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Fish signs

Fish on miniature tablets, Harappa (a) H-302; (b) 3452; after Vats 1940: II, 452 B. Parpola, 1994, p. 194.
Fish-shaped tablet (3428), Harappa with incised text; eye is a dotted circle; after Vats 1940: II, pl. 95, no.428; Parpola, 1994, p. 194.
h872B.jpg (2286 bytes) h872b tablet in bas-relief; alligator catching a fish in its jaws.
h884A.jpg (1282 bytes)h884A
h884B.jpg (1135 bytes)h884B
h884 incised tablet with a fish depicted on one side (B).
M009a.jpg (12398 bytes)
sign180.jpg (1027 bytes)sign181.jpg (1062 bytes)Signs 180, 181 have variants.Varia180.jpg (8213 bytes)Varia181.jpg (335 bytes)
Fish signs (and variants) seem to be differentiated from, perhaps a loop of threads formed on a loom or loose fringes of a garment. This may be seen from the seal M-9 which contains the signsign180variantm009.jpg (1646 bytes)Sign 180


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