra_ powder (H.)
ben:ga fetid smell (Or.)
bam.ha, bam.bha brahman (Pkt.); brahman hymner, priest (RV.); brahman hymn (RV.)[br.h increase; br.h call]
ba_m eel (N.H.G.M.); bra_hmi_ the fish macrognathus pancalus
bhagna broken [bhaj break]
bhanakti putting to flight; bhajan.u to gallop (S.)
bhanakti divides; bhaj divide, distributed; bozik to apportion, share out, divide (Kho.); bazun to distribute, give away (prizes, etc.)(K.); bauar he shares (Gypsy)
bha_zan act of frying (A.)
bhan:ga hemp (AV.)
bhen.ura_ crooked (A.); bhan:gura crooked (RV.)
bha_yan.a bowl (of earth or metal)(Pkt.); bha_na vessel (K.)[pa_n-ai pot (Ta.)]; bhen.u~ earthen cooking pot (G.); bhajana cooking pot (Skt.) bha_ji_ cooked food (Pa_n..); bha_ji_ share of food given at marriages, present, contribution (L.); baze, ba_ze meat (Pr.); bhakta food (RV.)[bhaks.a eating, food (RV.)]; bha_ta_, bhatta_ advances made to ploughmen without interest (H.); bha_tu~ extra allowance above pay given to public servants, etc. (G.); bha_ktika dependant (Pa_n..); bha_ti_ fellow-resident (S.); bha_d.aya hire (Pkt.)
bha_j threshing floor (where the grain is divided out)(L.); bha_jvar. (L.)
bhakti possession (RV.); bhaj impart, possess, enjoy
bhat.t.a bard (Pkt.)
bhan.d. reprove, mock
bhan.d.a utensils; bha_n-kuni (collectively) cooking pots (Ku.)[pa_n-ai, kut.am (Ta.)] bha~d.sa_l storehouse, granary (H.); bad.al-vd.a goldsmith's trade (Si.)[bha_ shines; bha_s shine]
bhaha_ra_ little earthen furnace (P.)
ba_n.a reed-shaft, arrow (RV.); bnug arrow (Par.)
bhan speak; bha_n.a recitation of scripture (Pali); bha_n word (Mth.)
bha_nu sun; bha_n. rays of the sun (P.); sun (G.)
bay to fear (Pas'.)[bhi_ fear]
bhatta_ husband (Pali)
bharts threaten
bhal attend to, observe
bhalla auspicious (Pkt.); bhadraka name of a Mun.d.a people in Punjab (R.); bhalla name of a people (Pa_n.); bhales the northern portion of Bhadrawa_h in Jammu (WPah.)
bha_luk bear (A.B.)
bha_ house (Mai.); bhavana dwelling (Pkt.); bhava origin, birth (Ya_j.)[bhu_ become]
ba_ half; ba_ good fortune (Si.); bha_ga enjoyment, gift (RV.); portion (Pali); bha_ mode of dividing produce 2/5 to landlord and 3/5 to tenant (P.); bha_ya_n.o belonging to a partner (S.); bha_g divide property into shares (Phal.); bha_gya entitled to a share (Pa_n..gan.a); per cent (Pa_n..com.)
bhagini_ sister; bha_gine_ya sister's son
bhas. bark
bha_s. speak
bhalla a kind of arrow; spear (Pkt.)
bha_m be angry
bha_rya_ wife
bhiks. big
bhi~cna_ to press, squeeze (H.)[picai (Ta.)]
bhid.ai meets, fights (Pkt.)
bhindiva_la a sort of spear (Pali)
bher.o joined (S.)
bhit.a sandhill (S.)
bhittaya piece, half (Pkt.); bhindati splits (Dha_tup.); bhinna split (RV.)[bhid split]
bhi_t wall, terrace (Ku.)
bhi_t.h land in homestead (Bi.); bhr.s.t.i deserted cottage or garden
bhukti enjoyment, eating [bhuj enjoy]
bhuj bend; bhuja arm (Pali)
bu_r down, fine feathers (Nk.); bhuwa_ fine down on body of young animal (N.)[bhr.s' fall]
bhu_s. adorn
bhuse~ drizzling rain (M.)
bhr.kut.i frown
bhut.a_ maize cob (B.); bhutta_ spike of maize (H.)[bhrajj fry]; bhr.s.t.a fried [bhr._ fry]; bhras.t.ra gridiron (Nir.); bhar.-bhu~_ja_ grain-parcher (Bi.); bharsa_ri_ furnace, oven (H.)
bhru_ eyebrow (RV.); bru (Kho.)[pur-uvam (Ta.)]
bhru_n.a embryo (RV.); bhu_n.a (H.); bhu_n foetus (H.)
bhr.n.ati is crooked (Dha_tup.)[bhr._ be crooked]
bhun.an.u to wander about (S.); bhur more quickly
bhe_ka frog (Pali)
bhen:gura_ crooked (A.)
bhegu~ collected, mixed together (G.)
abhye_ti sends (RV.); bhej to send (K.)
bira_t. he-goat (Tor.); br she-goat (Bshk.); bhe_d.a sheep [bhe_d.ra ram; me_s.a ram]
bhe_da cleft, fissure (RV.); separation, division; bhe_dya to be split
bhe_la raft; be_d.a_ boat; bhela_ raft (B.); ve_d.a (Pkt.)
bhela_ lump, clod (Or.H.)
bhis.aj curative (RV.); bhe_sajja (Pali.Pkt.); behed (OSi.); vejja physician (Pali.Pkt.)[ve_da knowledge, sacred knowledge (RV.)]
bhoi_ palanquin-bearer, porter (H.); ga_ma-bho_jaka village headman [bho_ga use, possession; wealth (Pali)]
bho_la_-na_tha name of S'iva as husband of Us.as [bhor dawn (P.N.B.Mth.H.G.)]
bhohra_ dungeon, pit in which potters place newly-made vessels to keep moist (P.)[bhu_, ghara]; bhomi a partic. piece of land, field (G.); bhu_mi earth, ground (RV.); bu_m, bum, bumi land, soil (K.)
bhru~_s.is. precipice (Kal.); bhram.s' fall
bhram moves to and fro
bhra_j shine; bhra_s' shine
bhra_tr. brother (RV.); bhata_ (Pali)
ma base of singular oblique cases of 1st person pronoun: acc. ma_m, inst. maya_, dat. mahyam, gen. mama, encl. me_
makara crocodile (VS.); man:gar. crocodile
makol chalk (H.)
maks.a_ fly (RV.)
magar back of shoulder, back (P.)
man:kate_ moves (Dha_tup.)
ma~g head of a boat (H.); ma_jhi, ma~_jhi boatman (N.)
man:gala auspicious sign (in cmpds.)(RV.)
mac knead, increase, raise
man~cate_ grinds, is arrogant; macate_ (Dha_tup.)
man~cate_ grows high, shines (Dha_tup.)
macu blaze (S.); macc bonfire (L.)
majj sink
majjan marrow, pith (RV.)
mam.jari_ new tender sprout (Pkt.)
majis.t.ha_ bright red; mnzu henna (a red-orange dye), madder (K.)
maji_ra foot ornament, anklet
mathu base metal, alloy, dross (S.)
man.ikat.t.u wrist (Ta.); mangat. wrist, ankle, pastern (H.)
man.d. adorn; ma~_d. array of instruments, etc. (M.)
man.d.a scum, cream (Pali); scum of boiled rice (Nir.); ma~_r. rice gruel, food (N.); man.d.a_ wheat; ma~_r.ha_ grains of panicum frumentosum boiled and parched (Bi.); ma~reli, meli bread (Wg.)
man.d.a some sort of framework; nau-man.d.e_ du. the two sets of poles rising from the thwarts or the two bamboo covers of a boat
ma~_r.a_ pl. shed, resthouse (Ku.); man.d.apa temporary shed for festive occasions (Pali); ma_t.am storeyed house (Ta.); ma_l.a sort of pavilion (Pali)
man.d.alaka disc (Ya_j.); man.d.ala circle, disc of sun or moon (Pali); ma~_r.o circuit, circle (N.)
mandal thigh (Bshk.); mandul hip (K.)
man.d.u_ka frog (RV.); me~_d.o~ (WPah.)
mokkad.i elephant with short tusks (Te.); ma_khuna_ small tuskless male elephant = ma_kal.a_ (Or.)
makko_d.a a partic. kind of insect (Pkt.); makor.o large black ant (S.)
manthara low, lazy, dull, bent (Pa_n..gan.a); mad be sluggish
matya club with iron points (AV.); a kind of harrow (TS.); macc implement for levelling a rice-field (WPah.)
matsya fish (RV.); maccha (Pali)
mad be exhilarated
ma~_gur a kind of fish (Bhoj.); ma_gura the scaleless freshwater fish clarius magur (Or.)
madhu honey, mead (RV.)
madhya middle (RV.)
madhya waist
man think; manas mind (RV.); mantra thought, prayer, spell, counsel (RV.)
manus.a man (RV.)
mand rejoice
mand stand still
manya_ pl. and du. nape of neck (i.e. the lines of muscle at the back of it)(AV.)
manya in cmpds. 'made of'
mayu_ra peacock (VS.)
mara death [mr. die]; marta man (RV.)
marula a kind of duck
mara_la soft, mild, tender
mari_ca peppercorn
mari_ci ray of light, mirage (Pali)
marut pl. storm gods (RV.)
maruva marjoram
markat.aka a species of grass; makar.i large millet (Sh.); makra_ the grass eleusine aegyptica (Bi.); markaka ardea argala; makaei maize (D..); makka_ (H.); mayat.a grass-house
mareza border region (Av.); marz (Pers.); brunc meadow (Kt.); munz (Pr.); marya_da region (RV.); boundary; me_ra_ boundary (Pkt.); majja_ (Pkt.)
mar.a_ treading out rice by oxen (Or.); mand.un to trample (K.)
maira_ platform for watching crops from (H.)
man~ca stage, platform
markat.a monkey (VS.)
markat.a spider
me_n.d.ha ram; min.d.a_l markhor (Tor.); meh ram (H.); mei wild goat (WPah.)
me~r.hwa_ a bullock with curved horns like a ram's (Bi.) me~r.a_, me~d.a_ ram with curling horns (H.)
merg ibex; mancu~_ markhor kid (Pr.); mran. markhor (Dm.); marya young man, stallion (RV.); maryaka (RV.); maru_ka deer; mr.ga wild animal, deer (RV.);
mr.ga markhor (Dardic); muriri ibex skin (Kho.); mirho~ ravine deer (L.); maya_ro oorial (Sh.); maia_ro wild animal of goat or sheep type (including, markhor, ibex and oorial)(Sh.)
mi_n:g leopard (Tor.)
mirho~ boar (L.)
ma_rga track, road
ma~_g grain asked for at harvest time (Ku.); ma_gu~ request, request for marriage (G.)
mardala a kind of drum; ma_dhal drum (N.)
ma_duli drum-shaped amulet (B.)
ma_dhal hub of wheel (N.)
malana rubbing, grinding, crushing; mal.n.i_ kneading (Konkan.i)
mal possess
mala dirt (AV.)
mallan- wrestler (Ta.); malla (Pali.Pkt.)
mallaka bowl (Pali)
mallika_ jasminum zambac; mullai (Ta.)
malha dewlapped (TS.)
mas'aka mosquito (AV.); matsara mosquito, fly
mas.ati hurts (Dha_tup.); masagu to rub (Ka.)
mas.i black powder, lampblack, ink; mai (Ta.)
masi_na_ linseed, linum usitatissimum
masu_ra lentil (VS.)
mosoru pockmarked (K.); masuri smallpox (B.)
mastu sour cream (TS.); whey
mah great (RV.); maha_ in cmpds.; mahattara chief, village eldest (R.); mahallaka venerable, old (Pali); mahama_tra chief, best; king's minister; elephant driver; ma_huta warrior mounted on elephant (Or.); maha festival (Pali); ma_to village headman (WPah.)[masta head]
me_ra_ cook (L.); ma_ha_ra cattle-keeper, sweeper (Or.)
bha_nsa_ cooking and eating room, meal (N.); bhansa_-ghar cook-house; bha_nas meal (Bi.Mth.); bha_n.as earthen vessels furnished by the bride's father for bridegroom's house (M.)[pa_n-ai pot (Ta.)]; bha_n.d.a pot; maha_nasa kitchen; kitchen utensils[maha_, anas]; maha_n.asa kitchen (Pkt.); bhansa_ (Ku.)
bhai~sa_ (P.); mahis.a buffalo; ma_his.a of or coming from a buffalo (Pa_n..); bhai~_sa_ produced from a buffalo (Or.)
mahila_ woman; amorous woman
ma_ measure
ma_ negative of prohibition (used with conjuctive and imperative)(RV.)
ma_m.sa flesh (RV.); ma~_su (S.)
ma_diga cobbler (Ka.); ma_tan:ga man of the lowest caste
mana house, dwelling (RV.); ma_n nest (Pas'.)
ma_na skin-bag for ghee (Dm.)
ma_rjara cat
ma_rttika earthen; ma_t. earthen vessel for storing grain; underground grain pit (Bi.)
ma_la_ wreath, garland [ma_lai (Ta.)]
ma_s.a bean (RV.Pali.Pkt.)
ma_s, ma_sa moon, month (RV.)
ma_sara rice gruel; scum distilled from boiled rice, intoxicant of rice and grape juice (Or.)
miks. mix; mis'ra mixed (RV.); miso made of mixed grains (S.)
micka_na_ to wink (H.); nime..a blink
mith oppose; mihn.a_ to reproach, abuse (P.); maithuna coupled; mehu_n. newly married couple (M.)
mil unites, meets
mih piss
mih mist, rain (RV.); me_gha cloud, rain (RV.)
mi_ diminish
mi_l close the eyes
mi_v push
mukus.t.ha a kind of bean; mukus.t.a (BHSkt.); makus.t.a phaseolus aconitifolius; mudgas.t.ha; mot.hu a kind of pulse or vetch (S.); mo_t.h phaseolus aconitifolius (L.P.); mat.h (M.)
mukut.a tiara, crest, point, head; makut.a crest (Pa.); mukat.u top (Ta.); mar.a a kind of tinsel crown (MB.); mad.a crown (OG.)
mukut.abaddha, mud.udhu petty chieftain (OG.)
makula bud (Pali)
mukli blow with fist (K.); mut.ka (Pa.); mut.ka_ fist (Kur.); mus.t.i clenched fist, hand (RV.)
mukta_ pearl [muttu (Ta.)]
mukha mouth, face (RV.)
mucati release (RV.)[muc]
mucc piece of meat (P.); mucca_ piece of meat about 1/4 seer in weight (P.); mucu lump, heap (S.)
mo_jan escape, deliverance, protection (Sh.)
mot.an.u to turn back (S.); mut.ai to plait, braid (Ta.)
mut.hra_, mut.hariya_ bullock with stunted horns (Bi.) mun.d.a bald; muno blunt, less by a quarter (S.); upright post of water-wheel (S.);
munn pillar, pst (L.)
mud gladden
mud mix, wet
mudgara mallet; mu~gro club (Ku.)
mudra_ seal, signet-ring
murala the small fish aspidoparia marar (Or.)
mus. steal
musala pestle (AV.)
mussa_ having horns slightly bent and curving up (L.)
muh bewilder
mu_ka dumb
mu_ta basket; mohr.a_ small bundle, baggage (L.)
mu_rch coagulate
muddhan head, summit (Pali)
mu_la root (RV.)
mu_lya capital
mu_s.a rat, mouse
mu~_k yellow clay (Wg.)
mu_s.a_ crucible; muhi (A.)
mr.c hurt
mr.j rub
mu_t.i white earth, chalk [mr.d earth, clay (VS.)]
mr. rub, crush; mr.d rub, crush; mr.s.t.a rubbed, washed, pure (RV.); ma_t.hn.e~ to polish (M.); matha churning (Pa_n..gan.a)
mathana brazier's hammer (Bi.); mathani_ seal-maker's hammer (Bi.); churn, churning-stick (Bhoj.); math-mahan churn (Bi.); mahana churning (OH.)[manth crush, rub, churn]
maha~_r.a_, maha_r.a vessel for making curds in (Bi.)
mr.dh neglect
mr.s' touch, seize
mr.s. forget
mr.s.a_ in vain (RV.); falsely (AV.)
me_khala_ girdle (AV.); band, fillet
meca fish roe (Or.); meca_ lump (Or.)
met.t.a_ hillock (Or.); men.d.a_ lump, clot (Or.)
mi~_d.hi_, mi~_d.ho braid in a woman's hair (S.)
me_thi pillar in threshing floor to which oxen are fastened (AV.); me_d.hi (Pkt.)
me_das fat, marrow (RV.); meh fat (Kal.); mi_ fat, marrow (Sv.); me_dyati is fat(RV.); mijjh, mijh marrow (P.)
me_r mountain (Kho.)
mya_la pl. fair (Ku.); mel agreement (N.)
mo_ negative in prohibitions [ma_, u]; moh (Kho.)
mokh price paid for an amulet (L.); mokhan.u to redeem anything pawned (S.)
moci_ cobbler (S.L.P.); musi (A.)
mor.ha_ wicker stool (H.)
mo_daka small round sweetmeat (Pali); -mo_daka in num. cmpds. (Pa_n..com.)
mauna silence
mraks. rub
mrad rub
mle_ch speak indistinctly
mlai wither
ya relative pron. and pronom. adj., sg. nom.
yakkha a supernatural being (Pali)
yaj sacrifice
yat dispose
yantra controlling device [yam control]
yabh copulate
yama twin (RV.); javat.a pair, twins (OM.); ja_vl.e~ twins (M.)
yava barley (RV.); jau (N.); javkha_r saltpetre made from burnt barley straw (G.)
yavana_la andropogon bicolor; juna_lo maize (Ku.); jo~d.i_ millet (H.); jo~dhl.a_ the grain holcus sorghum (M.) jua_ri, jo_va_ri a kind of grain, millet (Pkt.); java_r, javha_r, javha~_ri_, juva_ri_ millet, holcus sorghum (M.) jaulo gruel (Ku.); ja_vri_ rice and pulse (G.) yohon.i_, yohan.i_ oats (Phal.)
ja~_t.hi stick (Ku.); yat.t.hi staff (Pali)
ya_ go
ya_c beg
yu join, mix
yu separate
jut yoked (L.); juttn.a_ to be joined, be yoked (P.); yuga yoke (RV.); ju~v, ju~_ yoke (M.)[yuj join]; jud.ia met (Pkt.); jud.n.e~ to come together (M.)
yudh fight
zuvli, zuli woman, girl (Gypsy)
yu_ka louse
juho thicket of trees (S.)
yu_s.a broth; ju_sa (Pkt.)
jokhan.u to weigh (S.)
ram.h hasten
ram.ka poor (Pkt.)
ratta dyed, red (Pali); rudhira red, bloody (AV.)
raks. guard
ran:g move to and fro
ran:ga tin
ran:ga borax
rac fashion
raj please, be attached to
rajju rope, cord (RV.)
raj dye
rat. scream
ran. rejoice
ran. rattle, jingle
rad scrape
randh subdue, cook
rap talk; ra_va shriek, yell; rambh bellow; ru roar
ravaya churning stick (Pkt.)
rabh take hold
ram rest
ramb hang down
ral.an. to be joined, be mixed (L.)
ravi sun (Pali.Pkt.)
ras'ana rope, bridle (RV.)
ras'mi rope, bridle, ray of light (RV.)
ras cry out
ras be wet
rahar, rahri_ the pulse cytisus cajanus (Bi.)
ra_j shine
ra_j rule
ra_jika_ mustard sinapis racemosa
ra_tri_ night (RV.)
ra_dh accomplish
rikh scratch
rikh move, crawl; rin:g crawl
rin:g to weep, cry (Wot..Bshk.)
ric leave
ris' tear off
ris. injure
ri_ melt, flow
ruc shine; rus' shine
ruj break; ru break
rudh grow
rudh obstruct
rup pierce
rus. be angry
ruh grow, rise
ru_a carded cotton (Pkt.)
ru_pa form, beauty (RV.)
re_kha_ line, streak (Pali); likha writer (Pa_n..com.)[likh scratch, write; li_ka line, streak (S.)]
re_n.u dust, sand (RV.)
rai bark
ro_t.ate_ strikes against (Dha_tup.); rot.u thick bread (S.); rot.t.a rice flour (Pkt.)
ro_man hair (RV.)
ro_mantha_yate_ chews the cud (Pa_n..)
ro_han.a means of ascending (RV.); name of a mountain in Sri Lanka
lakut.a club
lakku heap, pile of money (esp. in gambling)(N.)
lakk waist, loins
laks. mark, aim at
lag adhere
laghu light (AV.)
lan:ka_ Sri Lanka
la~_k the grain lathyrus sativus (H.); la~_g (G.); la~_k, la~_kh (M.); laka ear or spike of wild rice (Si.); la_ja fried or parched grain (VS.); la_wa_ fried unhusked rice (N.)
neng great pile of cooked rice (K.)
laja tail [la_n:gu_la tail]
la_n:gala plough (RV.); nan:gala (Pali)
lan:gara_ earthen vessel used by dyers (P.); na_n.lo winnowing tray (N.); la_n:gi fishing net (A.); la_n:gul basket for corn (B.)
la~_g fold of cloth between thighs (H.); la~_gar. loincloth (P.)
lan:gati limps (Dha_tup.); lakhaut.o fat castrated goat (Ku.); lan.u lameness; len.ur humpbacked and lame (A.)
lin:ga characteristic attribute; penis; lin.un.i_ tail of sheep or goat (WPah.)
lan:gh leap; lan:ghayati leaps over; lan:ghe_ti jumps over (Pali)
la_gun to attack (K.)
lajj be ashamed
laca present, bribe
lat.a fool
la_t.ayati shakes, throws (Dha_tup.)
la_t. tail (L.)
lad.d.u a kind fo sweetmeat; la_d.u_ (G.M.); led.d.u clod of earth (Pali)
lan.d. toss up
lata_ creeper
lap chatter
labha quail (VS.)
lhadu_ to load (Phal.); lard load
labh take, obtain
lamb hang; lamba_ long, tall (Or.)
lal fondle
lavan:ga clove (Pali)
leik to reap, mow (Kho.); launa_ to cut, reap (H.)
las move quickly, flash, sport
lahari_ large wave
lochik gum exuding from a tree (Kho.); la_ks.a_ lac, red dye
la_van.ika dealing in salt
lin:g embrace
lip smear
lis' tear off
lih lick
li_ cling to
li_ melt
luc pluck out
lo_t.ati rolls (Dha_tup.); lut. roll; lut.h roll, set in motion; lud. roll, swing, agitate
lot.t.ha lump (Pkt.)
lutra_ trifling (P.); lutrukka flabby, shrunken (N.)
lup destroy
lubh desirous
lubh agitate, disturb
lu_ cut
lu_ma tail
lu_s. steal
lu_sai destroys, distresses (Pkt.); lus. to be burnt (Dm.)
le_t. lie down
le_la_yate_ moves to and fro
lo_k see; lo_ka world (Pali)
lot.a small metal or earthen pot (K.)
lo_ha red, copper-coloured; made of copper
vam.s'a bamboo (RV.); family, lineage
vah. enclitic 2 pl. pronoun
vaks. grow [uks.a]
vakkha_ granary (Pkt.)
vagr.o waste land (G.)
van:ka crooked, bend (Pali)
van:ga tin, lead
van:ga cotton
vac speak (RV.); vad speak (RV.); vand praise (RV.); valh speak
va_s' cry (of animals)
vac move
vat.a the banyan ficus indica
vat.a small lump
vad.ra big
van.ij trader (RV.)
van.t. share
bachero colt (N.); vatsa calf, child (RV.)
vadh strike
vadhri castrated (RV.)
vana single, tree (RV.)
vap shear
vap scatter
vap weave
vam vomit
vayam we (RV.)
vr.ka wolf (RV.)
vr.kka du. kidneys (AV.)
vr.kn.a cut down, broken (RV.)[vras'c cut]
vr.ks.a tree (RV.); bi_kh tree (WPah.)
bruku bending of something perpendicular (esp. the backbone) under too heavy a weight (K.); bi_ka_ crooked (H.)[vr.kta in cmpds. turned, bent (RV.); vr.j bend]
varaka cloak [vr. cover]
varaka phaseolus tribulus (Pali); a kind of rice (Pkt.)
varat.a_, barata seed of safflower; bera_o buckwheat (Sh.)
bra~_d front-doorstep (K.); bara_mda (Pers.)
we_ri_ speech, language, word (Ash.)
varga class, group
varn.a appearance, colour, class (RV.)
vat.t.a cup (Pkt.)
vartika_ quail (RV.)
vartman track of a wheel, path (RV.); ba_t. path, pass (Ku.)
varvat.a the bean dolichos sinensis
val turn, cover; vallate_ (Dha_tup.); balna_ to twist, braid, plait (H.)
valaya bracelet
vali_mukha monkey (R.)
valg leap
va_la_ a kind of grain, millet (Pkt.); ba_li cornfield, crops, harvest (N.); ba_li_ ear of maize (Aw.); standing crop (OMarw.); valla a kind of wheat; a kind of grain (Pkt.) va_laka a kind of andropogon; va_l.a_ (M.)
ba_lam lover, husband (H.); valaho husband; vara suitor, bridegroom, husband (RV.)
valli_ creeper [val.l.i (Ta.)]
vas' will
vas wear, dress
va_gura_ net or trap for animals
bazo_lo wild animals' lair or den (Sh.); va_sa abode (RV.) [vas dwell]
vas shine; vahur.o wealthy (S.)
vehar. young bull (L.); va_har., vohur. (L.); va_ha draught animal (RV.)
bahal, bahali_, baheli_ two-wheeled cart [vah carry]
ve~_gi_ carrying-pole (L.)
wus'pi_ wasp (Kt.)
va_ or (RV.)
va_ blow
va_ch desire [van desire (RV.)]
va_t.a enclosure, fence; va_d. fence (M.); vr.ti hedge, fence, enclosed piece of ground (esp. for betel); vati fence (Pali); vahi_ fence, enclosure (M.)
va_t.a panicum spicatum
va_ta wind (RV.); va_yu wind (RV.)
va_nara monkey; ba~_dro (Marw.)
va_bhi spider
va_ra hair of tail (RV.)
va_ran.a wild, (with mr.ga-) elephant (RV.)
va_d.ho carpenter (S.) [vardh cut; wa_t. axe (Wg.)]
va_luka_ sand, gravel
va_s'i_ sharp-pointed knife or adze (RV.)
va_s smell
bigha_, bigahi_ seed plot (M.); vi~ghu~ measure of land (G.)
bighat span (B.); vitasti measure of length consisting of span between extended thumb and little finger or between wrist and tip of fingers
vigrahan.a distribution (TS.); vigr.hn.a_ti distributes (RV.)
vaga_hun.a_, baga_hun.a_ to throw, fling (a spear, bludgeon, etc.)(P.)
vij move suddenly
ve_da knowledge, sacred knowledge (RV.)[vid know, find out]
ve_di raised place or ground serving as an altar and usu. strewed with kus'a grass (RV.); bei quadrangular frame of greenery forming platform on which ceremonial bathing of bride and bridegroom is performed (A.); ve_di cornice, ledge, rail (Pali)
vidha_ division; vidara fissure (Nais.); bi_dar a kind of harrow used to loosen soil and remove weeds from standing rice (H.)
vip tremble, agitate
vira hero; ire man (Shum.)
virala wide apart, loose, thin, few; bilaga separate (Or.OAw.)
vilambha gift; viraha division (S.); vira fixed allowance of food (S.); bilo share in the spoil (N.); bila_ distribute (B.); bil.ahiba_, bil.ohiba_ to distribute, serve food, choose (Or.); vilabhate_ consigns, allots; vilambhayati causes to receive; vilha_van. to divide, allot (L.); bila_iba to bestow, distribute, serve out (food)(A.); bila_na to distribute (B.); bila_iba_ to distribute, give away (Or.); bila_na_ to bestow (H.); vira_han.u to distribute (S.); vara_vvu~ to give (G.)
bilo present of meat (Ku.)
virad.a young tree sapling (M.); viru_d.hn.e~ to mount, climb, grow vigorously (M.)
viva_ha marriage (AV.)
ve_s'iya inhabitant (RV.); vus'i_ neighbour (Kt.)[vis' enter, settle in]
vis.t.i forced labour [vis. be active; ve_s.a work, activity (VS.)]
visum. individually (Pali); visum.-visum. one by one (Pali)[vis.u-ru_pa]; vin.hu, ven.hu Vis.n.u (Pkt.)[vis.un.a taking various forms]
vis. excrement
vis.a poison (RV.)
ve_s.a dress, assumed appearance; besa_ dress, guise (H.); dress, ornaments (OMth.); ve_s.t. wrap
vis.a_n.a horn, tusk (AV.); visa_n.a horn (Pali.Pkt.); vis.a_n.in horned; visa_n.i horned (Pkt.)
visa_hia accomplished (Pkt.); viha_in.u to buy (S.); bisa_, besa_ purchase of grain (Ku.); besa_unu to buy (N.); bisa_hna_ to get possession of, buy (H.); visa_hai exchanges (OG.)
vi_ pursue
vi_j, vyaj fan
vi_t.a_ small piece of stick shaped like a barley-corn and struck in the game of tipcat; vi_d.ia_ roll of betel (Pkt.)[vi_t.i_ the betel plant piper betel
vi_d. make firm
vi_n.a_ lute (TS.)
vi_thi road, street [vi_ta straight (RV.)]
vr.ks.ate_ chooses (Dha_tup.)[vr. choose]
vr.j strength
vr.tta turned (RV.)[vr.t turn]
vr.tti mode of life, conduct; business; wages; vutti practice, usage (Pali); buti daily labour, wages (Ku.)
vr.dh increase
vr.nta caterpillar (AV.)
vr.s'cika scorpion (RV.); vr.s'cana; bichu (Or.)
vars.a rain (RV.)[vr.s. rain]
vasabha bull (Pali)[vr.s.an strong, great; male, bull (RV.)]
ve_man loom (VS.)[ve_ weave]
ve_n.i braided hair
ve_n.u reed, bamboo (RV.)
ve_ta cane, reed; wei willow (Pas'.)
ve_can. to sell (L.); becna_ (H.)[ve_tane_na kri_tah. hired (Pa_n..com.); ve_ti procures (RV.)]
ve_nati sees, looks (RV.); vae_n to see (Av.); wan.a_ to show (Ash.); binum I saw (Dm.)
ve_la garden, grove
ve_la_ limit, boundary, time [vi_l., i_l. ebb and flow of tide, time (M.)]
ve_ll shake
ve_s'a prostitution (Pa_n..gan.a)
vai be exhausted
ve_hat barren cow or cow that miscarries (AV.); ve_hati miscarries; ve_ha_yate_ (Pa_n..gan.a); bahila_ barren (usu. of cattle)(H.)
vaira hostile, n. enmity (AV.)
ve_sa_kha the month April-May (Pali)
vyan:ga crippled (AV.)
vyan:ga speckled (AV.)
vyath go astray
vyadh pierce
vo_harati administers, governs (Pali); vuharai buys (OG.); buhuru vendor of drugs, etc. (K.)
vaggo_lai chews the cud (Pkt.); va_gul. chewing the cud (M.)
va_kudn.e~ to jump about, frisk, frolic [ku_rd jump]
ba_hur.ai returns (OMarw.)[gho_t.ate_ turns (Dha_tup.)]
vya_ghra tiger (AV.); bara_gh leopard (P.); va_gh (G.M.)
vya_la wicked, bischievous (AV.); beast of prey
vi_ta covered (RV.)[vye_ cover]
vraj go
vri_d. be ashamed
vri_hi rice (AV.); wric barley (Kt.); biu~_, bri_u~ rice (Sh.)
wle_i flour (Ash.)[vli_ press]
s'am.s proclaim; s'am.sa recitation, praise, curse (RV.)
sak be strong, be able; satta able (Pali); s'akti power (RV.); sakka Indra (Pali.Pkt.); s'akra mighty (esp. of Indra)(RV.); Indra; sak (Si.); s'akvan skilful, powerful (AV.VS.); saha strong (RV.Pkt.); -saha in cmpd. 'enduring' (Pali); sagh be strong or able; sagho strong (S.)
s'akara, s'akala chip, fragment; s'alka chip, shaving (TS.); sakka bark (Pkt.); hakh collection of splinters and twigs and driftwood etc. for fuel (K.); sakk chip, splinter, bark (P.); s'e_kar. bark of tree; s'a_kr.a_ bark (WPah.)
s.at.ka consisting of six (RVPra_t.); collection of six; chakka set of six (Pali); sak aggregate of six (M.)[s'as., s.at. six (RV.)]
sa_t.hi_, sa~_t.hi_ rice ripening in 60 days (H.)
s'akvara, s'a_kvara, s'an:kara bull; s'a_kvara mighty (of bull)(AV.); bull (VS.); hakhur, hakhoru bull, bullock (K.); s'akkoro well-developed bull-calf [kura small]; s'akkuro unbroken ox (WPah.); sarak-a_, harak-a_ bull (Si.)
sakkhara education (Pkt.); sa_ks.ara containing letters; eloquent; sa_khara literate (H.)
sa_ks.in witness; sakkhi (Pali)
s'akya_, s'iks.ati provide (RV.)
s'iks.an in: go_tra_ s'iks.an drive, bring (RV.); s'iks.ate_ moves (RV.); sak to be past (of time)(Av.); s.vask, sask, s.ukk, s.as.k go (Dha_tup.)[hakk shout; ha~_kai drives, directs (OAw.); haklan. to drive (L.)]
s'akat.a cart
s'akala chip, fragment, log (TS.)
s'akr.t dung (RV.)
s'aka a white-skinned tribe (AVParis'.)
s'an:k doubt, fear
s'an:ku peg (RV.); stake (Pali)
s'an:ku spike (RV.); spike, javelin (Pali); xa~ka_li a kind of fishing spear (A.); sa_n:gi_ pitchfork (P.); sa~_ga one fork of a forked stick (S.); s'akti spear; satti knife, dagger (Pali)
s'an:kha conch-shell (AV.); san:kha conch, mother-of-pearl (Pali)
s'an:kha part of an elephant's head between the tusks
sa~gh throat (L.); s'a~_gi_ (WPah.)
s'at. fall off, disintegrate, be destroyed, be depressed, be ill
sat. go
s'an.a hemp (AV.); xani, xeni inner stalk of rice straw (A.)
s'ata 100 (RV.)
s'atru enemy (RV.)
s'ad fall
s'adaka unhusked corn
s'ap swear, curse
s'aphara the fish cyprinus saphore; sabhara, sahara a fish (Pkt.)
s'ara_va a partic. measure (TS.); shallow cup or dish, its flat cover; sara_va cup, saucer (Pali); s'arava having a lid (KharI.)
s'avara, s'arvara spotted; s'abala spotted (RV.)
s'ambara a kind of deer; sa_mbar, sa_bar large kind of stag (H.); sa_mara_ pl. deer (OG.); sa~_bar a sort of elk, cervus elephas, cervus hippelephas, cervus aristotelis (M.); s'araha a kind of deer (AV.); s'uru the wild goat or markhor (Kt.); cervus horned animal (Lat.); so_ the mountain goat or markhor (Ash.)
s'am calm, rest
s'am receive
s'am cut up, perform ritual
s'amita_ rice-powder
s'ami_ pod,legume; s'imba; s'ima pl. husks (K.); hem pod of bean or pea (K.); si_mi_ bean, autumnal pulse (Ku.)
s'amba weapon used by Indra (RV.); iron head of pestle
s'ambu bivalve shell
s'ele~ thill-yoke (M.); samaila_ inner pins joining the two bars of the yoke of a plough (Bi.); soilo yoke-pin (N.)
s'eli_ grain, bran (Gypsy)
s'ar protect
s'ara reed from which arrows are made (RV.)
s'arad autumn (RV.)
s'aras cream, skin on boiled milk (VS.)
s'ara_d.i a kind of heron
s'al move
s'alabha grasshopper, locust, moth
s'ala_ka_ any small stake or stick; s'alya arrow, javelin (RV.)
s'almali the silk cotton tree bombax heptaphyllum (RV.)
s'as'a hare (RV.)
s'astra instrument for cutting [s'as cut]
s'a_kha_ branch (RV.)
s'a_t.a strip of cloth
s'a_ta falling; falling out, decaying (of hair, nails, etc.)[cetta (Te.)]
s'a_da young grass (RV.)
s'a_na whetstone
s'a_la_ shed, stable, house (AV.); s'a_lika_ house, shop
sa_ri maina; s'a_rika_ graculus religiosa or maina; mayan.a_ the bird graculus religiosa or maina (Pkt.)
sa_ri piece at chess (Pali); dice (OAw.); s'a_rika_ playing at chess; sa_ra piece in a game; die (Pkt.); s'a_ri chessman (Pali.Pkt.); sa_ri dice (OAw.)
sara_ string, garland, necklace (Pkt.)
sa_ri, sa_ir, sa_r row, series (B.); sa_r procession of Hindu women (L.)
sa_ri_ unhusked rice (S.); sa_ri growing or unhusked rice (Bi.); saria~_ rice (L.); s'a_li growing or unhusked rice; pl. grains of rice (R.); s'a_lika of rice; sa_li rice (Pali); xa_li principal variety of transplanted rice (A.)
s'a_va young of an animal; sa_va boy, child (Pkt.)
s'aweli_ pregnant (Kt.)
s'a_s order, punish
s'iks. learn
s'ikha_ tuft, topknot, crest
sita sharp (Pali)
siha_ru the shrub boehmeria salcifolia (having fibrous bark used for making net ropes)(P.)
s'iras head (RV.)
s'ila gathering stalks and ears of corn; silla_ ear of corn (P.); sillo ear of corn or maize (WPah.); silli_ grain and chaff ready for winnowing (Bi.)
s'ili_ dart, arrow ; s'il spear (Ash.);
s'ili_pr.s.t.ha epithet of a sword; s'el arrowhead (K.)
s'ili_indhra the fish mystus chitala; sil.inda the fish silundia gangeticus (Or.)
s'ila_ rock, crag (AV.)
s'il scum on water (K.)
s'ilpa artistic work; manual craft
s'iva auspicious (RV.)
s'isira cold (R.); cold season (AV.); s'i_tala cold
s'i_ lie down
s'i_ fall
susuka_ crocodile (Pali); sus (Ku.N.); sos (N.); susva_l. crocodile (G.);sesaru large crocodile or alligator (S.); sisa_r crocodile (L.); sosva_t., sosva_l. crocodile (G.); sus(v)ar (M.)
sisa_ solid grains of rice left after wing has blown away chaff (Or.)[s'e_s.a remainder; arrears of tax]
xukat.i dried fish (A.); sukut.i dried meat or fish (N.); sukt.i (B.)
tu_ka balance, weight (Ka.)
haum hen pheasant (K.); s'o_m (Kt.); sa~_-wacu_ hen monal pheasant (Ash.)
su_kaka barley, a bearded kind of wheat; su_a_, sua~_ a kind of grass and its seed, panicum frumentaceum, sarsaparilla (Or.); s'u_ka awn of grain (R.); su_ka awn of barley, etc. (Pali); su_a awn of rice, etc. (Pkt.); sua~_ beard of some grains (Or.); su_a_, suwa_ awn of rice, etc. (Pkt.)
s'ya_mala dark-coloured; sa~_valu title of Kr.s.n.a (S.); sa_ma black, dark, golden-coloured (Pali); dark, dark-blue (Pkt.)
sa_va_ grey, greyish, green (P.); s'ya_vya_ pl. darkness (RV.)
sua~_k, sa_u~k, sau~k wild rice (P.); soak a kind of millet (P.); sa_m a kind of autumn millet (Mth.); ha_ma the fodder grass panicum colonum (K.); s'ya_maka the millet panicum frumentaceum (VS.); sa_ma_ millet (B.); the millet panicum italicum; a medicinal plant (Pali); s'ya_ma_ a kind of plant (used for curing leprosy); s'a_ma_ (S'aunakaAV.); sa_vyan. straw of panicum frumentaceum (M.); sa~_wa_ a wild rice (Aw.); panicum frumentaceum (H.); sa~_wa, sa_ma_ (H.); sava~_k, sava_k the grass panicum colonum (L.); sa~_vak the grain ophismenus frumentaceus (L.); panicum colonum (P.)
su_ka_ dry; dry land (H.); s'us.ka dried (RV.)[s'us. dry]
su_a_ spit used in fishing (L.); turner's spindle, sprout, blade of grass (P.);
s'u_la spike, spit (RV.); su_la spit, trident (Pkt.)
s'uka parrot (RV.)
s'ukti oyster shell; sutti shell (Pkt.)
s'a_rn:ga made of horn; sam.ga (Pkt.); s.a_n:g horn (Pas'.); s.an:gala a small horn (Pas'.); ha~_gul the stag cervus wallichii (K.)
srun:g horn (Kho.); s'rung (Lor.); s.ugo (Sh.); sru_ horn (Av.); cu_ horn (Pr.); s.o_ (Tor.); so_ markhor (Ash.); co_w male markhor (Wg.); cerau_ (Yid.); s'r.nga horn (RV.); si~ghaut.a_ weapon-cleaner's polishing horn (Bi.); s.in.mo_u horn-altar (Kal.)
t.u~gar orphaned of one parent (Mth.)
s'us.n.a sun, fire; s'un:ga_r summer (Dm.)
sin:ga_ra erotic sentiment (Pali); sim.ga_ra adornment (Pkt.)
s'r.n:gi_ a partic. kind of fish; sin:gi (B.); sin.e a fish with hornlike projections (N.)
s'ulka price, value (RV.); tax, toll (AV.); dowry; sun:ka toll, tax, profit, purchase price of wife (Pali); cun:gi_ octroi duty, esp. tax on sale of grain (H.); cu~gi_ grain tax (G.); cun:kam (Ta.)
s'un:ga_ sheath or calyx of young bud; xun. awn of corn, anything pointed (A.); sun:g awn, hair of caterpillar (B.); su~_g, su~_gh beard of wheat (Bi.); s'un:gulu ear of corn with grain in it (Kho.); t.u~gna_ ear of wheat (Bi.); t.u~gni_ cutting ears without stalks (Bi.)
t.ukro piece, splinter (N.); t.hunko, t.hanko fragment, stroke (N.)
t.o~g point, beak (H.)
tu_n:ga, t.o~_ka scorpion (Wg.); d.am.ka bite, sting (Pkt.)
t.hu_t.ha_ hornless bullock (Bi.); t.hut.o hornless (N.); d.u~_d.a_ bullock with one horn (H.)
d.un.d.ri_ short tail of the Thal sheep (L.)
t.hun:ga_ lopped off, solitary (Or.) d.u~r.o lame (N.) t.hu~gna_ dwarfish (H.); t.he~gn.a_ dwarfish (M.)
t.hun.a_ blow with the knuckles (Or.); t.hokn.a_ to strike (P.); t.hokar blow (H.G.); d.uk blow with fist (H.)
s'una prosperity
d.u~r.h trough, wooden or bamboo water- channel, gutter (N.); d.un:gi dug-out canoe (Or.)
d.un.d. bare trunk of tree (P.); t.un.d. stump of branch (H.); t.ot.o piece of stick (S.); t.hum.t.ha stump (Pkt.); t.o~_t.i_ pipe (Bhoj.); t.hut.o stump (of tree or maize)(N.); t.hut.h stump (L.); t.un.d. stump of arm (H.)
so~t.a_, sot.a_ stout short stick (Bi.); so~t.a_ staff (M.)
su~_d.i elephant's trunk (S.); so~d. id. (M.); s'un.d.a_ elephant's trunk; son.d.a elephant's trunk (Pali); t.un.d.a trunk
su~d.hiyu~ inferior kind of large millet (G.); sun.d.ho stubble, roots of corn (S.); sun.d.ha_, sud.d.ha_, su~d.ha_ stubble (L.); sun.d.(h)-ga_h second treading out of corn after winnowing (L.); su_hur.a_ hull or bran of wheat; su_r.hi_, su_hur.i hull or bran of pulse (P.)
su~_d.i_, su~_r.i_ spirituous liquor (H.)
s'un.t.hi_ dry ginger
s'ubh shine; s'cand shine
sod(h)n.o to look for (Ku.); s'ujhn.u to see, witness (WPah.); su~_jhan.u to look about, spy here and there (S.)
sodha_, sudha_ to pay off (B.); sujhiba_ to clear (a debt), repay (Or.)
s'ulba, s'ulva string, cord; su~b fibrous integuments of coconut (M.)
sur.vu~ to cut off or pluck up weeds in a field of millet; su_r. simple, direct, straight (G.)
s'u_dra man of the fourth class (RV.); sudda (Pali); su_dar (P.)
s'r.ga_la jackal
sin:ghati smells (Pali); s'in:ghati smells (Dha_tup.)
s'r.n:khala chain; san:gal chain (P.); sa~_kal (H.)
s'r.n:kha_n.ika_ mucus of the nose
s'r._ crush
s'mas'a_na erection for burning dead (TS.)
s'mas'ru beard, mustache (RV.)
s'ye_na hawk, falcon, eagle (RV.)
s'yai congeal, freeze
s'ram.s, sram.s fall
s'raddha_ trust (RV.); desire
s'ranthayati ties, connects, arranges (Dha_tup.)[s'rath tie]
s'ram weary
s'rambh rest on
s'it.h, s'it. house (Bshk.)[s'i_t ladder (Kal.); si_ndi_ (Shum.); seni_ (H.)]
s'ra_ cook
s'ris. stick to
s'ris. be in, enter [s'ri be in, enter]
s'ri light, beauty (RV.); welfare, riches (AV.); siri_ prosperity (Pali.Pkt.); si_ (Pkt.)
s'ro_tra ear (RV.)[s'ru hear]
s're_n.i line, row, troop (RV.); se_n.i guild, division of army (Pali)
s'la_gh boast, praise
s'lis. stick to
s'van dog (RV.)
s'vas'ura husband's father (RV.)
s'vas breathe [s'us. breathe]
s'vas on the following day, tomorrow; s'uvas (RV.)
s'vi swell
s'vit white
s.t.hi_v spit
sa, so_ nom. sg. m. pron. and pronom. adj. he, that (RV.) sa- comitative prefix
san:kha_ number (Pali)
sam.gha association, a community
san:ghara with one's own family (Pali)
ja_n:gala desert region
sam.ja_ agreement; sa_n understanding (B.); sa~_j rule to make an offering to the spirits out of the new corn before eating it, faithfulness of the ground to yield its usual crop (M.); sa~_je~ vow (M.)
sa~gad. a body formed of two or more fruits or animals or men etc.linked together (M.)
sa~gad. part of a turner's apparatus (M.)
san:gha_, san:ga_ copulation (of animals)(Or.)
san:gha_, san:ga_ bamboo scaffolding inside triangular thatch (Or.)
sa~gad. float made of two canoes joined together (M.)[can:kat.am (Ta.); jan:gala double-canoe (Tu.)]
jagat men and animals (RV.); moving, living (RV.); jan:gama moving (AitUp.); jha~_k flock (H.); ja~_gl.i_ herdsman
jan:ga_la dyke
jan:gha_ shank (ankle to knee)(RV.)
jhan:g thicket (L.P.)
jan.al leopard (Ash.)
ja_n:gli_ boar
sacna_ to pile up, collect, store (H.); cayayati piles up (Dhat_tup.); cha_cua_ brick-layer (Or.); sa~cab to store (Mth.)
sajjana preparation, equipment [saj cling to]
saca_, sacca_ mould (P.)
saca_ra entrance, passage, road (Pali)
sam.dam.s'a tongs, pincers (AV.); san.d.a_sa_, sa~r.sa_ large pincers (H.); sa~_d.as pincers (G.); hand.is' goldsmith's pincers (K.); san.d.is' forceps (B.)
sa~_dh boundary (N.); joint (M.); sa~_d(h)i_ joint, chink (M.); handiya joint, knot (Si.)
sandh, sannh crack between two surfaces (P.)
sun agreement, settlement (Kt.); sand meeting, confluence (K.)
satth place where men and cattle assemble, brotherhood (L.)
sa~_th lease of land, rent for land (G.)
sam.put.a hemispherical bowl; hollow of hand (Pali)
sam.bha_ra bringing togerther; materials (AV.); sam.bha_ra collection, spices (Pkt.); xambha_r provisions, ingredients (A.); sambhr.ti equipment (Skt.) sam.bhata collected, stored (Pali); store of food (Pali)
sambhui_ fisherman's poled net (S.)
saktu coarsely ground meal (RV.); satu~_ parched grain (S.); satua_ flour of maize and other grain (Mth.); satthu barley meal (Pali)
sakthan, sakthi_ thigh, thigh-bone (RV.); satthi thigh (Pali)
sat.t.a exchanged (Pkt.)
sa~_d.h, sa~_d.hiyo camel (G.)
sac follow
sai yield of harvest, plenty (Ku.); la_u-sa_u gain (H.); sa_ti winning, gaining (RV.); sa_i_ earnest money (Aw.H.)[san win]
sant existing, real, true (RV.)[satya truth, true (RV.); promise (AV.)]
sanna deposited [sad sit]; sa_n anything given in pledge (G.); sun, hun, un seated (G.); haste_s.u sa_dayati (AV.)
sa_tam. pl. groups of 7 (OG.); sapta 7 (RV.); sa_t (Pas'.Kal.Tor.); id. (Kand.Mai.Phal.Sh.);id.(Ku.N.B.Mth.Bhoj.Aw.H.Marw.G.M.); xa_t (A.)
sama equal, alike, level (RV.)
saras lake, pool (RV.)
sarva all, whole (RV.)
sal move
sas sleep
sahas strength (RV.)[sah be strong]
sahasra 1000 (RV.); sahassa (Pali); jahasa, dahas (OSi.); sa~_s (Sh.); sa_s (K.Sh.)
sa_gara ocean
sa_ci_ aside (RV.)[ca_y incline (Ta.)]
sa_n.d.a uncastrated (of bull); sa_hn. bull (K.)
sa_dh accomplish
sa_ra heart-wood, value; essential (Pali)
sattha caravan (Pali.Pkt.)
sa_d. plus a half (K.); sa_rdha; sd.yumu of 1 1/2, 1 1/2 times (K.)
si fasten
sim.ha lion (RV.)
sittha, sittha_ bowstring (Pkt.)
siddha cooked (Pali.Pkt.); sidha_ provisions, food (Mth.); xidha_ raw food supplied to a guest (A.); si_dho undressed provisions (S.)
s'is.t.a left (AV.); sit.t.ha left over (Pali.Pkt.)[s'is. leave]
siktha lump of rice in a ball; si_th boiled rice (Mth.); s'i_ta rice (Konkan.i)
sikata_ grain of sand; sand, gravel (VS.)
sim.di_, sim.do_li_ date-palm (Pkt.); s'i~d wild date-palm (M.)
sindhu river, the Indus; flow (in general), sea (RV.)
sira_ vein, nerve, tendon (Pali)
siv sew
si_ta_ furrow, goddess of agriculture (RV.)
si_dhu spirituous liquor made from molasses; siva spirituous liquor from fermented rice (S.)
si_man parting of the hair (AV.); si_manta (AV.); si_ndhi parting in a woman's hair (S.); s'ite~, s'ita_ (M.); so~dha_ (P.)
si_ma_ boundary (Ya_j.); s'i~_v, s'i~v boundary of village or field (M.); si_m (G.); si~_ postp. till (S.L.); si_a~ boundary (L.); sima_n boundary (Mth.); siwa_na_ (H.)
sin point where boundaries of three villages meet (P.)
si_sa lead, leaden (VS.)
sundara beautiful
subh strike
subhaga beautiful, fortunate (RV.); saubha_gya prosperity, conjugal happiness (RV.)
suhaga borax (S.)
suran.u to creep (S.)
surun:ga, suran:ga subterranean passage, mine
somnakay, sovnakay, so_nakay gold ( Gypsy); suvarn.a of bright colour, golden (RV.); s'uddha clean, bright, white (RV.)[s'udh purify]; swern.o to sweep (Ku.); soharnu to clean (N.); s'o_dha purification
su_ provide, bring forth, bear (young)
su_kara boar (RV.)
su_ks.ma minute, fine
su_ci_ needle (RV.)
su_ji_ coarse flour (P.)
su_d make ready
sr.ti road, path (RV.); xar track in jungle (A.); sar.ak road (L.)[sr. move]
sr.j emit
sr.p creep
se_tu dam, bridge (RV.)
se_na_ army (RV.)
selli rope (Pkt.)
se_v wait on
so_ bind, engage
skand leap
skandha shoulder, upper part of back (AV.)
sku pick, poke, press, cover
skud leap on, thrust
skubh hinder
skus. strike, tear away
skr. do
kher dust (G.)
skhad cut
skhal stumble
stan roar
stana female breast, nipple, udder (RV.); thana (Pali)
stambh make or be firm; skambh make firm
stara layer
stavana praise [stu praise]
stigh step
stim be wet
stibhi clump, cluster, bunch; the_h village (L.); theh mound formed by ruins of a town (P.); t.hya_ raised platform on which an idol is placed (Ku.); t.hiya_ mound, heap, lump (H.)
thipa, thipa_ a drop, round mark (Pkt.); thippai dissolves (Pkt.)[stip ooze, drip]
stup strike, obstruct
stubh chant
stubh stop
stu_pa tuft of hair, crest (RV.)
str. strew
str. star (RV.)
sto_ka drop (RV.)
styai coagulate
stri_ woman, wife (RV.)
sthal be firm
shtala dry land (TS.); thala dry ground (Pali)
stha_ stand (skt.) stha_na firm stance (AV.); place of abode (RV.); shape, form; tha_na dwelling place (K.)
stha_li_ earthen dish; tha_li_ plate, dish (Pali)
sthu_n.a_ post, pillar (RV.)
sthu_ra big, strong (RV.); lower part of thigh; buttocks, ankles; parts of a horse (VS.)
snasa_ tendon, muscle
sna_ bathe
snih be wet, be unctuous, be loving
spas' see
spas' bind
spr.h be eager
sphat. burst, split; sphut. burst
sphar move rapidly, twitch, throb; sphal move quickly, quiver, jerk; sphul throb; sphur dart, twitch
sphar swell, abound
spha_y swell
sphit. be damaged; phid.ai falls, is broken (Pkt.)
spho_t.a swelling, boil
smi smile
smr. remember
sya_la wife's brother (RV.); sa_laka wife's younger brother (Pali)
sru flow
sva one's own (RV.)
svad relish
svan sound
svap sleep; supta asleep (VS.)
svasti good fortune (RV.); sotthi well-being (Pali); satthi (Pkt.); svastika auspicious mark (R.); sotthika auspicious (Pali); satthia (Pkt.)
svid sweat
svr. sound
ham.sa swan
hakk shout
hat.t.a market, fair
had defecate
han strike, kill
hari golden, yellow (RV.); za_r grass (Wg.)
hilln.a_ to shake, be moved (P.); hala plough; hallai moves (Pkt.); halo attack (S.)[ale, alaku to shake (Ka.)]
has laugh
hastin having hands, clever with the hands (RV.)
ha_ spring forward
ha_ abandon
ha_ra taking away
hi impel, send
him.s hurt, kill
hikk hiccup
hilati behaves amorously (Dha_tup.)
hid. anger
hu offers libation
hr. take, carry
hr.s. bristle, be glad
he_manta winter (RV.)[hima snow]
he_l despise
hre_s. neigh [he_s. neigh]
hnu hide
hla_d rejoice
hval go crookedly [hvr. crookedly]
hve_ call; a_hava